The Use of the Two-hand Sworde
The ferste pleyng & begÿnyng of the substansce of ye too honde swerde / ye ferst gronde be gynyth w an hauke beryng inwt ye foote wt a double rownde wt. iij . fete howtewarde & as meny homward makyng ende of ye play wt a quarter cros smetyn wt an hauke snach settyng down by ye foote.
The .ij. lesson ys .ij. haukys wt ij. halfe haukys cleuÿg ye elbowys wyth ye same .ij. doublylrowndys forsayde wt .iij. foote owtward . & as meny hamward.
The .iij. lesson ys a sprynge vpward . wt an hauke quarter . downe by ye cheke . wt iij. doubylrowndys stondÿg borne on ye hed . wt a dowbylrownde born in wt ye foote . wt .ij. outwards.
The .iiij. lesson . ys wt a dowbil hauke wyth .ij. doubil rowndis berÿg inwt a step vp on bothe feete.
The .5. lesson ys wt an hauke menyd our ye hede . but bere ht vp wt a step . breke of ye erthe wt rënyng rowndis on ye hede wt .ij. halfe havkis born wt .ij. koc stappis of ye foete.
The .6. lesson bere ovte ye erthe wt .iij. koc stapps & so come home ovte of danger a gayne.