because the greatest nomber doe thinke that to geve evell wordes in prescence or in absence vnfreindlie reporte, is not to be mainteined but wth skowldinge, there are fewe that feare to speake evell, supposing it is a manlie parte, to raile at others, lie, or offer occasion of anger. Manie wordes but fewe blowes, manie fraies, but fewe hurte. I wish they fought more seldome and wth more perill, for then I think they wolde fight more seldome in deede. But suche Combatte be more commonlie vsed amonge men of base condicion, then gentilmen or souldiers. Besides the order of thease private quarrells, yowe shall by readinge this booke perceive, what channces doe happen in other try: alls of Armes, aswell on horsback as on foote, amonge manie, as feawe, wth suche opinions and iudgemente as in doubtfull cases have heretofore happened. Who is to be challenged & when, who muste be defender, & what pri: viledge he hath: who gaineth in fighte, & who loseth the victorie: who is of degrie & estate to be challenged, & who maye not be called to combatt. To be short, though as erst I saide Princes at this daye doe seldome suffer publique Combatte: Yet to behave them selues in all diffe: rance and quarrels, either private or publique in Armes or disarmed, in peace or warre, in towne or feilde. A thinge meete for all gentilmen, and cheiflie those that make speciall profession of armes. Thease booke doe not (as manie vniustlie suppose) provoke men to sodene quarrell, but rather aduizeth them to aduoyde offence, wth discreation to revenge, & not in haste or vnaduisedlie to adventure Reputation or Lyfe. ~ ·
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