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User:Kendra Brown/Florius/English MS Latin 11269 40v

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Latin 40v

Page:MS Latin 11269 40v.jpg

In terram tendes tristi confusus honore.
Hoc quia sub laevo teneo[1] caput ipse[2] lacerto.

Aure sed hac digitum teneo luctando sinistra
Prensuram ut perdas qua me superare tenebas.


Because I have positioned my head under your arm, 
I'll make you go to the ground with little trouble. 

Because I hold my thumb under your left ear, 
I see that the hold that you had fails you. 

English 40v

You, the Disorderly One, will aim toward the ground with sorrowful honor.
Because I hold this head under the left[3] shoulder.

  1. Added later: "+ posuj".
  2. Added later: "scilicet ego".
  3. The images consistently show the head under the right shoulder

MS Latin 11269 40v.jpg