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When a man lefte handed fighteth wth an other yt striketh wth the righte hande & they be both hurte on their fightinge hands. What iudgment ought to be geuen.

Ca. 27.

Iff two sholde come to Combatt for lyffe & death, of wch two the Challinger is left handed, & in fighte cutteth of the righte hande of his ennemie, who at the same blowe, loseth his owne lefte hande. The question is, wch of them hath gained moste honnor, or who sholde be reputed victorious or victored, or whether the Reproches were equall? ffor whosoeuer indifferentlie considereth the cause shall finde none inequalitie wheruppon anye of them may be reputed as victored, because they were both berefte of their righte handes. And the Challinger maye happelie alleage that the losse was of his lefte hande yet the same naturallie seruinge in place of his right hande he cannot iustlie affirme, but that the losse of his was no lesse vnto him then the wante of the right hande is to the ennemie, and sith the Challenger hath loste the lefte hande wherwth he sholde perfourme the Combatt, the same also beinge more nerer the harte then the right hande, it semeth the greater reproche shold be his. ffor a Challenger ought to exequute & vanquish, & not to mainteine wth equalitie. It ought further to be considered, that the lefte hande wardeth those blowes wch are moste daungerous to the harte, and is as it were a shielde therunto. So likewise the right hande is fitteth to defende the heade. offende, & vanquish thennemie.