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Talk:Salvator Fabris

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Work Author(s) Source License
Illustrations (1601) Unknown artist Det Kongelige Bibliotek
Public Domain.png
Illustrations (1606) Nicolaus Andrea of Flensburg, Jan van Halbeeck, Francesco Valesio Guy Windsor
Public Domain.png
Translation A. F. Johnson, Michael Chidester Gumroad
Prototype Transcription (1601)
Archetype Transcription (1606) Michael Chidester Index:Scienza d’Arme (Salvator Fabris) 1606
La Scientia della Spada (1600-09) Reinier van Noort School voor Historische Schermkunsten
French Translation (1619) Index:Escrime Novvelle ou Theatre (Salvator Fabris) Book 2
German Translation (1677) Alex Kiermayer Index:Sienza e pratica d'arme (Johann Joachim Hynitzsch)

Additional Transcription Note (MS KB.73.J.38): Copyright 2010 by Reinier van Noort. Subject to Fair Use. Users may, without further permission, display, save, and print this work for personal, non commercial use, provided that the copyright notice is not severed from the work. Libraries may store this material and non-commercially redistribute it to their patrons in electronic or printed form for personal, non-commercial use, provided that the copyright notice is not severed from the work.

Translation notes

The translation was originally prepared by A. F. Johnson in the early 20th century[1] and currently exists as a typescript owned by the Howard de Walden Library, on permanent loan to the Wallace Collection. This typescript was photographed by Guy Windsor and then transcribed by Michael Chidester. Due to the library's terms of use, the photographs cannot be released directly.

Transcription rules

There are generally two ways of indicating emphasis on a typewriter: underlining and ALL-CAPS. To conform with web conventions, underlined passages have been changed to italics and ALL-CAPS have been changed to bold. I have made no effort to capture the whited-out deletions and where the text has been corrected in the typescript, I have only included the corrected version. The exception to this is insertions above the line, which are rendered in superscript. Otherwise, this is a precise reproduction of the state of the typescript. When misspellings and punctuation errors are identified in the text, they are indicated by a [!] mark.

A future version of this article may include a revision of the translation that corrects these errors as well as some of Johnson's quirks (such as rendering certain Italian words in French rather than English).


GI. kgl. Saml. 1868 4040


Notes on title:




  1. The exact year it was completed is unclear, and it's listed as "19--" or "19xx" by the library.