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Therefore finding himselfe within, he shall prouide to meete with the enimies sword, and with the increase of a left pace, shal clap to his Target, for the more safetie, and then driue on a forcible thrust, with the increase of a pace of the right foote. And finding himselfe to beare his sword within in the said ward, and with his right foote behind, he shall indeuour to find the enimies sword with the Target, and hauing found it, shal close it in betwen his own sword and Target, & with theincrease of a left pace, shal perforce hurt the enimie, with the increase of a pace of the right foote.

Now, all these thrusts, no doubt shall speede euery time that the enimie either maketh no trauerse mocion with his bodie, either as he striketh, commeth directlie forwards, or els beeing fearefull, goeth directly backwards, for it is not possible that one man go so fast directlie backwardes, as an other may forwardes. Yt is therefore diligently to be obserued in this ward, neuer to determin to strike, either in the handling of these, or of any other kind of weapons, if (with one of them) he shall not first finde the enimies sworde. The which redowneth to the great profite of euerie man, but especially of those, who haue strong armes, for that they are the better hable to beate backe the enimies weapon.

Of the defence of the lowe warde, at Sword and round Target.

AL the foresaid thrusts are warded, by not suffering the sworde to be found by the enimie with either of his weapons. For the enimie (not finding it will not assure himselfe, or presume to enter, without first finding of the sworde) may most easilie be stroken and
