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Page:MS Harley 3542 083v.png
vp on to ye visage wt an halfe rounde broky in to a step wt a reuence to ye cros of thy hilte wt a long cartar stroke smety flat dovne by ye bak . wt a doubil brokÿ spryng bak ye foete a drawyng . & in wt a long rake dobil . in wyth ye foete walkyng & on eche foete .ij. rakys . & at ye alurys ende smyte in .iiij. rakys doubille born into a step . & so ye other rakys in to ye alure ende . & dovbil yt on in to a step . a gayn turnÿg in wt a long dovbil rake wt a step . & wt yt othr hond spryng vp thy swerd to thy rygt shulder & smyte thy stroke auëtur wt an hauke settÿg dovne thy swerd by thy foete.
To Incounter wth the Two Hand Sworde
And as for ye first contenance of ye .ij. höd swerd . thou shalt walk in wt .iij. foete to thy adursary wt a bold spyrte & a mery herte wt a sengyl qrter . & a sengil quartr wastyd wt a cartr stroke and thus smyte thy conter bothe of & on & lete thy hond & thy foet a corde to geder in goede afense.
[T]he .ij. conter ys wt a doubil quartr wt thy foete goyng . & a dobyl quartr wastid in to a step & in wt thy foete & smyte a large hauke vp in to ye skye . wt a doubil snache.
[T]he .3. lesson of ye countr ys . a rake on eche