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to my chardge. As thowe didest confesse that as a Traitor
came stealinge into the gent castle deineng this to be true the
quarrell shalbe iuste. And therfore quarrells shalbe founded
vppon iustice & virtue, and where wordes be spoken both of
truth & falce, the vntrewe [?] wheruppon the quarrell
shall pceede, as yf I challinge the sayeng thowe hast broken
promise in not cominge to me vppon such a daye. I answere I
coulde not doe it, because I was letted by tempest or somme
other iuste excuze. Thow repliest that it is not true &
answeringe therto saye thow liest as a Traitor. lykewise
yf in fighte In this case thow may leve the cause of the
firste challenge & make an other sayenge, thowe arte no
traitor & offer to fight theruppon. likewise yf in fighte
one saith to the other defende thy self traitor, he that is
thus iniuried maye saye I will defende my self & fighte
wth thee yt I am no traitor. If also one saith my ffather
hath bene a traitor. I answere he lieth, he replieth sayenge
he conveighed ltres to thennemies, & beinge vntrue, my
quarrell is iuste. Thease examples are here indured for
the defence of iuste quarrells, I helpe of the false.

Finis Libri Sexti