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Whether A gentleman bearinge an Em:
prease, & is Uanquished maye after be

Ca. 32.

To this question we answere yt notwthstandinge a
gent fightinge for life honnor of Emprease only be vanquished
yet maye he not of other gent be repulsed. ffor we haue before
expreslie affirmed that whosoeuer entreth combat for triumphe
or triall of virtue, needeth not at his cominge into the lists
take anye othe, as he ought who fighteth for liffe. Because he
who commeth to combatt for life the same is not determined wthout
deathe or deniall of one of the fighters. But who so fighteth only
for Emprease thoughe he be victored he doth not therby incurre
anye infamie that he ought be repulsed, wch is the cause yt for
the moste pte those yt weare the Emprease do lose victorie, for
that such challenges do pceede of pride, & temptinge of god &
men, hazardinge their liues wthout cause that towcheth their honnor
or fame. As it once hapened that a great officer in the warre
of Toscana tooke vppon him to weare an Emprease challenging
all men yt durst touche the same, till at length a seruannt to
a gent in thennemies campe by a Trompet, signified to this
Challinger, that vppon a daye certeine he wolde not faile to
meete him in the feelde, towche, the Emprease & fight wth
him vppon that Challenge, wheruppon the Challinger wth
his Emprease at the daye & place appeared, whether re:
sorted also manie other Capteines & souldiers, who marvey:
linge therat councelled him, that in respect he was a gent of
possessions & Capteine of a Squadron, he sholde not fighte
wth a common soldier, but rather appointe somme other base
man his equall. Notwthstanding he wolde needes pceede
in the combat & setled him selfe in great pompe, reddie
to ronne & encounter his ennemie, who beinge also prepared
to fight wth his better came foorth couragiouslie, bravelie
horsed & well appointed, bringing wth him certeine blacke
launces, & vppon them was written. Alla morte Alla morte.