[T]he .7. lesson ys . Smyte an hauke cros . cros our ye elbovys wt a bak stop & so smyte ht on ye fet.
[T]he .8. lesson ys wt. an hauke cros smytÿ wt a bakstep born wt bothe fete & a contrary hauke hamward born wt.ij. steppis.
[T]hese ben stroke & revle of ye .ij. hondswerd to make hys hond & ys foete a corde.
[T]he pley of ye .ij. hondswerd by twene .ij. bokelers ys . fyrst take a sygne Of ye gonde ther ye pley by twene .ij. bokelers . make ferst a sygne to hë wt a large hauke down to ye grownde . wt .iij. rollyng strokis . wt an hauke to ye oder side.
[T]he .ij. lesson ys a chase . or an hauke wyt a quartr born in wt a kocstep & an hauke born in wt a chase foyn . y made vp wt a lygte sprÿg.
[T]he .3. lesson ys . a chase . vt .ij. havkys cleuyng ye elbovis.
[T]he .4. lesson . ys a chase smetÿ wt .ij. half rowndis . wt .ij. kocstoppis . a qrter wt a steppe an hauke wt a chase foyn . wt ye stroke a venture smetÿ on .iij. fete . & made vp wt a rake down . ~ bore vp wt a dovbil hauke . & so serue ye stroke aüetur vp on bothe fete.
[T]he .5. lesson . ys a chase wt an hauke & wt a bakstep stondÿg on ye foote . & playng on yt othr syde a qrter & ye same chase . & an hauk wt a step . & an hauke wt a chase foyn contry smy//