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{{par|r}} This is called a foreign/external grasp, as understood by concurring
minds. I would make you, the Ill-Omened One, endure at length here.

Revision as of 19:15, 30 July 2024

Latin 41v

Page:MS Latin 11269 41v.jpg

Concordi concepta animo, prensura vocatur
Extranea. Hac tandem faciam te degere mestum

Taliter ipse[1] tuos confringam poplite duro
Testiculos, quam nullae aderint in pectore vires.


This is agreed to be a strange hold; 
I can make you suffer without defense like this. 

I will make such a blow to your testicles, 
That all your strength will be removed. 

English 41v

This is called a foreign/external grasp, as understood by concurring
minds. I would make you, the Ill-Omened One, endure at length here.

  1. Added later: "scilicet ego".

MS Latin 11269 41v.jpg