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did kinge Holofernes Also as we tolde ye of kinge Carlo
wth the kinge of Hungarie, and kinge Carlo againe wth
kinge Pietro of Arragon. And in our age the kinge Alfon:
so came to wage his battle wth kinge Raniere wthout effect
And likewise in thease daies the kinge of Spaine hath by
lres provoked the kinge of Portugall to come to combatt
personallie. The triall of differences of all dominions &
Potentats are perfourmed by the sworde. ffor wch purpose
was elected the discipline of warre, wch otherwise were
to no purpose. Also in heaven there hath bene warrs
betwene the Aungells and devells for the Empire of the
worlde, wch Lucifer sought to vsurpe. The lawiers write
that yf a kingdome were holden of the Romaine churche
there might no combat be permitted wthout the Popes licence
who as we saide before licenced kinge Piero and kinge Carlo
to come to combat, sayenge that yg the Subiects wolde no
consent the Prince might not come to combat in their pre:
iudice. lykewise where as the kinge havinge one only sonne
he may not accept personall battle to his hinderaunce, neither
maie he doe it in the preiudice of his other heire or successors
A Prince ought not to sell or alien his kingdome or state
It is also saide that a kinge cannot resigne his kingdome in
preiudice of his Subiects and common weale. And that
kinge that in such magger sholde enter into the kingdome
sholde be a Tiraunt. Therfore for not puttinge the
vniuersall estate of a kingdome in perill of fortune a
kinge ought not to fight in person but giue councell &
courage to his soldiers who maye the rather wth mag:
nanimitie and wisedome perfourme all martiall exploitts
wch shalbe a greater pffitt to the common weale then to
fight in person, because for seinge everie inconveniente
that maye happen to the whole armie and his owne weale
it suffizeth. But whensoeuer Princes come to battle
personallie, then he that happeneth to vanquish his
ennemie, shall have the kingdome by order in armes and
deuine providence, by all Iustice righte wherof in
the latine tounge we have written more at lardge.