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Howe it is to be considered what Princes have
aucthoritie to give Licence of combatt vnto gent determined to
fighte, yowe shall vnderstand that only themperor, kings
free Dukes wth all such Princes as have no superiour, but
absolute powre maye graunte free place for combatt. All
other Barons or Princes havinge the titles of Prince
or Dukes not absolute, cannot iustlie graunt suche licence
neither maye the Liveteninte to a kinge, though he be generall
sent from a free Prince, permitt this kinde of battle, excepte he
be great Constable, capteine generall, or generall conductour of
somme Emperiall or Royall armie vnto an Emperor or kinge
or other free Prince, who maye admitt particular combatt
only to all such as srue vndr his Standarde, notwthstandinge
they be straungers, so longe as they srue in his Campe, and ye
territorie where the combatt is appointed, be not muche distant
from his armie, and thoughe the same, be in forrein Contrie not
subiect to his Emperor or Prince, yet by thassent of his
Prince he maye graunte free feilde for combatt. Also ye
saide cheif capteine or Liveteninte in presence of his saide
Prince shall haue lyke aucthoritie, yf the Prince him
selfe dooth not graunte the same. And admitt he did ad:
mitt the Combatt, yet shall it have relation to the Princes
pleashr and not his owne aucthoritie. Yf it happeneth the
heire apparaunt of the Prince he present or enye other sonne of
him sruinge as Liveteninte to his father, he shall in this case be
of greater aucthoritie then the saide other capteine. Therfore
this worde Liveteninte or capteine of an armie, ought to be vndr:
stoode of him, that holdeth the seconde place in aucthoritie to his
prince, for they maye wth assurannce permitt or licence battell
to them of their armies, of their owne assente, and may also elect
Iudgs or other officers for the government of the armie, they
the leade. ffor this reason they maye likewise graunte licence where
they are incamped. Also the saide Liveteninte as a lorde
confederate in feilde maye wthin the territorie of an other
Prinnce his Maisters confederate give licence for that the
one & the other Princes in booth contries maye wth assurannce graunte
licence for combatt, for ye iurisdiction of confederate Princes is com:
mon, & the one maye ever dispose of the others contrie as semeth beste
to him selfe. And of this, the Lawe maketh expresse mention.