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Sala d'Arme Achilles Marozzo

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Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo aims to study and popularize (mostly) italian martial arts of Middle Age and Renaissance, especially the ancient science of fighting with blades.

Therefore we banned all forms of contamination with modern or eastern martial disciplines and artistic creativity on the part of our instructors: humbly we go back to the texts of the ancient masters, discussing them and interpreting them to the best of our ability.

Our mission is not to create a new style of fighting, more or less freely inspired to the old Italian school; our mission is to lead the rebirth of the Italian style of fighting, as it was and how they studied in the Sale d'Arme of the time.

The heart of our study is composed of the great Italian fencing treatises of the XV and XVI centuries (especially the first half of the sixteenth century, with some exceptions for late treaties of the Bolognese School, the most conservative of the time).

With regard to the earliest ages the existing material is (currently) too small and obscure for a historically plausible recovery, but research is continuing.

On the other hand the fencing of later periods (usually referred to as historical fencing), focused almost exclusively on the use of the point at the expense of cutting blows, with reference only to duels and not to the road and the battle, is left to the study of the concerned members, but excluding it from the courses.

Our main interest is therefore directed to a fencing that uses various weapons, from the dagger to the two-handed sword, from polearms as the spear and the bill, to the side sword (alone or accompanied by various types of shield, dagger or cloak etc.) a fencing that uses cuts, which does not disdain grappling, kicks, etc.., which takes into account also fights against multiple opponents, or against opponents equipped with mixed weapons.

A "robust", full contact discipline, without having to lose its inherent nobility and elegance, a fencing, in short, that is a proper science of self-defense in a combat situation with blades, as taught by the ancient Masters of our country.

Our objectives

  • New courses: at this very moment the association counts about 30 centers in Italy, but in the future we plan to open new centers in other Italian cities
  • New publications: although we published 7 books, other masters and martial treaties deserve to be published or revised; the association is working in this direction.
  • Establish standards for the study of treaties and fencing techniques in order to define the methodology for comparing similiar techniques found in different treaties.
  • Unify or at least give a consistent order within the sport of ancient fencing, which unfortunately in our country has taken many different ways.