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perfourme all dueties to his Prince. And yf any bande
contrarie to honnor did lett, that then he sholde not in anye
wise be bounde to do it. hereuppone is geven a certeine
rule in what cases the vassall is bounde to doe it obeye his
lorde, wch in nomber be sixe. Also in certeine cases the
vassall is not bounde to fight as champion for his lorde, &
this shalbe the true declaration of the doubte for conserua:
tion of honnor in this case. If the saide defender hath fee
of his lorde, wherby in solemne othe he is bounde in person
to serue him in the warrs, that then he ought in any wise
to performe the same to thende. And that beinge done he
shall accept the glove of defiaunce, & answere the chal:
linger vppon his owne quarrell, notwthstanding the im:
pedimente aforesaide. Or yf no warre happen to be
wherin he is employed, then shall he firste force the
savetie of his owne honnor. And yf after the deilde be
graunted & daye appointed the warre of the Prince
doe happen, there shalbe knowledge geven therof into ye
booke of them yt have loste victorie, & then be released
to his owne faithe.

If a Gentleman dooth challenge the
vassall of an other Prince, Whether he
maie be punished.

Ca. 10.

Iff a gent beinge owte of his owne Contrie and
in the territorie of an other Prince do happen to fall
in quarrell and defiaunce wth somme Baron of the saie
Princes contrie, whome he challengeth to come to combatt
in an other contrie indifferente. wheruppon the Prince
there dooth cause him to be taken, & offreth him punishment
saienge he hath geven deffiaunce of murder in his contrie
The Qwestion is whether for this acte he ought to be pu:
nished? wherin it is determined, that so longe as thexequution
of the saide defiaunce be not performed he ought not to be