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Academy of the Sword +
Anonimo Bolognese +
Augsburg Group +
Battle Force +
Flos Duellatorum, Il Fior di Battaglia di Maestro Fiore dei Liberi da Premariacco +
The Flower of Battle: MS M 383 +
Secrets of German Medieval Swordsmanship +
Ringeck • Danzig • Lew Longsword +
Ridolfo Capoferro's The Art and Practice of Fencing: A Practical Translation for the Modern Swordsman +
The Medieval Art of Swordsmanship: A Facsimile & Translation of Europe's Oldest Personal Combat Treatise, Royal Armouries MS I.33 (Royal Armouries Monograph) +
Captain of the Guild: Master Peter Falkner's Art of Knightly Defense +
Kunst und Zettel im Messer: Bavarian State Library Cgm 582 +
New Discourse on the Art of Fencing +
The Illustrated Meyer: A Visual Reference for the 1570 Treatise of Joachim Meyer +
The Fencing Art +
Katalog der deutschsprachigen illustrierten Handschriften des Mittelalters. Band 4/2, Lfg. 3/4: 39 (Feuerwerks- und Kriegsbücher) +
Renaissance Combat. Jörg Wilhalm's Fightbook, 1522-1523 +
Sport and Culture in Early Modern Europe +
The Oxyrhynchus Papyri Part III +
Livre d'escrime de Talhoffer (codex Gotha) de l'an 1443 +
Flos Duellatorum. Manuale di Arte del Combattimento del XV secolo +
Ridolfo Capoferro, 'Gran simulacro del arte y del uso de la esgrima', Traduccion al castellano +
Nicolaes Petter, the Biography +
The Noble Art of the Sword: Fashion and Fencing in Renaissance Europe 1520-1630 +
Arte de Esgrima +
Il Fior di battaglia di Fiore dei Liberi da Cividale: Il Codice Ludwing ⅩⅤ 13 del J. Paul Getty Museum +
Marozzo Book 1 +
Las cien conclusiones (Ms. Phill. 1941) +
Bauman's Fight Book: Augsburg University Library Ⅰ.6.4º 2 +
Das Fechtbuch. Untersuchungen zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der bildkünstlerischen Darstellung der Fechtkunst in den Fechtbüchern des mediterranen und westeuropäischen Raumes vom Mittelalter bis Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts </i>[Unpublished dissertation]<i> +
Trial by Battle in France and England </i>[Unpublished dissertation]<i> +
Modo fácil y nuevo para examinarse los Maestros en la Destreza de las armas y entender sus cien conclusiones +
The Medieval Tournament as Spectacle: Tourneys, Jousts and ''Pas d'Armes'', 1100-1600 +
The Art of Defense: on Fencing, the Joust, and Battle Formation, by Giovanni dall'Agocchie +
Libro de Armas y Doctrina para el Resguardo de los Aficionados de dicha Ciencia +
The Secret History of the Sword: Adventures in Ancient Martial Arts +
Nicolaes Petter - Self Defense Martial Art +
Treatise on the Subject of Fencing: Marco Docciolini's 1601 Fencing Treatise +
Codex Wallerstein: A Medieval Fighting Book from the Fifteenth Century on the Longsword, Falchion, Dagger, and Wrestling +
Die Kunst des Fechtens +
Jude Lew: Das Fechtbuch +
From Medieval Manuscript to Modern Practice: The Longsword Techniques of Fiore dei Liberi +
The Armorer's Art. Essays in honour of Stuart Pyhrr +
Swords, Science, and Society: German Martial Arts in the Middle Ages +
The Martial Arts of Renaissance Europe +
Masters of Medieval and Renaissance Martial Arts +
The Flower of Battle: MS Latin 11269 +
Édition du ''Florius, de arte luctandi'', BNF lat. 11269 </i>[Unpublished thesis]<i> +
In the Service of Mars: Proceedings from the Western Martial Arts Workshop, 1999-2009 +
Medieval Wrestling: Modern Practice of a 15th-Century Art +
The Anonimo Riccardiano +
Plates from Bruchius's Of the Single Rapier +
Art of Dueling: Salvator Fabris' Rapier Fencing Treatise of 1606 +
The Flower of Battle: MS Ludwig ⅩⅤ 13 +
Proper Description of Thrust-Fencing with the Single Rapier +
Trattato di scherma +
The Art of Combat: A German Martial Arts Treatise of 1570 +
Marco Docciolini's 1601 Fencing Treatise +
The Sword: Form and Thought +
The Martial Arts of Johann George Pascha +
Freydal. Medieval Games. The Book of Tournaments of Emperor Maximilian I +
Dürer's Fight Book: The Genius of the German Renaissance and his Combat Treatise +
Die Kunst des Fechtens +
England and the Continental Renaissance: Essays in Honour of J. B. Trapp +
Secrets of the Sword Alone +
The Art of Fencing - The Forgotten Discourse of Camillo Palladini +
Achille Marozzo, Opera Nova dell'Arte delle Armi +
Alte Armature und Ringkunst: The Royal Danish Library Ms. Thott 290 2º +
Comme le dit Maître Hans… L’art de l’escrime à l’épée longue +
La spada e il brocchiere secondo la tradizione della scuola bolognese: Antonio Manciolino +
Masters of Medieval and Renaissance Martial Arts +
'The Foundation and Core of All the Arts of Fighting': The Long Sword Gloss of GNM Manuscript 3227a +
Transliteration des Neu kunstlich Fechtbuch +
Trattato di scherma +
The Art of Combat: A German Martial Arts Treatise of 1570 +
The Ambraser Codex by Master Hans Talhoffer +
La esgrima o la ciencia de las armas: Libro segundo, 1606 +
Jean de Bueil: Le Jouvencel +
AlfonsoFalloppia +
L'escrime, la danse et l'art de la guerre. Le livre et la représentation du mouvement +
Há Uma Única Arte da Espada (GNM HS 3227a) +
From Medieval Manuscript to Modern Practice: The Wrestling Techniques of Fiore dei Liberi +
Fiore de' Liberi's Fior di Battaglia +
Book of Lessons +
Medizin in Geschichte, Philologie und Ethnologie +
The True Principles of the Single Sword +
Nicolaes Petter's Ring-Kunst vom Jahre 1674 +
A Chivalric Life: The Book of the Deeds of Messire Jacques de Lalaing +
Bauman's Fight Book: Augsburg University Library Ⅰ.6.4º 2 +
Manuscrito da espada: Biblioteca da Ajuda 49-III-6(2) +
The Art of Riding on Every Saddle: Livro da Ensinança de Bem Cavalgar Toda Sela +
Swordplay: an anonymous illustrated Dutch treatise for fencing with rapier, sword and polearms from 1595 +
Masters of Medieval and Renaissance Martial Arts +
Destreza das Armas: Manuscrito da Biblioteca da Universidade de Coimbra UCBG Ms. 208 +
The Medieval Art of Swordsmanship: Royal Armouries MS I.33 +
Alte Armature und Ringkunst: The Royal Danish Library Ms. Thott 290 2º +
Transkription und Übersetzung der Handschrift 44 A 8 +
The Art of Sword Fighting in Earnest +
Alte Armature und Ringkunst: The Royal Danish Library Ms. Thott 290 2º +
The Art of Combat: A German Martial Arts Treatise of 1570 +
Heinrich von Gunterrodt +
Foundational Description of the Art of Fencing: The 1570 Treatise of Joachim Meyer (Reference Edition) </i>(2 vols.)<i> +
Fecht - Lektionen: nach Hans Wilhelm Schöffer +
Alte Armature und Ringkunst: The Royal Danish Library Ms. Thott 290 2º +
Oplosophia e Verdadeira Destreza das Armas +
Florius. De arte luctandi. Traduzione e cura del testo di Francesco Lodà +
Bauman's Fight Book: Augsburg University Library Ⅰ.6.4º 2 +
Bauman's Fight Book: Augsburg University Library Ⅰ.6.4º 2 +
Katalog der deutschsprachigen illustrierten Handschriften des Mittelalters. Band 4/2, Lfg. 1/2: 38 (Fecht- und Ringbücher) +
Masters of Medieval and Renaissance Martial Arts +
Die Kunst des Fechtens +
Bauman's Fight Book: Augsburg University Library Ⅰ.6.4º 2 +
Academy of the Sword +
Das Schwert – Symbol und Waffe +
Chronik alter Kampfkünste: Zeichnungen und Texte aus Schriften alter Meister entstanden 1443-1674 +
The Way to Employ Arms with Certainty +
L'Arte della Spada: Trattato di scherma dell'inizio del XVI secolo +
The Sports and Pastimes of the People of England +
The Noble Art of the Sword: Fashion and Fencing in Renaissance Europe 1520-1630 +
Transcription of Bruchius' Scherm- ofte Wapen-Konste +
The Gladiatoria Fechtbuch: A Fifteenth-Century German Fight Book +
Der Königsegger Codex. Die Fechthandschrift des Hauses Königsegg +
Bauman's Fight Book: Augsburg University Library Ⅰ.6.4º 2 +
Wissen für den Hof. Der spätmittelalterliche Verschriftlichungsprozeß am Beispiel Hei-delberg im 15. Jahrhundert +
The One Hundred Conclusions (Ms. Phill. 1941) +
Kaiser Maximilian I. Der letzte Ritter und das höfische Turnier +
The Art of Swordsmanship by Hans Lecküchner +
Masters of Medieval and Renaissance Martial Arts +
Alte Armature und Ringkunst: The Royal Danish Library Ms. Thott 290 2º +
La Scherma: The Art of Fencing Paperback +
Livre d'escrime de Talhoffer (manuscrit d'Ambras), de l'an 1459 +
Alte Armature und Ringkunst: The Royal Danish Library Ms. Thott 290 2º +
The Royal Book of Jousting, Horsemanship and Knightly Combat +
Albrecht Dürer. Das Fechtbuch +
Talhoffers Fechtbuch aus dem jahre 1467: Gerichtliche und andere zweikämpfe darstellend +
Combat Sports in the Ancient World: Competition, Violence, and Culture +
A Cultural History of the Medieval Sword: Power, Piety and Play +
Paulus Hector Mair's Ars Athletica Vol. 1: Longsword +
Maîtres & Techniques de Combat à la fin du Moyen Age et au Début de la Renaissance +
Siegmund Carl Friedrich Weischner's Fencing Exercises at the Court of Saxony +
…vnd mit der rechten faust ein mordstuck - Baumanns Fecht- und Ringkampfhandschrift +
Das um das Jahr 1500 gedruckte erste deutsche Turnbuch +
Die Ringkunst des deutschen Mittelalters +
Knyghthode and Bataile: A XVth Century Verse Paraphrase of Flavius Vegetius Renatus' Treatise 'De Re Militari' +
Die Kunst des Fechtens +
Livro da ensinança de bem cavalgar toda sela que fez elrey dom Eduarte de Portugal e do Algarve e senhor de Ceuta +
Nueva bibliografía de la antigua esgrima y destreza de las armas +
Lo Spadone +
Martial Culture and Historical Martial Arts in Europe and Asia +
Bauman's Fight Book: Augsburg University Library Ⅰ.6.4º 2 +
Le Tecniche Perdute: Arte di Spada e Brocchiero +
Understanding Destreza +
Wounds and wound repair in Medieval culture +
Masters of Medieval and Renaissance Martial Arts +
Das Solothurner Fechtbuch +
Aus Biographien Sportgeschichte lernen. Festschrift zum 90. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Henze +
Rapier: The Art and Use of Fencing by Ridolfo Capo Ferro +
Venetian Rapier: The School, or Salle. Nicoletto Giganti's 1606 Rapier Fencing Curriculum +
Three Elizabethan Fencing Manuals +
Ars belli. Deutsche taktische und kriegstechnische Bilderhandschriften und Traktate im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert +
How to Fight and Defend with Arms of Every Kind, by Antonio Manciolino +
The English Master at Arms from the Twelfth to the Twentieth Century +
Masters of Medieval and Renaissance Martial Arts +
Wielding the Light of Mars: A Translation and Guide to De Arte Gladiatoria Dimicandi +
The Complete Renaissance Swordsman: Antonio Manciolino's Opera Nova (1531) +
The Expert Sword-Man's Companion, 1728 +
Arts de Combat. Théorie et pratique en Europe XIVe-XXe siècle +
Das Tower-Fechtbuch. Ein Meisterwerk der mittelalterlichen Kampfkunst +
A Treatise on the Science of Arms, with a Philosophical Dialogue, by Camillo Agrippa: an Annotated Translation +
Würgegriff und Mordschlag. Die Fecht- und Ringlehre des Hans Czynner (1538) +
Flowers of Battle, Volume 3: Florius de Arte Luctandi +
The Monomachia: The Fencing System of Francesco Altoni +
Fecht- und Ringbuch/Vermischtes Kampfbuch. Augsburg, Universitätsbibliothek, Cod. Ⅰ.6.4º2 +
Knightly Martial Arts: An Introduction to Medieval Combat Systems +
Las cien conclusiones o formas de saber de la verdadera destreza y dieciocho contradicciones a las tretas de la destreza común +
Fechtbuch Fabian +
Joachim Meyer 1600: Transkription des Fechtbuchs 'Gründtliche Beschreibung der freyen Ritterlichen und Adelichen kunst des Fechtens' +
Late Medieval and Early Modern Fight Books. Transmission and Tradition of Martial Arts in Europe +
Antonio Manciolino's 1531 Treatise on Bolognese Swordsmanship +
Academy of the Sword +
Fencing or the Science of Arms: Unillustrated Edition +
Fencing on the Thrust and Cut +
Customised Books in Early Modern Europe and the Americas, 1400–1700 +
Wege zum illuminierten Buch +
Kunst und Zettel im Messer: Bavarian State Library Cgm 582 +
Opera Nova - Livre 1 +
Meister Johann Liechtenauers Kunst des Fechtens +
Late Medieval and Early Modern Fight Books. Transmission and Tradition of Martial Arts in Europe +
Medien und Weltbilder im Wandel der Frühen Neuzeit +
Bauman's Fight Book: Augsburg University Library Ⅰ.6.4º 2 +
Fencing Illustrated +
Fencing or the Science of Arms: Illustrated Edition +
Vienna Anonymous on Fencing: a Rapier Masterclass from the 17th Century +
The Works of George Silver: Comprising 'Paradoxes of Defence' and 'Bref Instrctions upon m Paradozes of Defence' +
A esgrima em Portugal: subsidios para a sua historia +
Discours sur Le maniement sûr des armes: avec un traité sur les tromperies et la façon de s’exercer soi-même pour acquérir force, jugement et rapidité +
The Long Sword Gloss of GNM Manuscript 3227a +
Principios de los cinco sujetos principales de que se compone la filosofía y matemática de las armas, práctica y especulativa +
Angelo Viggiani: Lo Schermo (Book III, English Translation) +
Die Kunst des Fechtens +
The Noble Art of the Sword: Fashion and Fencing in Renaissance Europe 1520-1630 +
The 'Lost' Second Book of Nicoletto Giganti (1608): A Rapier Fencing Treatise +
Sigmund Ringeck's Knightly Arts of Combat +
The Nationalism of Joachim Meyer: An Analysis of German Pride in his Fighting Manual of 1570 </i>[Unpublished thesis; paper 1286]<i> +
Talhoffers Fechtbuch (Gothaer Codex) aus dem Jahre 1443 +
Þe Herte Þe Fote Þe Eye to Accorde: Procedural Writing and Three Middle English Manuscripts of Martial Instruction </i>[Unpublished MA dissertation]<i> +
L'arte Cavalleresca del Combattimento +
Late Medieval and Early Modern Fight Books. Transmission and Tradition of Martial Arts in Europe +
Nicolaes Petter's Clear instructions in the excellent Art of Grappling +
The True Principles of Combat: An underestimated martial arts treatise from the 16th century +
The Art of Sword Combat: A 1568 German Treatise on Swordsmanship +
The Peter von Danzig Fight Book +
The Fencing Method of Angelo Viggiani: Lo Schermo, Part III +
Monomachia - Trattato dell'arte di scherma (ca. 1530) +
Killing and Being Killed: Bodies in Battle +
The Single Sword of Henry de Sainct Didier (Traicté Contenant Les Secrets Du Premier Livre Sur L'Espée Seule) +
In Service of the Duke: The 15th Century Fighting Treatise of Paulus Kal +
Espada Firme por Manoel Martins Firme +
Opera Nova di Antonio Manciolino (1531) +
Masters of Medieval and Renaissance Martial Arts +
Flowers of Battle, Volume 1: Historical Overview and the Getty Manuscript +
Lessons for the Practice Sword +
Joachim Meyers Kunst Des Fechtens. Gründtliche Beschreibung des Fechtens, 1570 +
The Spada Maestra of Bondì di Mazo +
Italian Rapier Combat: Ridolfo Capo Ferro's 'Gran Simulacro' +
Messer Fighting from the Glasgow Fechtbuch +
Fencing: A Renaissance Treatise +
Albrecht Dürer und seine Kunst des Zweikampfes: auf den Spuren der Handschrift 26232 in der Albertina Wien +
Masters of Medieval and Renaissance Martial Arts +
Langes Schwert und Schweinespieß. Die anonyme Fechthandschrift aus den verschütteten Beständen des Historischen Archivs der Stadt Köln +
Tratado das lições da espada preta +
Kunst und Zettel im Messer: Bavarian State Library Cgm 582 +
Les Arts de l'équitation dans l'Europe de la Renaissance: VIème colloque de l'Ecole nationale d'équitation au château d'Oiron +
Local Identity and Sport. Historical Study of Integration and Differentiation. Proceedings of the 6th ISHPES Seminar, Kanazawa, Japan +
Albrecht Dürers Fechtbuch +
Meister Johann Liechtenauers Kunst des langen Schwertes +
'…und wisse das alle höbischeit kompt von deme ringen'. Der Ringkampf als adelige Kunst im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert +
Passer les monts, Francais en Italie—l'Itlie en France (1494-1525) +
The Free Master of Arms +
Manoscritto I.33 +
Gladiatoria. New Haven - MS U860.F46 1450 +
The Duel, or the Flower of Arms for Single Combat, Both Offensive and Defensive, by Achille Marozzo +
Fiore di Premariacco ed I Ludi e Le Feste Marziali e Civili in Friuli +
With Malice and Cunning: Anonymous 16th Century Manuscript on Bolognese Swordsmanship +
Le condottiere Pietro del Monte, philosophe et écrivain de la Renaissance, 1457-1509 +
Rules of Fencing +
'Kunst dye dich zyret' – Fechten als Mittel persönlicher und institutioneller Repräsentation +
Pragmatische Schriftlichkeit im Mittelalter. Erscheinungsformen und Entwicklungsstufen +
Ritterwelten im Spätmittelalter. Höfisch-ritterliche Kultur der Reichen Herzöge von Bayern-Landshut +
Die Kunst des Fechtens +