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{{par|r}} Behold, I am a strong position. And I am called the cross.

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Latin 8v

Page:MS Latin 11269 8v.jpg

Hoc operor factis, quod nunc narrando magister
Inquit. et hanc dagam proprio sed pectore figo.

Manibus astringens Jaculum / brevis: en vocor inter
Mortales / situs:. et ni cuspis fallere tentet
Decipiam te forte Virum. meo Jupiter adsit.

Sum situs en fortis. vocor et crux. nec(?) mihi quesquam [1]
Ictus obest. nec adhuc cuspisque tricuspidis unquam.


That which the Master has said, that I do:
I have put the dagger in your chest without trouble.

[27a-b] Io son posta forte chiamada la crose
Colpi de azza ne punte niente mi nose

I am the Shortened Stance, the Serpent, with axe in hand;
If my point does not fail me, I will deceive you.

I am the strong stance called the Cross:
Neither blows of the axe nor thrusts can ever bother me.

English 8v

I do what was to be done, because the master has now said
in recounting. and I fix this dagger in your very own chest

A javelin grasped with hands, lo! I am called the short position
among mortals. And if the spear point should prove to deceive
I will mislead you, the man, as luck would have it. If Jupiter is nigh.

Behold, I am a strong position. And I am called the cross.

  1. Added later: "quisquam".