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[[File:Egenolff 7.jpg|300px|center]]
[[File:Egenolff 7.jpg|300px|center]]
| '''THE SECOND CHAPTER''' teaches how one should use the messer advantageously, which has exceedingly increased usefullness because of its versatility and which is a predecessor and main source of the other weapons that are used with one hand, such as the tessack or the dagger, the straight cutting sword or the thrusting sword and many more one-handed weapons which I leave out for brevity's sake.
| THE SECOND CHAPTER teaches how one should use the messer advantageously, which has exceedingly increased usefullness because of its versatility and which is a predecessor and main source of the other weapons that are used with one hand, such as the tessack or the dagger, the straight cutting sword or the thrusting sword and many more one-handed weapons which I leave out for brevity's sake.
| '''[G2] DAS ANDER CAPITEL''' lernet wie man phfortail prauchñ sol ym messer vnd hat pesunder nit vermert nem͂ / von wegñ der manigfaltikat / vñ ist ein forgãg vñ hauptursach ander werñ die gpraucht werdñ mit ainer hand alsz ist der Tessack oder tolich / spatel oder handtegñ / vnd ander vil mer czu ainer hand die ich von kurz wegñ ausz lasz
| {{section|Page:Ergrundung Ritterlicher Kunst der Fechterey (Andre Paurñfeyndt) 1516.pdf/57|1|lbl=52.1}}
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Stand against him with your left side forward, so that your grip stands at your right knee, with your point against him.
Stand against him with your left side forward, so that your grip stands at your right knee, with your point against him.
If he strikes to you from the roof, step into the triangle or the false step and displace yourself short, step and strike long after him.
If he strikes to you from the roof, step into the triangle or the false step and displace yourself short, step and strike long after him.
| '''DAS erst stuck'''
| {{section|Page:Ergrundung Ritterlicher Kunst der Fechterey (Andre Paurñfeyndt) 1516.pdf/57|2|lbl=52.2}}
Leg dich gegñ ym dein lincke seittñ vor dasz dein heft pey deinem rechtñ knie ste dein ort gegñ ym / schlecht dir ainer von dach trit in triangel oder falschñ trit vñ versecz dich kurcz trit vnd slach im lang nach
| '''[XX v] Die Erste Regel'''
| '''[XX v] Die Erste Regel'''
Line 2,196: Line 2,195:
If your opponent stands as is shown in the figure, then stand in the high-point and strike a feint to his left ear. By doing so  
If your opponent stands as is shown in the figure, then stand in the high-point and strike a feint to his left ear. By doing so  
he displaces in vain, and you gain a full strike against his strike.
he displaces in vain, and you gain a full strike against his strike.
| '''PRVCH'''
| {{section|Page:Ergrundung Ritterlicher Kunst der Fechterey (Andre Paurñfeyndt) 1516.pdf/57|3|lbl=52.3}}
Legert lich ainer alsz in der figur stet / so leger dich in dasz hochort vnd schlach im gegen feinem lincken or den feler / so verseczt er sich vm sunft / vnd gwinstu ein folligen straich gegñ straich
| '''Bruch.'''
| '''Bruch.'''
Line 2,210: Line 2,208:
| '''Laming'''  
| '''Laming'''  
Stand in the high-point. If your opponent strikes to you, thrust your messer into his arm from below, so that he lames himself. This will often be needed when you are sitting behind a table and the other stands in front of the table, or (when your opponent is on) horseback.
Stand in the high-point. If your opponent strikes to you, thrust your messer into his arm from below, so that he lames himself. This will often be needed when you are sitting behind a table and the other stands in front of the table, or (when your opponent is on) horseback.
| '''LEMEN'''
| {{section|Page:Ergrundung Ritterlicher Kunst der Fechterey (Andre Paurñfeyndt) 1516.pdf/57|4|lbl=52.4}}
Leger dich alsz hie stet schlecht dir ainer zu / stosz im dein messer von vnden inneñ an sein arm͂ / so lembt er sich selb / dasz wirt offt praucht wan ainer hintterñ tisch siczt vnd der an / der vorm͂ tisch stet / oder zu rosz
| '''Lämen.'''
| '''Lämen.'''
Line 2,224: Line 2,221:
| '''Counter'''  
| '''Counter'''  
When you notice that one wants to lame you, strike with the feint to him, so that he moves in vain. Because of that he cannot fully strike you.
When you notice that one wants to lame you, strike with the feint to him, so that he moves in vain. Because of that he cannot fully strike you.
| '''PRVCH'''
| {{section|Page:Ergrundung Ritterlicher Kunst der Fechterey (Andre Paurñfeyndt) 1516.pdf/57|5|lbl=52.5}}
Wan du merckst dafz dich ainer lemen wil / so hav mit dem feler auff in / so veruert er vmb sunst vrsach halben er mag kain folling straich auff dich habñ
| '''Bruch.'''
| '''Bruch.'''
Line 2,239: Line 2,235:
| '''Piece'''  
| '''Piece'''  
Stand against him with your left foot forward, and your point well in front of you, and present a thrust towards his face. After that, nimbly take him again and strike long inwards. However, if he parries the strike, let the strike go shortly and use other work to your advantage.
Stand against him with your left foot forward, and your point well in front of you, and present a thrust towards his face. After that, nimbly take him again and strike long inwards. However, if he parries the strike, let the strike go shortly and use other work to your advantage.
| '''[G3] STVCK'''
| {{section|Page:Ergrundung Ritterlicher Kunst der Fechterey (Andre Paurñfeyndt) 1516.pdf/59|1|lbl=54.1}}
Leg dich gegen ym mit dem lincken fusz vor dein ort wol von dir / secz ym den stich in sein gsicht / darnach nim in behendt wider vnd schlach lang hinein wert er aber dem straich lasz kurcz ablauffen nim andre arbaidt dem psortail nach
| '''Regel.'''
| '''Regel.'''
Line 2,253: Line 2,248:
| '''Counter'''  
| '''Counter'''  
If your opponent stands against you like this, then step out widely, take the strength (of his messer) with the back (of your messer) and strike through. By doing so you expose him and are able to work freely.
If your opponent stands against you like this, then step out widely, take the strength (of his messer) with the back (of your messer) and strike through. By doing so you expose him and are able to work freely.
| '''PRVCH'''
| {{section|Page:Ergrundung Ritterlicher Kunst der Fechterey (Andre Paurñfeyndt) 1516.pdf/59|2|lbl=54.2}}
Wan ainer also gegñ dir leit / so var ausz der weit / vnd nim ym die sterck mit deinem ruck vnd hav durch / so plestu yn vnd magst zu freier arbait kumen
| '''Bruch.'''
| '''Bruch.'''
Line 2,267: Line 2,261:
| '''Feint'''  
| '''Feint'''  
Use the feint from the high-point, with your left foot forward and your messer up high with outstretched arms. Strike through to his left ear with a step, and let your messer go through into the other step and strike to his right ear using the high displacement.
Use the feint from the high-point, with your left foot forward and your messer up high with outstretched arms. Strike through to his left ear with a step, and let your messer go through into the other step and strike to his right ear using the high displacement.
| '''FELER'''
| {{section|Page:Ergrundung Ritterlicher Kunst der Fechterey (Andre Paurñfeyndt) 1516.pdf/59|3|lbl=54.3}}
Nim ausz dem hohñ ort den feler / der linck fusz vor / dein messer mit gsttacktñ arm͂ in der hoch / hav mit dem trit auf sein linck or durch / vñ lasz dein messer durch lauffen / den andrñ trit vnd straich auf sein recht or mit hoher versaczung
| '''Fehler.'''
| '''Fehler.'''
Line 2,281: Line 2,274:
| '''Counter'''  
| '''Counter'''  
When one feint-strikes to you, strike down through from above,  so that you remove his strike from his hand with the back of your messer so that you clear the way for you to strike, and you expose him.
When one feint-strikes to you, strike down through from above,  so that you remove his strike from his hand with the back of your messer so that you clear the way for you to strike, and you expose him.
| '''PRVCH'''
| {{section|Page:Ergrundung Ritterlicher Kunst der Fechterey (Andre Paurñfeyndt) 1516.pdf/59|4|lbl=54.4}}
Wan dir ainer felstreicht / hav von obñ vnden durch dastu sein andrñ straich mit deinem messerruck weg nemst / von der handt so raumstu dir frei czu schlagen vnd plest yn
| '''Bruch.'''
| '''Bruch.'''
Line 2,295: Line 2,287:
| '''Piece'''  
| '''Piece'''  
If your opponent strikes to you from above, strike to him at the same time and step with the left foot well out to the right side, let him fall through emptily and draw the Turkish pull across his right arms' hand.
If your opponent strikes to you from above, strike to him at the same time and step with the left foot well out to the right side, let him fall through emptily and draw the Turkish pull across his right arms' hand.
| '''STVCK'''
| {{section|Page:Ergrundung Ritterlicher Kunst der Fechterey (Andre Paurñfeyndt) 1516.pdf/59|5|lbl=54.5}}
Haut dir ainer obñ zu / hav du gleich mit ym ein vñ trit mit dem linckñ fusz wol auf die re / chten seitten / lasz yn ler varñ vnd zeuch im ¡vber sein rechtñ arm͂ von der handt den turkñ czug
| '''Regel.'''
| '''Regel.'''
Line 2,312: Line 2,303:
| '''Piece'''  
| '''Piece'''  
Stand with your left foot forward, so that your messer's point stands in front of your foot. If your opponent strikes to you, remove the strike from the roof with the back of your messer, or put your point above itself into his face, or pull the winding-strike around your head.
Stand with your left foot forward, so that your messer's point stands in front of your foot. If your opponent strikes to you, remove the strike from the roof with the back of your messer, or put your point above itself into his face, or pull the winding-strike around your head.
| '''[(G4)] STVCK'''
| {{section|Page:Ergrundung Ritterlicher Kunst der Fechterey (Andre Paurñfeyndt) 1516.pdf/61|1|lbl=56.1}}
Leger dich mit dem linckñ fusz vor / dasz dein messer mit dem ort for deinẽ fusz ste / schlecht dir ainer czu nim den straich vom tag weg mit deinem messerruck oder scheusz vm dein ort vber sich in sein gsicht / oder zuck vmb dein kopf dem windt straich
| ''' Regel.'''
| ''' Regel.'''
Line 2,326: Line 2,316:
| '''Counter'''  
| '''Counter'''  
Stand with the right foot forward so that your messer is next to your chest with your thumb below and the edge above itself. When you notice that he wants to over-shoot you, then push his point away from the hand shortly, then step, and strike long after.
Stand with the right foot forward so that your messer is next to your chest with your thumb below and the edge above itself. When you notice that he wants to over-shoot you, then push his point away from the hand shortly, then step, and strike long after.
| '''PRVCH'''
| {{section|Page:Ergrundung Ritterlicher Kunst der Fechterey (Andre Paurñfeyndt) 1516.pdf/61|2|lbl=56.2}}
Leg dich mit dem rechtñ fusz vor / dasz dein messer nebñ an deiner prust ste / der daum vndñ die schneid vbersich / merckstu dasz er vberschiessen wil / so scheub sein ort von der handt weg kurcz / trit vnd schlag lang nach
| '''Bruch.'''
| '''Bruch.'''
Line 2,340: Line 2,329:
| '''Another'''  
| '''Another'''  
Stand with your right foot forward, your messer at your chest, the edge standing above itself, your point against him. By doing so you can strike the changer from below or above. Or put your point into his face and nimbly take him again, so that you gain a displacement together with your strike over the right arm.
Stand with your right foot forward, your messer at your chest, the edge standing above itself, your point against him. By doing so you can strike the changer from below or above. Or put your point into his face and nimbly take him again, so that you gain a displacement together with your strike over the right arm.
| '''Ain Andersz
| {{section|Page:Ergrundung Ritterlicher Kunst der Fechterey (Andre Paurñfeyndt) 1516.pdf/61|3|lbl=56.3}}
Leger dich mit dem rechtñ fusz vor / dein messer an deiner prust / die schneidt vbersìch dein ortgegñ ym / so hastu den wexel von vndñ oder obñ czu sclahñ / oder stosz ym dein ort yns gsicht vnd nim yn phendt wider / so gwinstu ein versaczung mitczambt deim straich / vber den rechten arm
| '''Ein anderer.'''
| '''Ein anderer.'''
Line 2,354: Line 2,342:
| '''Counter'''  
| '''Counter'''  
If your opponent stands against you like this, then jump stretched out towards him and let the first strike fall through shortly, then step and strike long after into his face from the roof.
If your opponent stands against you like this, then jump stretched out towards him and let the first strike fall through shortly, then step and strike long after into his face from the roof.
| '''PRVCH'''
| {{section|Page:Ergrundung Ritterlicher Kunst der Fechterey (Andre Paurñfeyndt) 1516.pdf/61|4|lbl=56.4}}
Ligt ainer also gegñ dir spring gstrackt zu ym hin ein / vñ lasz den ersten streich kurcz durch lauffen / trit vnd schlach lang ins gsicht von dach
| '''Bruch.'''
| '''Bruch.'''
Line 2,368: Line 2,355:
| '''Piece'''  
| '''Piece'''  
Stand with your right foot forward, your messer your knee with your hand inverted. When he strikes to you from the roof, step with your left foot out of the way of his strike and turn him away with the jerk of your messer, and pull (your messer) across his right hand.
Stand with your right foot forward, your messer your knee with your hand inverted. When he strikes to you from the roof, step with your left foot out of the way of his strike and turn him away with the jerk of your messer, and pull (your messer) across his right hand.
| '''STVCK'''
| {{section|Page:Ergrundung Ritterlicher Kunst der Fechterey (Andre Paurñfeyndt) 1516.pdf/61|5|lbl=56.5}}
Leger dich mit dem rechtñ fusz vor / dein messer mit verkerter handt auf dem knie schlecht dir ainer von dach / trit mit dem linckñ fusz aus seim straich vñ mit dem ruck deines messer wendt in ab / zeuch im vber die recht handt
| '''[XXIIr] Regel.'''
| '''[XXIIr] Regel.'''
Line 2,383: Line 2,369:
| '''Piece'''  
| '''Piece'''  
When your opponent opposes you with a sword or a boar spear, and you only have a messer, then stand down low, (with) the point against him on the right side. When he strikes a buffalo strike from the roof, step into the triangle and displace the strike short, so that he exposes himself. Then, nimbly step after him, and strike before he regains himself.
When your opponent opposes you with a sword or a boar spear, and you only have a messer, then stand down low, (with) the point against him on the right side. When he strikes a buffalo strike from the roof, step into the triangle and displace the strike short, so that he exposes himself. Then, nimbly step after him, and strike before he regains himself.
| '''[H] STVCK'''
| {{section|Page:Ergrundung Ritterlicher Kunst der Fechterey (Andre Paurñfeyndt) 1516.pdf/63|1|lbl=58.1}}
Wan dir ainer begegendt mit ainem schwert / oder schweinspiesz / vñ du nur ain messer het / test / leg dich alsz hie stet / schlecht er prufel straich von dach / trit in triangel vñ versecz den straich kurcz / so veruelt er sich mit der plesz / so trit du bhendt nach vud schlag ee er sich er / mant
| '''Regel.'''
| '''Regel.'''
Line 2,397: Line 2,382:
| '''Counter'''  
| '''Counter'''  
When you have missed your strike, pull your pommel above itself so that he descends unto your flat; by doing so you gain a great strike on him.
When you have missed your strike, pull your pommel above itself so that he descends unto your flat; by doing so you gain a great strike on him.
| '''PRVCH'''
| {{section|Page:Ergrundung Ritterlicher Kunst der Fechterey (Andre Paurñfeyndt) 1516.pdf/63|2|lbl=58.2}}
Wan du dich verhaut hast so zuck dein knopf vbersich dasz er auf deiner flech ab rust / so gwingstu ain gwaltigñ straich auf yn
| '''Bruch.'''
| '''Bruch.'''
Line 2,411: Line 2,395:
| '''Piece with empty hands'''
| '''Piece with empty hands'''
When one opposes you with a sword or a tessack or some other weapon, and you have no weapon, then look for his strike, step in the triangle or the false step and grab over his right hand with your right hand and grab his right elbow with your left hand, take his balance, and fling him to the ground.
When one opposes you with a sword or a tessack or some other weapon, and you have no weapon, then look for his strike, step in the triangle or the false step and grab over his right hand with your right hand and grab his right elbow with your left hand, take his balance, and fling him to the ground.
| '''STVCK
| {{section|Page:Ergrundung Ritterlicher Kunst der Fechterey (Andre Paurñfeyndt) 1516.pdf/63|3|lbl=58.3}}
Wan dir ainer begegnet mit ainem schwerdt oder tessack oder andre were / vñ du kain wer hast / so schav ebñ auf sein straich vnd trit in triangel oder in falschñ trit / vñ greif mit dei / ner rechten handt vber sein recht handt / vnd mit deiner lincken handtgreif an sein rechten elpogen / nim ym den schwung / vnd schleidrñ auf die erde
| '''[XXIIv] Regel mit leren henden.
| '''[XXIIv] Regel mit leren henden.
Line 2,425: Line 2,408:
| '''Another'''
| '''Another'''
When your opponent stabs towards you from below with his tessack, then fall upon his right hand with your left hand and hold it and grab below into his messer with your inverted right hand, and turn his messer upwards from below with the point against his torso and walk with your chest behind into the messer, so that you stab him with his own weapon.
When your opponent stabs towards you from below with his tessack, then fall upon his right hand with your left hand and hold it and grab below into his messer with your inverted right hand, and turn his messer upwards from below with the point against his torso and walk with your chest behind into the messer, so that you stab him with his own weapon.
| '''Mit lerñ hendñ'''
| {{section|Page:Ergrundung Ritterlicher Kunst der Fechterey (Andre Paurñfeyndt) 1516.pdf/63|4|lbl=58.4}}
Wan dir ainer czu sticht mit seinem tessackñ von vndñ so vall ym mit der linckñ handt auf sein rechte handt vñ halt dye vest / vñ greif mit deiner rechten uerkerter handt vndñ in sein messer / vnd wend ym sein messer von vndñ auf mit der spicz gegen seim leib / vnd lauf mit deiner prust hindñ an das messer / so stichstu yn mit seiner aign wer
| '''Ein anders.'''
| '''Ein anders.'''
Line 2,441: Line 2,423:
This (technique) is called the key, because it unlocks every lock, and it is performed like this: when your opponent stabs to you with  
This (technique) is called the key, because it unlocks every lock, and it is performed like this: when your opponent stabs to you with  
a messer, a dagger or an awl, and you do not hold any weapon in your hands, then stand still and place your arms crosswise over each other in front of you. Out of that you may open up all locks of stabs towards you, from above or below.
a messer, a dagger or an awl, and you do not hold any weapon in your hands, then stand still and place your arms crosswise over each other in front of you. Out of that you may open up all locks of stabs towards you, from above or below.
| {{section|Page:Ergrundung Ritterlicher Kunst der Fechterey (Andre Paurñfeyndt) 1516.pdf/65|1|lbl=60.1}}
| '''[H2] SCHLVSSEL'''
Dasz wirdt gnant der schleussel darum dasz er alle schlosz auff schleust vnd get also zu / wan ainer auff dich sticht mit ainem messer tollich oder phfrim / vnd du in deinen henden kain gwer hast / so ste stil vnd leg dein hendt aine auff die ander kreuczweisz fornen fur dich / dar ausz magstu aufschliessen alle schlosz ainer stech auff dich obñ oder vnden
| '''Schlüssel. '''
| '''Schlüssel. '''
Line 2,456: Line 2,436:
| '''Counter from the key, with empty hands'''
| '''Counter from the key, with empty hands'''
<br/>If your opponent stabs to you from above with the tessack, then invert your right hand and grab his right and grab his right arm in front near his hand, and twist it, and with your left hand take his weight near his elbow, and throw him to the ground.
<br/>If your opponent stabs to you from above with the tessack, then invert your right hand and grab his right and grab his right arm in front near his hand, and twist it, and with your left hand take his weight near his elbow, and throw him to the ground.
| '''DAS Sindt die pruch ausz dem schlussel mit lerñ hendñ / '''
| {{section|Page:Ergrundung Ritterlicher Kunst der Fechterey (Andre Paurñfeyndt) 1516.pdf/65|2|lbl=60.2}}
sticht dir ainer obñ zu mit dem tesackñ / so verker dein rechte handt vñ fach sein rechtñ arm͂ forñ pei seiner handt / vñ reib ym den vm / vnd mit deiner linckñ handt nim ym dasz gwicht pei dem elpogñ vñ schwing yn auff die erdt
| '''Bruch auß dem Schlüssel / mit lären henden.'''
| '''Bruch auß dem Schlüssel / mit lären henden.'''
Line 2,471: Line 2,450:
| '''Another with empty hands'''
| '''Another with empty hands'''
When your opponent stabs to you, then grab his arm with both hands and walk through his arm and twist it, so that you break his arm and take his messer.
When your opponent stabs to you, then grab his arm with both hands and walk through his arm and twist it, so that you break his arm and take his messer.
| '''Aber mit lerñ hendñ'''
| {{section|Page:Ergrundung Ritterlicher Kunst der Fechterey (Andre Paurñfeyndt) 1516.pdf/65|3|lbl=60.3}}
Wan dir ainer vndñ czu sticht / so bgreiff ym den arm͂ mit paidñ hendñ vnd lauf ym durch den arm͂ vnd reib vm͂b so prichstu ym den arm͂ / vnd nimst ym dasz messer
| '''Aber mit lären henden.'''
| '''Aber mit lären henden.'''
Line 2,484: Line 2,462:
| Grab his arm with both hands and twist it, turn to your left side, and break his arm over your right shoulder.  
| Grab his arm with both hands and twist it, turn to your left side, and break his arm over your right shoulder.  
| Begreif ym den arm͂ mit paiden henden vnd reib vm vnd wende dich durch auf dein rechte seitten vnd prich ym den arm͂ vber dein lincke achsel
| {{section|Page:Ergrundung Ritterlicher Kunst der Fechterey (Andre Paurñfeyndt) 1516.pdf/65|4|lbl=60.4}}
| Begreiff ihm den arm mit beden henden / und reib umb / und wend dich durch auff dein lincke seitten und brich ihm den arm über dein rechte achsel. Also.
| Begreiff ihm den arm mit beden henden / und reib umb / und wend dich durch auff dein lincke seitten und brich ihm den arm über dein rechte achsel. Also.
Line 2,497: Line 2,475:
| '''With weaponless hands'''
| '''With weaponless hands'''
Grab his arm with both hands and step well towards him. Turn yourself to your right side and break his arm over your chest.
Grab his arm with both hands and step well towards him. Turn yourself to your right side and break his arm over your chest.
| '''[H3] MIT Verlossñ hendñ '''
| {{section|Page:Ergrundung Ritterlicher Kunst der Fechterey (Andre Paurñfeyndt) 1516.pdf/67|1|lbl=62.1}}
Begreif ym den arm͂ mit paidñ hendñ / vñ trit wolzu ym / wendt dich auf dein rechte seittñ vnd prich ym den arm͂ vber dein prust /  
| '''[XXIIIv] Mit wehrlosen henden.'''
| '''[XXIIIv] Mit wehrlosen henden.'''
Line 2,511: Line 2,488:
| '''Or perform this grappling'''
| '''Or perform this grappling'''
Go with your right hand to the front of his neck and step with your right foot behind his right foot and throw him over your right knee (using your) foot.
Go with your right hand to the front of his neck and step with your right foot behind his right foot and throw him over your right knee (using your) foot.
| oder treib dasz ringen
far mit deiner lincken handt vorñ an seim halsz / vnd schreit mit dem linkñ fusz / hinder sein rechtñ fusz / vnd wirf yn vber dein linck knie ausz dem fus
| '''Oder treib das ringen.'''
| '''Oder treib das ringen.'''
Line 2,525: Line 2,501:
| '''Another with empty hands'''
| '''Another with empty hands'''
Grab his right hand with your left, and with your right hand grab him beneath his elbow and pull it towards you, and with your left hand push above away from you, and jump with your right foot behind his left and throw him from the foot over your right knee.  
Grab his right hand with your left, and with your right hand grab him beneath his elbow and pull it towards you, and with your left hand push above away from you, and jump with your right foot behind his left and throw him from the foot over your right knee.  
| '''Aber mit lerñ hendñ'''
| {{section|Page:Ergrundung Ritterlicher Kunst der Fechterey (Andre Paurñfeyndt) 1516.pdf/67|2|lbl=62.2}}
Begreif ym die recht handt mit deiner linckñ / vnd mit der rechte begreiff ym vnden an el / pogñ / vnd czuck da mit czu dir / vnd mit der linckñ handt stosz obñ von dir / vnd spring mit deinem rechten fusz hinder sein linckñ / vnd wirf yn ausz dem fusz / vber dein recht knie
| '''Ein anders.'''
| '''Ein anders.'''
Line 2,540: Line 2,515:
| '''How one shall hold the thrown'''
| '''How one shall hold the thrown'''
When you throw your opponent, then always fall to his right side, with the right knee between his legs and with the left hand fall on the front of his neck, or grab an arm with each hand, and do not be too hasty so that you do not fall too far over him, and grab his weapon and work as you see fit.  
When you throw your opponent, then always fall to his right side, with the right knee between his legs and with the left hand fall on the front of his neck, or grab an arm with each hand, and do not be too hasty so that you do not fall too far over him, and grab his weapon and work as you see fit.  
| '''Wie man ain gworffen haltñ sol '''
| {{section|Page:Ergrundung Ritterlicher Kunst der Fechterey (Andre Paurñfeyndt) 1516.pdf/67|3|lbl=62.3}}
Wan du yn wirfst / so vall ym alweg czu der rechtñ seittñ / mit dem rechtñ knie czwischen seine pain / vnd mit der lincken handt vall vorñ in sein halsz / vnd pisz nit czugach / dastu nit czuver vber yn vallest / vñ greiff nach seiner wer vnd arbait mit ym nach deinem gsallñ
| '''[XXIIIIr] Wie mann einen geworffen halten sol.'''
| '''[XXIIIIr] Wie mann einen geworffen halten sol.'''
Line 2,554: Line 2,528:
| '''Another'''
| '''Another'''
If he falls on his back, then grab both of his legs beneath the knees with both hands and lift them up, and fall with your knee between his legs, and then hold both of his legs with one hand and work with your weapon with the other hand.
If he falls on his back, then grab both of his legs beneath the knees with both hands and lift them up, and fall with your knee between his legs, and then hold both of his legs with one hand and work with your weapon with the other hand.
| '''Ain Andersz'''
| {{section|Page:Ergrundung Ritterlicher Kunst der Fechterey (Andre Paurñfeyndt) 1516.pdf/67|4|lbl=62.4}}
Velt er auf den ruck / so begreif ym paide pain vndrñ knien mit paidñ hendñ / vnd heb sy auf vud fal ym mit dem knie czwischñ seine pain auf die hodñ / vñ halt ym alzo paide pain mit ainer handt / vnd arbait mit der andrñ mit deiner wer
| <br/>
| <br/>
Line 2,571: Line 2,544:
| '''Running-in'''  
| '''Running-in'''  
When your opponent strikes a Buffalo strike to you from the roof, then strike in front of you so that he does not overrun you. If he strikes into your strike, take your messer by the point with your left hand and under-run his strike, so that you bring his strike over his head with the momentum. And go completely through into his knee cavity. After that, pull towards yourself, so that he falls backwards onto his head.  
When your opponent strikes a Buffalo strike to you from the roof, then strike in front of you so that he does not overrun you. If he strikes into your strike, take your messer by the point with your left hand and under-run his strike, so that you bring his strike over his head with the momentum. And go completely through into his knee cavity. After that, pull towards yourself, so that he falls backwards onto his head.  
| '''[(H4)] EINLAVFFEN'''
| {{section|Page:Ergrundung Ritterlicher Kunst der Fechterey (Andre Paurñfeyndt) 1516.pdf/69|1|lbl=64.1}}
Wan dir ainer von dach schlecht peufel straich / so straich von dir dasz er dich nit vberlauf flecht'er straich in straich / nim dein messer peim ort in dein lincke handt vnd vnterlauf sein straich / also dastu yn sein straich mit dem schwung vber sein kopf prengst vnd var gancz durch ab in sein kniepug / darnach czeuch an dich / so felt er ruckling auf sein kopf
| '''[XXIIIIv] Einlauffen.'''
| '''[XXIIIIv] Einlauffen.'''
Line 2,585: Line 2,557:
| '''Another'''
| '''Another'''
When he strikes a peasant's strike to you, (then) take your messer's back onto your left arm with the strong so that he does not strike you to the ground, and jump beneath his strike with the high displacement. Grab his right hand with your left hand and break his arm at his hand, so that you expose him, and give him a peasant's strike.
When he strikes a peasant's strike to you, (then) take your messer's back onto your left arm with the strong so that he does not strike you to the ground, and jump beneath his strike with the high displacement. Grab his right hand with your left hand and break his arm at his hand, so that you expose him, and give him a peasant's strike.
| '''Ain Ander'''
| {{section|Page:Ergrundung Ritterlicher Kunst der Fechterey (Andre Paurñfeyndt) 1516.pdf/69|2|lbl=64.2}}
Wan dir ainer paurñ straich schẽkt / nim dein messerruk auf dein linckñ arm͂ mit der sterck dasz er dich nit zu poden schlach vnd spring ym vndrñ straich mit hoher versaczung / greif mit deiner linken handt in sein rechte / vnd prich ym sein arm͂ von der handt / da mit du yn plest / vnd gib ym den paurñ straich &c.
| '''Ein anders.'''
| '''Ein anders.'''
Line 2,599: Line 2,570:
| '''Piece'''
| '''Piece'''
When your opponent has broken your right hand, follow after his strike and grab his right shoulder with your left hand. Put him into the weakness with your right foot behind his left knee cavity and push away from you, so that he falls.
When your opponent has broken your right hand, follow after his strike and grab his right shoulder with your left hand. Put him into the weakness with your right foot behind his left knee cavity and push away from you, so that he falls.
| '''STVCK'''
| {{section|Page:Ergrundung Ritterlicher Kunst der Fechterey (Andre Paurñfeyndt) 1516.pdf/69|3|lbl=64.3}}
Wan dir ainer dein rechte handt prochen hat / so folg dem straich nach vnd greif ym mit deiner lincken handt an sein rechte achsel / vnd leg yn in die schwech den rechtñ fusz hinter sein linck kniepug vnd stosz von dir / so felt er
| '''Regel.'''
| '''Regel.'''
Line 2,613: Line 2,583:
| '''Countering the stab'''
| '''Countering the stab'''
When your opponent stabs towards you, be it from above or below, then shortly carry the stab away from your face with the back of your messer and perform the winding-strike to him, or (use) other work.
When your opponent stabs towards you, be it from above or below, then shortly carry the stab away from your face with the back of your messer and perform the winding-strike to him, or (use) other work.
| {{section|Page:Ergrundung Ritterlicher Kunst der Fechterey (Andre Paurñfeyndt) 1516.pdf/69|4|lbl=64.4}}
Wan dir ainer czu sticht / es sey von obñ oder vndñ / so trag den stich mit deinẽ messerruck kurcz vom gsicht weg vnd treib den windtstraich auf yn / oder ander arbait
| '''Stich brechen.'''
| '''Stich brechen.'''
Line 2,627: Line 2,596:
| '''Counter'''
| '''Counter'''
When you notice that one wants to break your stab, then pull so that he does not carry it away, (because of that) he misses and exposes himself.  
When you notice that one wants to break your stab, then pull so that he does not carry it away, (because of that) he misses and exposes himself.  
| '''PRVCH'''
| {{section|Page:Ergrundung Ritterlicher Kunst der Fechterey (Andre Paurñfeyndt) 1516.pdf/69|5|lbl=64.5}}
Wan du merkst dasz dir ainer dein stich prechen wil / verczuck dasz er dir nit aufficzt / so veruelt er sich vnd plest sich dar mit
| '''Bruch.'''
| '''Bruch.'''
Line 2,639: Line 2,607:
| rowspan="6" | [[File:Paurñfeyndt 27.jpg|400px|center]]
| class="noline" rowspan="6" | [[File:Paurñfeyndt 27.jpg|400px|center]]
| '''Resolving wings'''
| '''Resolving wings'''
Stand with your right foot forward with inverted hanging point. If one strikes to your face from below, step and strike from below to his right shoulder and invert your right hand with the shoulder-cutting, push him on his right shoulder with your left hand, so that he has to turn himself and be exposed.
Stand with your right foot forward with inverted hanging point. If one strikes to your face from below, step and strike from below to his right shoulder and invert your right hand with the shoulder-cutting, push him on his right shoulder with your left hand, so that he has to turn himself and be exposed.
| '''[I] FLVGEL Lesen.'''
| {{section|Page:Ergrundung Ritterlicher Kunst der Fechterey (Andre Paurñfeyndt) 1516.pdf/71|1|lbl=66.1}}
Leger dich den rechten fusz for mit verkertem hangñdñ ort / streicht dir ainer offt von vn / dñ zv deinem gsicht / trit vnd hav von vnden vnter sein recht vchsen vnd verker dein rechte handt mit vchsñschneidñ / stosz in mit deiner lincken handt an sein rechte achsel / so musz er sich wenden vnd entplessen
| '''Flügel lösen.'''
| '''Flügel lösen.'''
Line 2,656: Line 2,623:
| '''Counter'''
| '''Counter'''
When someone strikes from underneath to your shoulder and wants to dissolve your wing, then grab over his right hand with your messer, behind the grip, through his arm and take your messer by the point, with inverted hand, and pull towards yourself, so that you take his messer.  
When someone strikes from underneath to your shoulder and wants to dissolve your wing, then grab over his right hand with your messer, behind the grip, through his arm and take your messer by the point, with inverted hand, and pull towards yourself, so that you take his messer.  
| '''PRVCH'''
| {{section|Page:Ergrundung Ritterlicher Kunst der Fechterey (Andre Paurñfeyndt) 1516.pdf/71|2|lbl=66.2}}
Wan dir ainer vnder dein vchsen haudt vnd wil dir fligellesen / So greiff mit deinem messer vber fein rechte hãdt hinderm heft durch se in arm͂ / vñ nim dein messer wider peim ort mit verkerter gschkranckter handt / vnd zeuch an dich so nimstu ym dasz messer
| '''Bruch.'''
| '''Bruch.'''
Line 2,670: Line 2,636:
| '''Messer Taking'''  
| '''Messer Taking'''  
When one strikes to you and you have missed, then wrap your arm around his tessack and force him above himself, turn yourself away from him and take it over your left shoulder.
When one strikes to you and you have missed, then wrap your arm around his tessack and force him above himself, turn yourself away from him and take it over your left shoulder.
| '''MESSER nemmen'''
| {{section|Page:Ergrundung Ritterlicher Kunst der Fechterey (Andre Paurñfeyndt) 1516.pdf/71|3|lbl=66.3}}
Merck wã dir ainer zv schlecht dastu dich verfallen hast / so vmfach sein tesacken mit dei nem arm͂ vnd tring yn vbersich / wendt dich von ym / vnd nims vber dein lincke achsel.
| '''Messer nemen.'''
| '''Messer nemen.'''
Line 2,684: Line 2,649:
| '''Counter'''
| '''Counter'''
Wrestle with him from behind.
Wrestle with him from behind.
| '''PRVCH'''
| {{section|Page:Ergrundung Ritterlicher Kunst der Fechterey (Andre Paurñfeyndt) 1516.pdf/71|4|lbl=66.4}}
Fal yn hinden an zv ringen
| '''[XXVv] Bruch.'''
| '''[XXVv] Bruch.'''
Line 2,712: Line 2,676:
| class="noline" | '''Double stab'''
| class="noline" | '''Double stab'''
Stab him to his face from above that he does not catch your strike, then do the other step and stab with inverted hand, also from above, so that you have a displacement, let it run off shortly in the taking away, so that you gain a sure strike.
Stab him to his face from above that he does not catch your strike, then do the other step and stab with inverted hand, also from above, so that you have a displacement, let it run off shortly in the taking away, so that you gain a sure strike.
| class="noline" | '''TOPEL STICH'''
| class="noline" | {{section|Page:Ergrundung Ritterlicher Kunst der Fechterey (Andre Paurñfeyndt) 1516.pdf/71|5|lbl=66.5}}
Stich ym von obñ zv seinem gsicht / dasz er deinen stich nit vach / den anderñ trit vnd stich mit vmkerter handt auch von obñ darmit dv ain versaczung hast ym wegnemen lasz kurcz ab lauffen / so gwinstu ain gwissen strach
| class="noline" |  
| class="noline" |  
| class="noline" | '''Duppel stich.'''
| class="noline" | '''Duppel stich.'''
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== Temp ==
== Temp ==
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{{master begin

Revision as of 03:48, 2 July 2021

Andre Paurñfeyndt
Born 15th century
Died 16th century
Nationality German
Patron Matthäus Lang von Wellenburg
Movement Liechtenauer Tradition
Influences Johannes Liechtenauer
Language Early New High German
Notable work(s) Ergrundung Ritterlicher Kunst der Fechterey (1516)
Concordance by Michael Chidester
Translations Deutsch-Übersetzung

Andre Paurñfeyndt (Paurñfeindt, Paurenfeindt) was a 16th century German Freifechter. He seems to have been a resident of Vienna, although he mentions in his introduction that he served as a bodyguard to Cardinal Matthäus Lang von Wellenburg (1468 - 1540).[1] In 1516, he wrote and published a fencing manual entitled Ergrundung Ritterlicher Kunst der Fechterey ("Founding of the Chivalric Art of Swordplay"), which Sydney Anglo notes may have been the first illustrated work of its kind.[2] Little else is known about the life of this master, but he describes himself as a Freifechter and the contents of his book make it clear that he was associated with the tradition of Johannes Liechtenauer. His treatise diverges significantly from the standard teachings of the Liechtenauer tradition, but this may be due to his stated purpose of writing for beginning fencers.


Please note that only the first edition of this text (1516) has a complete set of illustrations, and we currently do not have scans of that edition that we are authorized to distribute. This article is illustrated using the 1538 Wallon edition, but following the order laid out in the original (since that edition jumbled the illustrations); smaller thumbnails of the Egenolff illustrations are included where applicable. Furthermore, while the Twelve Rules for the Beginning Fencer are unillustrated in Paurñfeyndt's work, this presentation includes the illustrations for six of the twelve found in the MS B.200 (1524).

The illustrations on pages Hv and H2v of the 1516 don't seem to relate to the plays described on H2 and H3 (the facing pages), since they show fencers with dussacks while the text indicates that one of them should be unarmed. They are included here for reference, but the Egenolff illustrations (which are original and not based on Paurñfeyndt) are the only ones that seem to depict something similar to the plays as described.




Additional Resources

  • Bergner, U. and Giessauf, J. Würgegriff und Mordschlag. Die Fecht- und Ringlehre des Hans Czynner (1538). Graz: Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, 2006. ISBN 978-3-201-01855-5
  • Roelofsen, Mathijs. "La Noble Science des Joueurs d’Espée: Fight Book and Commercial Product". Acta Periodica Duellatorum 8(1): 73-88, 2020. doi:10.36950/apd-2020-005
  • Welle, Rainer. "Ein unvollendetes Meisterwerk der Fecht- und Ringkampfliteratur des 16. Jahrhunderts sucht seinen Autor: der Landshuter Holzschneider und Maler Georg Lemberger als Fecht- und Ringbuchillustrator?" Codices manuscripti & impressi. Supplementum 12. Purkersdorf: Verlag Brüder Hollinek, 2017.


  1. Ott, Michael. "Matthew Lang." The Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. 8. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1910.
  2. Anglo, Sydney. The Martial Arts of Renaissance Europe. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2000. p 46. ISBN 978-0-300-08352-1
  3. lit: foot
  4. lit: with each other
  5. Lit: against each other
  6. alt: vehicle, path, technique
  7. alt: flesh wounds, tag hits.