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Showing 20 pages using this property.
A esgrima em Portugal: subsidios para a sua historia  +
Discours sur Le maniement sûr des armes: avec un traité sur les tromperies et la façon de s’exercer soi-même pour acquérir force, jugement et rapidité  +
The Long Sword Gloss of GNM Manuscript 3227a  +
Principios de los cinco sujetos principales de que se compone la filosofía y matemática de las armas, práctica y especulativa  +
Angelo Viggiani: Lo Schermo (Book III, English Translation)  +
Die Kunst des Fechtens  +
The Noble Art of the Sword: Fashion and Fencing in Renaissance Europe 1520-1630  +
The 'Lost' Second Book of Nicoletto Giganti (1608): A Rapier Fencing Treatise  +
Foundational Description of the Art of Fencing: The 1570 Treatise of Joachim Meyer (Reference Edition) </i>(2 vols.)<i>  +
Sigmund Ringeck's Knightly Arts of Combat  +
The Nationalism of Joachim Meyer: An Analysis of German Pride in his Fighting Manual of 1570 </i>[Unpublished thesis; paper 1286]<i>  +
Þe Herte Þe Fote Þe Eye to Accorde: Procedural Writing and Three Middle English Manuscripts of Martial Instruction </i>[Unpublished MA dissertation]<i>  +
L'arte Cavalleresca del Combattimento  +
Late Medieval and Early Modern Fight Books. Transmission and Tradition of Martial Arts in Europe  +
Nicolaes Petter's Clear instructions in the excellent Art of Grappling  +
The True Principles of Combat: An underestimated martial arts treatise from the 16th century  +
The Art of Sword Combat: A 1568 German Treatise on Swordsmanship  +
The Peter von Danzig Fight Book  +
The Fencing Method of Angelo Viggiani: Lo Schermo, Part III  +
Monomachia - Trattato dell'arte di scherma (ca. 1530)  +