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Showing 13 pages using this property.
Rüstungen und Zweikampfdarstellungen im Ortenburger Fechtbuch  +
Codicological Description  +
Italianismi nel lessico schermistico del francese cinquecentesco. Un’indagine sulla traduzione francese del ‘Nobilissimo discorso intorno il schermo di spada’ di Girolamo Cavalcabò  +
Horseback fighting in Pietro del Monte's Collectanea (1509): from training to the reality of pitched battle  +
'The Art that Hans Lecküchner Made and Devised Himself': The Martial Arts Tradition of a Fifteenth Century Bavarian Priest  +
Mertein Hündsfelder: ''Fechtlehre mit dem Kurzen Schwert'', circa 1491 AD, Fight-Teaching with the Shortened Sword from Codex Speyer (137r-141r)  +
Las anotaciones manuscritas de los impresos del siglo XVI de la Biblioteca Pública del Estado en Toledo  +
Masters, Fencers, and Collectors: George Silver's ''Paradozes of Defence'' and the Lost Fencing Library of Arsène Vigeant  +
The French Fencing Traditions, from the 14th Century to 1630 through Fight Books  +
Spanish Influence in the Rapier Play of Vincentio Saviolo  +
Art and Symbolism in the Genre of Fechtbücher  +
L'exemplaire sélestadien de la Gründtliche Beschreibung der freyen Ritterlichen unnd Adelichen Kunst des Fechtens de Joachim Meyer (BHS., K.161)  +
Joining the Dots: Additional Comments on the Connection Between ''Bauman's Fight Book'', the ''Gladiatoria'' Group, and Fiore de'i Liberi  +