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User:Kendra Brown/Florius/English MS Latin 11269 44r

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Latin 44r

Page:MS Latin 11269 44r.jpg

Neclabor est nec pena mihi faciendo tenacem
Nexuram. qua nunc potero tibi ledere. Renes
Et feriam fortasse tuos cum vulnere grandj.

Florius hunc librum quondam pritissimus auctor
Edidit. Est igitur sibi plurima laudis honestas
Contribuendo viro Furlana gente profecto.


Making this bind doesn't pain me, 
And I'll be able to wound you in your back with it. 

Here ends the flower of the art of fencing, 
Through which one man can stand against another: 
Made by Fiore Furlano, [son] of Sir Benedetto; 
Those who knew him can believe his words well. 

English 44r


MS Latin 11269 44r.jpg