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Joachim Meyer/Jordan Elliot Finch 2023 MAF

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Of Battling and Fighting in Armour on Foot, Shortly Described

Because fighting is of various kinds / thus can one also give no fixed rule, then anyone who has been offered a fight had this advantage / that he can devise what he knows is in his service, be it with rare weapons or along with cunning, nimble advantage / then the one / who is offered the fight / gives the weapon / he may do/choose as he wants.

For example / should two fight with each other and the one has a weapon on the left and the other on the right. Now the right goes to offer the left. So this lets the left choose the weapon in this way / Namely, two sharp rapiers / and two sharp daggers / after that two right arm scissors[1] / namely on the right arm / because he is left(-handed) / and a sharp spike pointed inside at the bend of each arm / such that when one bends the same arm a little / he stabs himself.

If they now come to the agreed place and let the weapons around / so each puts on his right arm rail[2] / on his right arm to which arm they are assigned[3] / When they should now step into the fight then they can’t defend the right. As soon as he bends his arm, he will stab himself

therefore his left arm is bare/open / in which he uses the dagger to shoot/thrust himself but the left / holds his right arm with the dagger for displacing / and defends himself with the left hand / thus the right would be more damaged from him / than from the point[4].

From this example it is easy to notice that the one who has the best advantage is the one who always chooses or gives the weapon.

This, therefore, have I said / so that everyone who wants to offer someone else a fight should be mindful of such a trick / and not look out in anger / but offer themselves graciously / as such may also be allowed / the Jren[5] two become one in armour or bare or with unloaded weapons to fight. But what concerns the fencing or battling with a bare body and what is advantageous and how they are to be used has been taught up to now in Rapier and other weapons / and sufficiently understood now. Want only the advantage in armoured fighting such as you need it / sit and note that, generally, three weapons are used in armour / a spear and a sword also a dagger / or a dagger and a sabre belted around / and a sword.

  1. ararmschirleinn
  2. Armschiene - seemingly a part of the armour
  3. geordinirtt
  4. findt
  5. unknown