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If A gentleman doe Weare an Emprease
& one other dooth touche it Whether
anie of them after maie refuze to fighte

Ca. 26.

In the beginninge of this treatise it hath bene saide
that whensoeuer two doe enter into the lists to fight, they
maye not after repente, ffor it resteth only in the Iudgs
discretion to departe the Combatt. And in this case who:
soeur towcheth the Emprease by lawe of armes & Chevalrie
is assuredlie bounde to fight. ffor as a man that setteth his
hande to a writinge doth therby as it weare binde him self
by othe to perfourme his promyse, or as he that holdeth vp his
hande in signe he affirmeth that wch is required of him
even so the towche of the Emprease in the Iudgemente of
Chevalrie is such an expresse obligacion, as afterwardes nei:
ther of the parties can repente or doe the Contrarie. In like
manner yf a Capteine doth holde vp an ensigne, or make
anye other demonstracion of assurannce to thennemie he is
therby bounde in no wise to violate or breake that safe conduct
So the towchinge of the Emprease doth for ever binde the tow:
cher, & the bearinge of the Emprease doth binde the bearer
to performe the Combat, any excuse to ye contrary notwthstanding

Whether a gent bearinge an Emprease to
fighte Uppon certeine condicions expressed
& the condicions not kepte yf the combat
ougte to cease.

Ca. 27.