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Whether the spoiles of the vanquished ought to apporteigne to the vanquisher. ca. 14

Whether a man accused enteringe into Combat wth his accusr & not beinge vanquished ought to be acquit. ca. 15

Whether A prisoner taken by a base souldier ought be the prisonner of him self or his Captaine. ca. 16

Whether it be lawfull to alter the quarrell within the listes. ca. 17

Of one yt yeldeth wthout deinenge whether the combat ended, he be bounde to deine. ca. 18

Whether a prisoner goinge at libertie vppon his faithe be bounde to appeare at his takers call havinge any lett. 19

Whether a gent taken prisonner in Combat & let goe vpon his faithe, & denienge he is a prisonner may be by his taker againe called to combat. ca. 20

If two men at armes doe agre to ronne a certeine nomber of Courses, or fight a certeine nomber of blowes, wth their mases or swordes, whether they maie ronne or fight more then the composition. ca. 21

Yf a man weareth an Emprease & one other dooth touche it wch of them ought be Challinger. ca. 22

Whether it be lawfull to touche an Emprease wthout leave of the lorde of that place where the Emprease is worn. 23

Whether a gent repulsed touchinge an Emprease maye be denied to fighte. ca. 24

If two doe fight for life whether ye Iudge maye departe them. ca. 25

Yf a gent doth weare an Emprease & one other dooth touche it, whether any of them may refuze to fight. 26

Whether a gent bearinge an Empreas to fight vppon certen condicionsexpressed, & the Condicions not kept, yf the Combat ought to cease. ca. 27

If two gentlemen fight vppon Condicions whether for anie newe iniurie they may be broken. ca. 28

If a gent doe beare an Empreas, & the same is touched by iii sondrie psons [persons], wch o them ought first come to combat. ca. 29