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Accordinge to the lawe of Lombardie
it is agreed that an Earle maye at anye time vppon
wager of Battle whether he doe challenge or defende, lawfully
fight by champion, as erste we saide it was lykewyse lawfull for
widoes and men of vnripe age. And this is to be vndrstoode
when he challengeth or is challenged of one of lesse condicion then
him selfe. ffor after a challenge made to an other Earle or great
Lorde, he shall fight in personne, vnles it be in respecte of somme im:
pedymente; hapeninge before ye daye of Battle. ffor wch cause ye
daye mayebe differred. ffor vnto one of equall estate vnto him selfe
no Champion shalbe admitted, as before I saide, and shall hereafter
be saide. where we intreate of ye Battle of Nobilitie in the
firste Chapiter of the Sixte Booke.

Howe A murderer cannot be a
Champion, vles the accuser doe
refuze to fighte in Person.

Ca. 12.

To proceede further in the matter of Champions
we saye yt accordinge to the lawe of Lombardie
a man that hath committed murder cannot be admitted for a Cham:
pion vnles his accuser doe fight as a Champion. Also a man
that hath bene accused to have murdered his ffather, maye not
fight by Champion vnles he be of age insufficiente sicke or olde
Likewise beinge Challinger havinge like impediments, maye
fight by Champion. But in case of treason as erst I saide
no Champion is admitted, as shalbe better declared in the firste
Chapiter of the sixte Booke.