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When the challinger & defender be hurte in like members. Wch of them oughte to be Uictorious? ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~

Ca. 28.

Twoe gentlemen havinge fought a longe time for life & deathe, findinge themselues at the dayes ende weryed & hurte in lyke members. It was demaunded whether of them had deserued victorie? By the reason alleadged in the former Chapiter the Challinger sholde be reputed as victored because he hath not performed his offer wch was to vanquish & to drawe bloode wch is in a sorte to gaine victorie of an ennemie. But to distinguish rightlie of this doubt, the place where bloode is drawne must dyligentlie be marked, because the worthines of the member wherin the hurte is receaved, & the vse of the same doe shewe in what sorte the honnor sholde be allotted to him that gave the wounde as whether it be vppon the heade or anie other basser parte or the right arme or the lefte. ffor who so hath bloude drawn on his right arme receaveth more reproche then he that is hurte on the lefte, though as erst I saide the same be nerest the harte, yet because the right hande is vsed both in defending and offendinge the wounde therof is the greater reproche, & though the vaines of the harte do reache to the lefte hande wch is the cause yt in wedlocke the ringe is putt on the womans lefte hande; yet in the exercyse of armes the right hande is of greater estimacion, because it both offendeth & defendeth, & the left hande is only as a sheilde, & not to meete to offende Therfore yf two doe fight for life & the one be hurte on the right arme & the other on the lefte, he yt receaveth ye wounde on the right side shalbe for this reason accompted as victored But in combat of honnor he shalbe victorious, yt most skilfullye vseth his weopon, & yt least estemeth the greif of the hurte In thease cases also the qualitie of hurts muste be considered wch be more or lesse mortall, according to the worthines of those members wherin they remaine. ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ .