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Then sodeinlye sounded the trumpetts and his horse started into
Carier, makinge speede towardes the gent who as bravelie
incountered him. But at that incounter the gent was perced
thoroughe the heade wth thennemies launce, who prsentlie
retorned to his campe & was there received wth much honnor
The gent being sore wonded was wth muche difficultie
cured, & duringe his liffe caried in his face the skarre of
that hurte wch excedinglie blemished him. This example
maye informe other gent not to ronne wth launces, but when
tymes of necessitie doe so require. But towchinge this gent
though he were thus vanquished, yet ought he not in anye
other Combat be repulsed, because this fighte was not vppon
honnor & liffe. ffor a man victored in Combat for triall
of virtue, triumphe or vowe, ought neverthelesse be accepted
& allowed by euery honnest gent.

Of the ende of combatts for life.

Ca. 33.

The ende of all singular Combatts for life, is death
deniall or expresse confession of the partie vanquished to have
fought vniustlie. And he that is so vanquished shalbe demed in
estate wth those that vppon torments hathe confessed his offence to
the Ciuile Iudge, wch confession we call deniall of that he offred
to mainteyne by Combatt. And therfore whosoeuer is vanquished
by force of armes whether he be Challenger or defender must make
his confession openlie & plainlie, to thende there maye remaine no
doubte either in the minde of the victorious the Iudge or the behol:
ders. As for example yf a man had committed murder or treason
against his Prince & denied the same, offringe to mainteyne his
wordes in Combat, yf in the Combat, either he as defender, or the
other that slaundereth him, as Challinger doe hap to denie yt he offred
to avowe, then is it necessarie that the partie slaundered, yf he
be vanquished do confesse & saye I did committ the murder vpon
such a daye, in such a place, for such a cause, & so forth, wch is
a plaine deniall. Or yf the Challinger be victored, he shall
saye openlie I haue falslie accused mine ennemie of murder, for