Wheras two gentlemen doe for lyffe & death determine & Capitulate to breake thre launces a peece and those nomber of Courses paste to trie the combat wth the sworde, indentinge further that yf anie of them were vanquished he sholde become prisonner. After thease agrements taken the one commeth to fight with certeine weopons arteficiallie devised such as no Corslett or other armour was of force or strengthe sufficient to defende, besides that he presenteth him selfe mounted vppon a great & puissaunt horse. The other bringeth wth him a sleander and weake horse but swifte & readie, him self beinge armed lightlie & weake. Beinge entred into the lists, the Carire begon, & the laucs chardged, the firste beinge stronglie mounted commeth violentlie vppon his ennemie who doubtinge the force of his horse slippeth by & havinge conninglie escaped the incounter turneth his horse & pursueth him behinde, & comminge nere him he draweth owte his sworde & striketh the horse of his ennemie, not regardinge the promise made to ronne the nomber of launces before remembred. The puissaunt horse thus in this sorte wounded falleth downe wth his Mr wch thennemie seinge doth sodenlie dismounte demaundinge his prisonner. ffor wch acte don contrarie to the agrement taken to ronne thre courses, ariseth a doubte whether the demaunde were lawfull or not. he that was caste downe, by the hurte his horse receaved dooth refuze to yelde because the thre lawnces were not broken nor Chardged, but immediatlie vppon the first course this blowe was offred & therfore he cannot be adiudged as vanquished. The other replieth saienge, that it suffizeth that at the first course he coulde distresse his ennemie, and therfore the rest were superfluous. In this case it is demaunded whether of them hath better reason? wherto it is answered, that forasmuch as it was not speciallie indented, that no sworde sholde be drawen till the courses were ronne, though victorie were obteined at the firste, yet shall it be lawfull & he so vanquished iustlie become a prisonner, because the victorie by devine iudgement iustice & pollecie haue so decreed. Frontino writeth that Sempronio Gracco beinge in the warrs of Celtiberi, enemies
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