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Showing 20 pages using this property.
La esgrima o la ciencia de las armas: Libro primero, 1606  +
Le Passetemps de Jehan L'Hermite  +
The Polearms of Paulus Hector Mair  +
Masters of Medieval and Renaissance Martial Arts  +
Opera Nova: Pour apprendre à combattre et à se défendre avec toutes sortes d'armes  +
Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorischen Sammlungen des Allerhöchsten Kaiserhauses  +
Fiore de' Liberi Flos Duellatorum - in armis, sine armis equester et pedesta  +
Opera Nova - Livre 2  +
The Sword Through the Centuries  +
Bauman's Fight Book: Augsburg University Library Ⅰ.6.4º 2  +
Kunst und Zettel im Messer: Bavarian State Library Cgm 582  +
Kunst und Zettel im Messer: Bavarian State Library Cgm 582  +
Medieval Combat: A Fifteenth-Century Illustrated Manual of Swordfighting and Close-Quarter Combat  +
Art of Dueling: Salvator Fabris' Rapier Fencing Treatise of 1606  +
Codex Amberger  +
The complete drawings of Albrecht Dürer  +
The Sword of Combat or The Use of Fighting With Weapons  +
Opera Nova - Livre 3  +
Lessons on the English Longsword  +
The Thun-Hohenstein Album: Cultures of Remembrance in a Paper Armory  +