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| '''Here begins the text and recital of the long sword. Firstly, make a good positioning<ref>pose,stance</ref> and stretch your arms free. Whatever you then fence, prepare yourself thusly.
| '''Here begins the text and recital of the long sword. Firstly, make good position<ref>pose,stance</ref> and stretch your arms free. Whatever you then fence, prepare yourself thusly.
| '''[2r] <u><span style="color:#A40000">H</span>'''yr hebet sich aen der text vnd <span style="color:#A40000">z</span>edell ym langen sweerd <span style="color:#A40000">Z</span>om eersten mach gudt bossenn vnd streck dy arm fry wastu dan fichts das wapent sich.</u>
| '''[2r] <u><span style="color:#A40000">H</span>'''yr hebet sich aen der text vnd <span style="color:#A40000">z</span>edell ym langen sweerd <span style="color:#A40000">Z</span>om eersten mach gudt bossenn vnd streck dy arm fry wastu dan fichts das wapent sich.</u>
| Item. Understand the .F. hews as so: The over-hew from the right shoulder with the long edge and make [a] positioning with your left foot. Also similarly, the left over-hew make [a] positioning with the right foot and hew with the long edge plunging through your opponent’s head, etc
| Item. Understand the .F. hews as so: The over-hew from the right shoulder with the long edge and make [a] positioning with your left foot. Also similarly, the left over-hew make position with the right foot and hew with the long edge plunging through your opponent’s head, etc
| '''<span style="color:#A40000">I</span>'''tem dy .<span style="color:#A40000">V</span>. hewe vernym also, den ouer hewe van der rechter achselin myt langer snyden vnd mach bossen myt dem lincken voysz des glichen yst auch der linck ouer hewe mach bossen myt dem rechten voysz vnd hawe myt der langen snyden durch ym deen koff ym stortz :-
| '''<span style="color:#A40000">I</span>'''tem dy .<span style="color:#A40000">V</span>. hewe vernym also, den ouer hewe van der rechter achselin myt langer snyden vnd mach bossen myt dem lincken voysz des glichen yst auch der linck ouer hewe mach bossen myt dem rechten voysz vnd hawe myt der langen snyden durch ym deen koff ym stortz :-
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| Item. One shall hew according to these figures, all hews through the face with outstretched arms and make a good positioning in all things, so you do not doubt yourself
| Item. One shall hew according to these figures, all hews through the face with outstretched arms and make good position in all things, so you do not doubt yourself
| <span style="color:#A40000">I</span>tem nach deser figuren sall man hewen, alle hewe durch das gesicht mit gestreckten armen vnd mach gut bossen yn allen dyngen so mach dir nyt misseligen.
| <span style="color:#A40000">I</span>tem nach deser figuren sall man hewen, alle hewe durch das gesicht mit gestreckten armen vnd mach gut bossen yn allen dyngen so mach dir nyt misseligen.
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| Item. Also understand the four liers thusly: Lay your sword upon the right shoulder and set your body<ref>alt: lift. lyff is a variant spelling of lupf/luft, lauf and leib. Lupf is a quick starting movement. Luft is a lift. Leib is a body. Lauf is a run.</ref> in the scales with a good positioning, Also similarly is the left over-lier, place your right foot forward.
| Item. Also understand the four liers thusly: Lay your sword upon the right shoulder and set your body<ref>alt: lift. lyff is a variant spelling of lupf/luft, lauf and leib. Lupf is a quick starting movement. Luft is a lift. Leib is a body. Lauf is a run.</ref> in the scales with good position, Also similarly is the left over-lier, place your right foot forward.
| <span style="color:#A40000">I</span>tem dy veyr leger vernym al so. lege das swert vff dy rechte aschel vnd setz dyn liff yn wage myt guden bossen des glychen yst auch der lynck ouerleger stell den rechten voyß vur.
| <span style="color:#A40000">I</span>tem dy veyr leger vernym al so. lege das swert vff dy rechte aschel vnd setz dyn liff yn wage myt guden bossen des glychen yst auch der lynck ouerleger stell den rechten voyß vur.
| Understand the right under-lier thusly: place your left foot forward and place the sword with the hilt upon the right leg, the point against the face of the opponent. Also similarly the left under-lier: turn the point of the sword against the face of the opponent.
| Understand the right under-lier thusly: place your left foot forward and lay the sword with the hilt upon the right leg, the point against the face of the opponent. Also similarly the left under-lier: turn the point of the sword against the face of the opponent.
| <span style="color:#A40000">D</span>as rechte vnder leger v[er]nym also stell den lyncken voyß vur vnd lege das swert myt dem geholtz '''[3v]''' vff das rechte beyn den ort dem man gegent das gesicht, des glich yst auch der linck vnder leger keer das swert denn ort dem mann gegen das gesicht.
| <span style="color:#A40000">D</span>as rechte vnder leger v[er]nym also stell den lyncken voyß vur vnd lege das swert myt dem geholtz '''[3v]''' vff das rechte beyn den ort dem man gegent das gesicht, des glich yst auch der linck vnder leger keer das swert denn ort dem mann gegen das gesicht.
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| '''Item: Here now follows the wrestling.'''
| '''Item: Here now follows the wrestling.'''
When you wish to wrestle, then set your body in the scales and make a good position. If he grabs you low or high, then you can it with these following written plays, etc.
When you wish to wrestle, then set your body in the scales and make good position. If he grabs you low or high, then you can it with these following written plays, etc.
| '''[10v]''' <u><span style="color:#A40000">I</span>tem hy na volgt das <span style="color:#A40000">R</span>yngen.</u>
| '''[10v]''' <u><span style="color:#A40000">I</span>tem hy na volgt das <span style="color:#A40000">R</span>yngen.</u>
<span style="color:#A40000">W</span>an du wylt ryngen so setz dyn lyb yn de wage vnd mach guytten bossen er gryff dych neder ader hoech so kanstu es yme brechen myt desen nach geschryffen stucken:-
<span style="color:#A40000">W</span>an du wylt ryngen so setz dyn lyb yn de wage vnd mach guytten bossen er gryff dych neder ader hoech so kanstu es yme brechen myt desen nach geschryffen stucken:-
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| Item: If you wrestle an opponent and they are stronger than you [and] he grabs at you with one hand, then grab him with the over middle weak, shove him from you and grab him by the left under weak with the inverted hand and set the elbow in the heart's-keel, back him and shove him each other, etc.
| Item: If you wrestle an opponent and they are stronger than you [and] he grabs at you with one hand, then grab him with the over middle weak, shove him from you and grab him by the left under weak with the inverted hand and set the elbow in theheart's-keel, back him and shove him each other, etc.
| Item <u>so du myt eynem</u> ryngen salt der starcker ist dan du myt eyner hant gryfft er na dyr so gryff yn mit der ober myttell swech stoeß yn van dyr vnd gryff yn myt der verkeyrder hant by der lincken vnder swech vnd setz ym den elbogen yn dat hertz kuyll ruck yn vnd stoeß yn myt eyn ander:-
| Item <u>so du myt eynem</u> ryngen salt der starcker ist dan du myt eyner hant gryfft er na dyr so gryff yn mit der ober myttell swech stoeß yn van dyr vnd gryff yn myt der verkeyrder hant by der lincken vnder swech vnd setz ym den elbogen yn dat hertz kuyll ruck yn vnd stoeß yn myt eyn ander:-
| Item: Wrestling from the forks. Position yourself in the fork grip, one with the right hand to you near an under weak, then hold him there with the forks and back him into you so he must fall or the arm must break, etc.
| Item: Wrestling from the forks. Place yourself in the fork grip, one with the right hand to you near an under weak, then hold him there with the forks and back him into you so he must fall or the arm must break, etc.
| <span style="color:#A40000">I</span>tem ryngen vß der Gabelen. stell dych in dy gabell gryfft eyn myt der rechter hant zo dyr na eyner vnder swech so sytz ym dar vff myt der gabelen vnd ruck yn Zo dyr so moeß er vallenader der arm moeß brechen:-
| <span style="color:#A40000">I</span>tem ryngen vß der Gabelen. stell dych in dy gabell gryfft eyn myt der rechter hant zo dyr na eyner vnder swech so sytz ym dar vff myt der gabelen vnd ruck yn Zo dyr so moeß er vallenader der arm moeß brechen:-
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| Item: Whoever can make his art measured and it unforgotten and holds his sword up high, they are good against four others in conflict, etc.
| Item: Whoever can make his art measured and it unforgotten [to himself] and holds his sword up high, they are good against four others in conflict, etc.
| <u><span style="color:#A40000">I</span>tem wer macht syn</u> konst gemessen. vnd dy vnuergessen.vnd helt syn swert yn hoyt. der yst vur ander .iij. ym streydt guett:-
| <u><span style="color:#A40000">I</span>tem wer macht syn</u> konst gemessen. vnd dy vnuergessen.vnd helt syn swert yn hoyt. der yst vur ander .iij. ym streydt guett:-
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| Item. Understand the four positions thusly: Set your body<ref>alt: lift. lyff is a variant spelling of lupf/luft, lauf and leib. Lupf is a quick starting movement. Luft is a lift. Leib is a body. Lauf is a run.</ref> from four points<ref>alt: corners, angles, extremities, spots, places</ref> in the scales. Take the messer upon the right shoulder and set the left foot forward in positioning. Whatever one cuts or thrusts, so that you can break it, etc.
| Item. Understand the four liers thusly: Set your body<ref>alt: lift. lyff is a variant spelling of lupf/luft, lauf and leib. Lupf is a quick starting movement. Luft is a lift. Leib is a body. Lauf is a run.</ref> from four points<ref>alt: corners, angles, extremities, spots, places</ref> in the scales. Take the messer upon the right shoulder and set the left foot forward in position. Whatever one cuts or thrusts, so that you can break it, etc.
| '''[13v]''' <span style="color:#A40000">I</span>tem dy <u>veyr leger vernym</u> also. setz dyn lyff<sup> vß </sup>vyer orten yn dy wage Nym das meßer vff dy rechte schulder vnd setz den lincken voyß vur yn bossen was der man slecht ader stycht das kanstu ym brechen:-
| '''[13v]''' <span style="color:#A40000">I</span>tem dy <u>veyr leger vernym</u> also. setz dyn lyff<sup> vß </sup>vyer orten yn dy wage Nym das meßer vff dy rechte schulder vnd setz den lincken voyß vur yn bossen was der man slecht ader stycht das kanstu ym brechen:-
| Item. The left over-position is also the same. Lay the messer upon the left shoulder and put the right foot forward in positioning, etc.
| Item. The left over-lier is also the same. Lay the messer upon the left shoulder and place the right foot forward in position, etc.
| <span style="color:#A40000">I</span>tem des glychen yst auch das linck ouerleger lege das meßer vff dy linck aschel vnd stelle den recht voyß vur yn boßenn:-
| <span style="color:#A40000">I</span>tem des glychen yst auch das linck ouerleger lege das meßer vff dy linck aschel vnd stelle den recht voyß vur yn boßenn:-
| Item. Understand the right under-position thusly: Put the left foot forward in positioning and lay the messer upon you right leg, the point against the visage of the man, so that you see whatever he will deploy, etc.
| Item. Understand the right under-lier thusly: Place the left foot forward in position and lay the messer upon you right leg, the point against the face of the man, so that you see whatever he will deploy, etc.
| <span style="color:#A40000">I</span>tem das recht vnder leger vernym also stell den lincken voyß vur yn boßen vnd lech das meßer vff das rechte beyn den ort dem man gegen das gesycht so sychstu was er dryben wyll:-
| <span style="color:#A40000">I</span>tem das recht vnder leger vernym also stell den lincken voyß vur yn boßen vnd lech das meßer vff das rechte beyn den ort dem man gegen das gesycht so sychstu was er dryben wyll:-
| Item. The left under-position is also the same. Set the pommel upon the left leg, the point against the visage of the man. Whatever one cuts or thrusts, so that you can break him and make a good positioning thus are you prepared and no one can find an opening of yours, etc.
| Item. The left under-lier is also the same. Set the pommel upon the left leg, the point against the face of the man. Whatever one cuts or thrusts, so that you can break it and make good position thus are you prepared and no one can find you open, etc.
| <span style="color:#A40000">I</span>tem des glychen yst auch das linck vnder leger setzden knauff vff das lincke beyn den ort dem man gegen das gesycht was er sleycht ader stycht das kanstu ym brechen vnd mach gut bossenn so bystu ge-wapent vnd dich kan keyn man bloyß vynden:-
| <span style="color:#A40000">I</span>tem des glychen yst auch das linck vnder leger setzden knauff vff das lincke beyn den ort dem man gegen das gesycht was er sleycht ader stycht das kanstu ym brechen vnd mach gut bossenn so bystu ge-wapent vnd dich kan keyn man bloyß vynden:-
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| Item. A good play from the right over-position. If someone strikes-in correctly to your right over-opening, then displace him from the bow and then cut-down his outer-opening, etc.
| Item. A good play from the right over-lier. If someone strikes-in correctly to your right over-opening, then displace him from the bow and then cut-down his outer-opening, etc.
| <span style="color:#A40000">I</span>tem eyn gŭt stŭck vß dem rechten oŭerleger, sleyt / eyn man dyr recht nach dyner rechten oŭerbloyß / so versetz ym vß dem bogell vnd dan slach ym na / der vßer bloyß:-
| <span style="color:#A40000">I</span>tem eyn gŭt stŭck vß dem rechten oŭerleger, sleyt / eyn man dyr recht nach dyner rechten oŭerbloyß / so versetz ym vß dem bogell vnd dan slach ym na / der vßer bloyß:-
| Item. A play from the left over-position. If someone strikes-in to your parrying the wrath-hew, then displace him with the long-stab and cut him through the face to the inside-opening, etc.
| Item. A play from the left over-lier. If someone strikes-in to your displacing the wrath-hew, then displace him with the long-stab and cut him through the face to the inside-opening, etc.
| <span style="color:#A40000">I</span>tem eyn stŭck vß dem lincken oŭerleger, sleyt eyn man na dyr versatzŭnng dem zorn hewe. so versetz ym myt dem langen stych vnd slach ym dŭrch das gesycht nach ynwynicher bloyß:-
| <span style="color:#A40000">I</span>tem eyn stŭck vß dem lincken oŭerleger, sleyt eyn man na dyr versatzŭnng dem zorn hewe. so versetz ym myt dem langen stych vnd slach ym dŭrch das gesycht nach ynwynicher bloyß:-
| Item. A play from the right under-position. If the opponent stabs the wrath-stab into you, shove him aside with the hanging-point and cut one, two or three strikes to his nearest opening, etc.
| Item. A play from the right under-lier. If the opponent stabs the wrath-stab into you, shove him off with the hanging-point and cut one, two or three strikes to his nearest opening, etc.
| '''[14v]''' <span style="color:#A40000">I</span>tem eyn stuck vß dem <u>rechten vnder</u> leger, stycht derman den zorn stych zo dyr, stoyß ym abe myt hangenden ort vnd slach ym nach der nechsten bloyß eyn streych zween ader dry:-
| '''[14v]''' <span style="color:#A40000">I</span>tem eyn stuck vß dem <u>rechten vnder</u> leger, stycht derman den zorn stych zo dyr, stoyß ym abe myt hangenden ort vnd slach ym nach der nechsten bloyß eyn streych zween ader dry:-
| Item. A play from the left under-position. If someone strikes-in into you, then displace him with the bow and cut to the nearest outside-opening, so he must flee or become struck, etc.
| Item. A play from the left under-lier. If someone strikes-in into you, then displace him with the bow and cut to the nearest outside-opening, so he must flee or become struck, etc.
| <span style="color:#A40000">I</span>tem eyn stuck vß dem linck vnder leger. sleyt eyn man zo dyr so versetz ym myt dem bogell vnd slach ym nach der nechsten vsenbloyß so moyß er wychen ader wyrt geslagen:-
| <span style="color:#A40000">I</span>tem eyn stuck vß dem linck vnder leger. sleyt eyn man zo dyr so versetz ym myt dem bogell vnd slach ym nach der nechsten vsenbloyß so moyß er wychen ader wyrt geslagen:-
| Item. A play called the alley-hew. If you see one or two stand before you, then freely hew from the right side and renew from the left, freely as well from one into the other, so they must flee or become struck, etc.
| Item. A play called the alley-hew. If you see one or two stand before you, then freely hew from the right side and fresh off from the left, as freely [as can be] from one into the other, so they must flee or become struck, etc.
| <span style="color:#A40000">I</span>tem eyn stuck heyst der <u>gaßen hewer</u> sychstu eyn ader zween vur dyr staen so hew fry v§ der rechtersyten vnd frysch vff vß der lincken als fry van eym ynden andern so moyßen sy wychen ader verdenn geslagen:-
| <span style="color:#A40000">I</span>tem eyn stuck heyst der <u>gaßen hewer</u> sychstu eyn ader zween vur dyr staen so hew fry v§ der rechtersyten vnd frysch vff vß der lincken als fry van eym ynden andern so moyßen sy wychen ader verdenn geslagen:-
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| Item. A play from the oxen.<ref>alt: armpit. It is clear here that there is a pun between ocksen and uchsen. The same word is being used in two ways in this manuscript.</ref> Jab the point strongly against visage of the man and cut him with the wing-hew under his right oxen, etc.
| Item. A play from the oxen.<ref>alt: armpit. It is clear here that there is a pun between ocksen and uchsen. The same word is being used in two ways in this manuscript.</ref> Jab the point strongly against face of the man and cut him with the wing-hew under his right oxen, etc.
| <span style="color:#A40000">I</span>tem eyn stuck vß dem <u>ocksen</u> stoeß den ort dem man starck gegen das gesycht vnd slach yn mit dem flogell hew vnder syn rechten ockßen:-
| <span style="color:#A40000">I</span>tem eyn stuck vß dem <u>ocksen</u> stoeß den ort dem man starck gegen das gesycht vnd slach yn mit dem flogell hew vnder syn rechten ockßen:-
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| Item. A play called the plow. Drive the plow from both sides and do not hesitate. Separate with steps and furiously work him from one opening to the other, etc.
| Item. A play called the plow. Drive the plow from both sides and do not hesitate. Separate with steps and furiously work him from one opening to the other, etc.
| <span style="color:#A40000">I</span>tem eyn stuck ym <u>ployg</u>. fuer den plogg van bey'''[15v]'''den syten vnd suem dych nyt. myt<sup> schryden </sup>scheyd vnd arbeyde ym swynde van eyner bloeß zo der andern:-
| <span style="color:#A40000">I</span>tem eyn stuck ym <u>ployg</u>. fuer den plogg van bey'''[15v]'''den syten vnd suem dych nyt. myt<sup> schryden </sup>scheyd vnd arbeyde ym swynde van eyner bloeß zo der andern:-
| Item. A play called the sprout<ref>alt: the shoot, the bud, the bloom; alt: the peasant-servant(pauernknecht)</ref>. Yank-out the messer from the bind to the right side and yank-out with an inverted hand and hew to the outer-opening, etc.
| Item. A play called the blooming removal. Bind the messer upon the right side and yank-out with an inverted hand and hew for the outer-opening, etc.
| <span style="color:#A40000">I</span>tem eyn stuck heyst <u>der brozße vß zuch</u> bint das meßer vff dy rechte syt vnd zuch vß myt verkerter hant vnd hew na der vßer bloeß:-
| <span style="color:#A40000">I</span>tem eyn stuck heyst <u>der brozße vß zuch</u> bint das meßer vff dy rechte syt vnd zuch vß myt verkerter hant vnd hew na der vßer bloeß:-
| Item. When a person shall pull from the sheath. Let the opponent pull-out first before you. If he then hews the wrath-hew, then yank-out to the hand of his, follow-after him with the golden hew, etc.
| Item. When a person shall draw from the sheath. Let the opponent draw-out first before you. If he then hews the wrath-hew, then yank-out to the hand of his, follow-after him with the golden hew, etc.
| <span style="color:#A40000">I</span>tem wy eyn man van <u>scheiden zyn</u> sall. layß den man eerst vß zehen dan du. hewet er den zorn hew zo zuck vß ym nach der hant volge ym nach mit dem gulden hew:-
| <span style="color:#A40000">I</span>tem wy eyn man van <u>scheiden zyn</u> sall. layß den man eerst vß zehen dan du. hewet er den zorn hew zo zuck vß ym nach der hant volge ym nach mit dem gulden hew:-
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| Item. Ward whatever the plow deploys first. Cut furiously to the scalper with the long edge, If you hit him from the plow so that you are not allowed the break, then do not go so high with the head.
| Item. Ward whatever the plow deploys first. Cut furiously out with the long edge according to the scalper so you hit him from the plow. Do not allow yourself to go too high with the head at the break.
| <span style="color:#A40000">I</span>tem wert was dry <u>ployg</u> e<sup>e</sup>rnt. slach swyn[d] vßer myt der langen snyden nach dem schedeler. so dryffs du yn vß dem ployg. zo dem broch layß dyr nyt zo ga[n]g mit dem kopf nyt zo hoyg:-
| <span style="color:#A40000">I</span>tem wert was dry <u>ployg</u> e<sup>e</sup>rnt. slach swyn[d] vßer myt der langen snyden nach dem schedeler. so dryffs du yn vß dem ployg. zo dem broch layß dyr nyt zo ga[n]g mit dem kopf nyt zo hoyg:-
| <poem style="font-weight:bold; text-decoration:underline;">Item. If you wish to show art,  
| <poem style="font-weight:bold; text-decoration:underline;">Item. If you wish to examine the art,  
advance yourself left and right with hews, etc.<ref>Liechtenauer verse.</ref></poem>
advance yourself left and right with hewing, etc.<ref>Liechtenauer verse.</ref></poem>
| <poem style="font-weight:bold; text-decoration:underline;">[16r] <span style="color:#A40000">I</span>tem wyltu konst schauwen
| <poem style="font-weight:bold; text-decoration:underline;">[16r] <span style="color:#A40000">I</span>tem wyltu konst schauwen
sych linck geen vnd recht myt hewenn:-</poem>
sych linck geen vnd recht myt hewenn:-</poem>
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| Item. A break for the triangle. If you see that someone will break the triangle, then pull the right foot behind you and hew yourself strongly fromm the opponent to the next opening, that is no shame for you, etc.
| Item. A break for the triangle. If you see that someone will break the triangle, then pull the right foot behind you and hew yourself strongly from the opponent to the next opening, that is no shame for you, etc.
| <span style="color:#A40000">I</span>tem eyn broch vuer den <u>dryangell</u>. so du suchs das eyner den dryangell bruchen wyll. so zuck den rechten voyß hynder dich vnd hew dich starck van dem man das yst dyr keyn schande nach der nechster bloeß:-
| <span style="color:#A40000">I</span>tem eyn broch vuer den <u>dryangell</u>. so du suchs das eyner den dryangell bruchen wyll. so zuck den rechten voyß hynder dich vnd hew dich starck van dem man das yst dyr keyn schande nach der nechster bloeß:-
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! id="thin" | <p>Images</p>
! id="thin" | <p>Images</p>
! <p>{{rating|C}}<br/>by [[James Wallhausen]]</p>
! <p>{{rating|B}}<br/>by [[Christian Trosclair]]</p>
! <p>Transcription<br/>by [[Dieter Bachmann]]</p>
! <p>Transcription<br/>by [[Dieter Bachmann]]</p>
| Note: a free technique in the short dagger. The opponent tries to stab you with a lower scornful stab, so fall in thereof with the “skinner” back in free at you so you may take the dagger or break the arm :~
| Item: A free play of the short dagger. If an opponent stabs at you with the under wrath-stab, then fall upon that with the encapsuling. Back him freely into you so the dagger or arm must break, etc.
| <span style="color:#A40000">I</span>tem eyn<sup> fry </sup>stuck ym <u>kortzen degen</u>. stycht eyn man zo dyr mit dem vnder zorn stych so val ym dar vffmit der gaffelen. ruck yn fry zo dyr so moyß der degen ader arm brechenn:-
| <span style="color:#A40000">I</span>tem eyn<sup> fry </sup>stuck ym <u>kortzen degen</u>. stycht eyn man zo dyr mit dem vnder zorn stych so val ym dar vffmit der gaffelen. ruck yn fry zo dyr so moyß der degen ader arm brechenn:-
| Note: yet one technique from the lower stab hit him with the outer hand both point placed in the point toward the chest and grasp him with the left hand on the hip so he may similarly stab :~
| Item: Again a play from the under stab. Hit him with the outer hand by the point. Set the point against his chest and grab him with the left hand on the hip so he must stab himself, etc.
| <span style="color:#A40000">I</span>tem aber eyn stuck <u>vß dem vnder stych</u> dryff ym mit vßer hant byde ort setz ym den ort gegen dy brost vnd gryff yn mit der lincker hant an das hefft so moyß er sych seluer stechenn:-
| <span style="color:#A40000">I</span>tem aber eyn stuck <u>vß dem vnder stych</u> dryff ym mit vßer hant byde ort setz ym den ort gegen dy brost vnd gryff yn mit der lincker hant an das hefft so moyß er sych seluer stechenn:-
| Note: he stabs at you with an upper scornful stab, so you grasp with the left hand supinated by the little weak so that you break the arm or make him drop his dagger :~
| Item: If the opponent stabs the over wrath stab at you, then grab with the left hand inverted by the little weak so that you break his arm or the dagger must fall, etc.
| <span style="color:#A40000">I</span>tem stycht eyner den <u>ouer zorn</u> stych zo dyr so gryff mit der lincker hant verkeret. by der kleyner swecht '''[17r]''' so brychstu ym den arm ader der degen moyß fallen:-
| <span style="color:#A40000">I</span>tem stycht eyner den <u>ouer zorn</u> stych zo dyr so gryff mit der lincker hant verkeret. by der kleyner swecht '''[17r]''' so brychstu ym den arm ader der degen moyß fallen:-
| Note: a good technique against a Throwing-spear. A man stabs at you thus undergo in with the hanging point and grip him with the left hand behind the Toggle [of the spear] and strike him with the messer near his hand so that you can take his spear :~
| Item: A good play for a throwing-spear<ref>a small spear often on a cord, thrown from a free hand</ref>. If an opponent stabs at you, then go beneath him with a hanging point and grab him with the left hand behind the ball of cord and strike at his hand with the messer so that you take the spear, etc.
| <span style="color:#A40000">I</span>tem eyn gut stuck ouer eynen <u>wyrfspeyß</u>. stycht eyn man zo dyr so vnderganck ym myt hangenden ort vnd gryff ym myt der lincker hant hynder den kneuell vnd slach ym mit dem messer na der hant. so nymstu ym den speyß:-
| <span style="color:#A40000">I</span>tem eyn gut stuck ouer eynen <u>wyrfspeyß</u><ref>a small spear often on a cord, thrown from a free hand</ref>. stycht eyn man zo dyr so vnderganck ym myt hangenden ort vnd gryff ym myt der lincker hant hynder den kneuell vnd slach ym mit dem messer na der hant. so nymstu ym den speyß:-
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! id="thin" | <p>Images</p>
! id="thin" | <p>Images</p>
! <p>{{rating|C}}<br/>by [[James Wallhausen]]</p>
! <p>{{rating|B}}<br/>by [[Christian Trosclair]]</p>
! <p>Transcription<br/>by [[Dieter Bachmann]]</p>
! <p>Transcription<br/>by [[Dieter Bachmann]]</p>

Revision as of 03:24, 23 May 2017

MS Best.7020 (W*)150, Historisches Archiv
Cologne, Germany

ff 1v - 2r
Date ca. 1500
Language(s) Early New High German
Author(s) Unknown
Size 22 folia
Format Double-sided
External data Handschriftencensus
Treatise scans Microfilm scans
Other translations Traduction française

Fechtregeln ("Fencing Rules"; MS Bestand 7020 (W*)150) is an anonymous German fencing manual created around the turn of the 16th century.[1] It resided in the holdings of the Historisches Archiv der Stadt Köln in Cologne, Germany, but was unfortunately housed in the wing of the Archive that collapsed in 3 March 2009;[2] its current status is unknown, and it may be lost or destroyed. Fechtregeln, also sometimes called the "Kölner Fechtbuch" (Fencing Manual of Cologne), contains a few verses resembling Johannes Liechtenauer's Recital, but it has few other obvious parallels to the teachings of the high master.[1] However, as James Wallhausen points out, it does bear a certain resemblance to the syllabus of the Marxbrüder fencing guild as described by Hans Sachs.[3]


The known provenance of the MS Bestand 7020 (W*)150 is:

  • Created in ca. 1500[1] by an anonymous scribe; the dialect of German used in the text (Ripuarian) suggests an origin in Cologne, Germany.[4]
  • before 1824 – acquired by scholar and collector Ferdinand Franz Wallraf (donated upon his death, 1824).
  • 1824-2009 – held by the Historisches Archiv der Stadt Köln (potentially destroyed, 2009).
  • 2009-present – status unknown.


2r - 8r
10v - 12r
13r - 16v
16v - 17r
21v - 22r


Front Cover
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Folio 1r
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Folio 21r
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Folio 22r
Folio 22v
Inside Cover
Back Cover

Additional Resources


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Matthias Johannes Bauer. "Köln, Hist. Archiv der Stadt, Best. 7020 (W*) 150". Handschriftencensus. Eine Bestandsaufnahme der handschriftlichen Überlieferung deutschsprachiger Texte des Mittelalters. October, 2009. Retrieved 7 July 2012.
  2. Newspaper article Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung 01.03.2010
  3. James Wallhausen. "The Fight-Lore of the Long Sword From the Kölner Fechtbuch (MS Best.7020)". Paleoeskirmology Historical Combat Systems. Retrieved 24 June 2012.
  4. Handschriftencensus Rheinland. Erfassung mittelalterlicher Handschriften im rheinischen Landesteil von Nordrhein-Westfalen mit einem Inventar. Ed. Günter Gattermann. 1993. Vol. 2, pp. 1319f. (Nr. 2488)
  5. pose,stance
  6. ‘Schielen II’, oblique, like a schielhau. alt: shield. alt: dishonestly. alt: scoldingly
  7. Two cuts, first with the back edge like a schielhau, the second with the back edge like the stürtzhau
  8. Auskehren
  9. A proverb similar to the one also found in Kal (Cgm 1507, 6r)
  10. alt: lift. lyff is a variant spelling of lupf/luft, lauf and leib. Lupf is a quick starting movement. Luft is a lift. Leib is a body. Lauf is a run.
  11. The Wing Hew in accordance with Hans Sach’s account, flügel; appears in Pauernfeindt; “Wing [La Noble Science des Ioueurs Despee (1538): ‘Of the Flight’] Wing is taken from the High Guard or High Point, then initially strike from the Day to the left ear, then another from below whilst treading your left side, the thirdly strike backwards at the head.” Interestingly however, Duëz’s Französische Grammatica mentions on p531 that the translation of “l’epaule, le Flanc” in French is “der Flügel/der Streich”.
  12. gamble, entice, pull to and fro
  13. beiten: abide. In this sense to trick someone into buying a feint.
  14. obliquely, alt: shield
  15. alt: squint. Schilt is used as squint elsewhere in this document.
  16. vom tag
  17. exhileration, intent
  18. understand, perceive
  19. A similar description appears in Meyer, 1.19v.1 (Forgeng 2006, 64).
  20. alt: armpit
  21. alt: penetrate
  22. alt: retreat, recede, vanish
  23. alt: shield
  24. withdrawal
  25. sweeps
  26. alt: corners, angles, extremities, spots, places
  27. Meyer: "Dann je ein Man an deren vier orten einer / von wegen entdeckter Blösse getroffen / oder hinwider zuverhütung dessen / sich in die Hut oder versatzung muß legen." => "For verily a man is struck upon one of these four points, by way of discovered openings or else the counter protection of which [they] must position themselves in the guard or parrying"
  28. There is a verb lechen which means: 'to lift up/draw back something spent, collect retrieve, etc' which is used a few times. look for 'lech' in the transcription.
  29. Liechtenauerian verse, non-attributed. Repeated from 3r.
  30. alt: lift. lyff is a variant spelling of lupf/luft, lauf and leib. Lupf is a quick starting movement. Luft is a lift. Leib is a body. Lauf is a run.
  31. alt: corners, angles, extremities, spots, places
  32. alt: armpit. It is clear here that there is a pun between ocksen and uchsen. The same word is being used in two ways in this manuscript.
  33. Liechtenauer verse.
  34. alt: (straight or diagonal)cut into
  35. Pseudo-zettel, referring to the four openings (vier blossen) verse.
  36. a small spear often on a cord, thrown from a free hand
  37. a small spear often on a cord, thrown from a free hand
  38. Or “That technique is not one of any known: ~”

Copyright and License Summary

For further information, including transcription and translation notes, see the discussion page.

Work Author(s) Source License
Images Historisches Archiv Historisches Archiv
Public Domain.png
Translation Christian Trosclair Wiktenauer
Translation James Wallhausen Paleoeskirmology Historical Combat Systems
Transcription Dieter Bachmann Index:Fechtregeln (MS Best.7020 (W*)150)
Public Domain Contribution.png