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he shall proceede first to carrie his hinder foote a halfe pace forwardes, and then to driue it on with the encrease of another halfe pace of the right foote, staying himselfe in the broad warde.

The defence of the broad warde at Sword and Buckler.

AGainst the thrust of the broad warde, the Buckler is to be opposed, standing at the lowe warde. And when the enimie commeth resolutely to thrust, then without warding it at all, he shall driue a thrust at the face, carrying the hinder foote in a compasse towards the right side aswell to lengthen the thrust, as also to carrie himselfe out of the straight lyne, in the which the enimie commeth resolued to strike, who, by this manner of thrust is easily hurt.

The hurt of the lowe warde at Sworde and Buckler.

AS this lowe warde is framed two maner of waies, that is to saie, with the right foot before & behind: So likewise a man may strike therein after two sortes, Standing with the right foote behinde (leauing aside, the blowes of the edge, being to small purpose) he shal deliuer a thrust with the encrease of a pace of the right foote, betweene the enimies sworde and buckler, or els, if it be more commodious without the sword and buckler, setling in the lowe warde, with the right foot before, in which warde, a man may strike two manner of waies, within and without. Finding himself without, hauing first met the enimies sword with his own, he shall encrease a left pace, not to the intent to auoid himselfe from the enimies sworde, but shall with his
