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If two Ennemies be made freindes fal:
longe into a newe Quarrell, Whether ye
peace betwext them be broken.

Ca. 13.

Twoe Noble knightes beinge Ennemies doe eithr
of them defie the other, and beinge readie to combatt
doe fall to agreemente, and make peace, swearinge yt either of
them will for ever forget all former iniuries, afterwards there
happeneth newe disagreements and quarrell of fight wherup:
pon they come to defiaunce, and enter into lists man to man.
where after manie woundes geven and receaved, he yt founde
him selfe moste weakened accuseth the other that contrarie to
former promise he hath nowe hurte him. The question is
whether in this case comminge to Combat after othe made to
the contrarie, he be periured or not? as a knight of reproch
and vnworthy the name of a noble gent. wherin is agreed
that he hath not failed of his honnor, seinge the cause wherfore
they fight is not the firste quarrell, but a newe disagremt
vppon a newe occasion, wherto the firste promise of peace
dooth not extende, and therfore wthout fraude according to
the opinion of Bartolo he hath performed the parte of
a good and honnorable knight.

If Vppon A penaltie a man promi:
seth to giue the Lie to an other:
Whether not so doinge he maie come
to Combatt.