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Howe the Champions oughte to
be equall.

Ca. 4.

It is to be Considered that when Personall combat sholde
be performed by Champions, the Iudge oughte to chose them
of equall force, ffor yf one sholde choose a man of so greate
force as the like maye not againe be founde in that Contrie, yt
semeth not indyfferente, Therfore the saide Champions, ought to
be appointed of equall qualitie, accordinge to the constitucion
aforesaide, and lawe of Lombardie. And seinge herein
custome avayleth not yt ought fullie to be considered, that the
champions be equall, and of the age of xxv yeares at the

Howe no Infamous person can
be admitted for a Champion

Ca. 5.

Also it is to be noted that Champions ought
not to be personns infamous or dishonnored because they are
in lyke estate to advocates who defende the cawses Civile.
ffor in case a man be tried a theef, he cannot be received for
a Champion, nor likewise anye other man of evell conversa:
tion. fforasmuch as it is not likely but they shall ever be
vanquished, aswell for their owne sinnes, as the imperfec:
tion of the Mr his quarrell, at whose request they fight
Also all such as have committed offence, wheruppone they
are bannished the presence of their Prince cannot be
admitted for Champions, neither yet anye yf for moneye