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User:Marco Eraclio De Filippo
Marco De Filippo, born in 1981, Capua. Marco has been involved in modern fencing since the late ‘90s, and, having trained in various other martial disciplines, he discovered Historical European Martial Arts in the early 2000’s. After a period in other clubs, he founded his own in 2005, La Compagnia della Rosa e della Spada (The Company of the Rose and the Sword), now with nine branches in his region. He works as chief instructor in Naples, Caserta, Salerno, focusing the studies mainly on the late medieval period and early renaissance. His first passion was the sword and buckler style of I.33, the study of which led to a publication (Le tecniche di spada e brocchiere secondo il Royal Armouries MS.I.33, Spring edizioni 2015 - The sword and buckler techniques according to the RA MS.I.33). In the last six years he has made in depth studies in the Bolognese system, longsword and dagger from Flos Duellatorum and the Liechtenauer tradition. Recently he also published the first known treatise of southern Italy: Le tre giornate di Marc'Antonio Pagano, gentil'huomo napoletano, d'intorno alla disciplina de l'arme et spetialmente della spada sola, 1553, Spring Edizioni 2015 - The three days of Marc'Antonio Pagano, napolitan gentleman, about the discipline of the arms and particularly of the sword alone). Member and graduated of the Italian Fencing Federation, he also achieved the Phd in Medieval History at the University of Naples (2012), on military and political subjects. He is founding member and member of the Technical Commission for AIMA, Associazione Italiana Maestri d’Arme (The Association of Italian Masters at Arms).