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- 15:52, 17 December 2019 diff hist +4 Page:MS V.b.104 137v.png current
- 15:49, 17 December 2019 diff hist +4 Page:MS V.b.104 133v.png current
- 15:45, 17 December 2019 diff hist +6 Page:MS V.b.104 115r.png
- 15:35, 17 December 2019 diff hist +7 Page:MS V.b.104 091v.png current
- 15:34, 17 December 2019 diff hist -3 Page:MS V.b.104 085v.png current
- 15:33, 17 December 2019 diff hist +2 Page:MS V.b.104 083r.png current
- 15:30, 17 December 2019 diff hist +1 Page:MS V.b.104 081v.png current
- 15:30, 17 December 2019 diff hist 0 Page:MS V.b.104 079v.png current
- 15:26, 17 December 2019 diff hist -3 Page:MS V.b.104 077r.png current
- 15:23, 17 December 2019 diff hist -3 Page:MS V.b.104 073r.png current
- 15:21, 17 December 2019 diff hist +5 Page:MS V.b.104 069v.png current
- 15:20, 17 December 2019 diff hist +8 Page:MS V.b.104 068r.png current
- 15:16, 17 December 2019 diff hist +10 Page:MS V.b.104 066v.png current
- 15:14, 17 December 2019 diff hist +8 Page:MS V.b.104 063r.png current
- 15:10, 17 December 2019 diff hist -3 Page:MS V.b.104 061v.png current
- 15:08, 17 December 2019 diff hist -4 Page:MS V.b.104 059v.png current
- 15:06, 17 December 2019 diff hist +5 Page:MS V.b.104 058v.png current
- 15:05, 17 December 2019 diff hist +5 Page:MS V.b.104 057v.png
- 15:03, 17 December 2019 diff hist +3 Page:MS V.b.104 044r.png current
- 14:55, 17 December 2019 diff hist 0 Page:MS V.b.104 041r.png current
- 14:54, 17 December 2019 diff hist +5 Page:MS V.b.104 038r.png current
- 14:53, 17 December 2019 diff hist -3 Page:MS V.b.104 037r.png current
- 14:52, 17 December 2019 diff hist +5 Page:MS V.b.104 035v.png current
- 14:47, 17 December 2019 diff hist -1 Page:MS V.b.104 030v.png current
- 14:43, 17 December 2019 diff hist +7 Page:MS V.b.104 025v.png current
- 14:42, 17 December 2019 diff hist +6 Page:MS V.b.104 023r.png
- 14:40, 17 December 2019 diff hist +14 Page:MS V.b.104 022v.png
- 14:37, 17 December 2019 diff hist +11 Page:MS V.b.104 022r.png
- 14:35, 17 December 2019 diff hist +4 Page:MS V.b.104 020v.png
- 14:34, 17 December 2019 diff hist -2 Page:MS V.b.104 019v.png
- 14:32, 17 December 2019 diff hist -3 Page:MS V.b.104 018v.png
- 14:30, 17 December 2019 diff hist -1 Page:MS V.b.104 012r.png current
- 14:28, 17 December 2019 diff hist +5 Page:MS V.b.104 011r.png
- 14:27, 17 December 2019 diff hist -4 Page:MS V.b.104 009r.png
- 14:24, 17 December 2019 diff hist -3 Page:MS V.b.104 009r.png
- 14:24, 17 December 2019 diff hist +4 Page:MS V.b.104 005v.png current
- 21:39, 15 December 2019 diff hist +716 N Page:MS V.b.104 150r.png →Not proofread: Created page with "liuinge ought to fight wth both his ennemies, because that im:<br/> pediment procedeth of Gods pleasure, & therfore is an excuse<br/> lawful, either els yf anie other iuste im..." current
- 21:35, 15 December 2019 diff hist +1,042 N Page:MS V.b.104 149v.png →Not proofread: Created page with "Of fowre gentlemen, two of them defienge the<br/> other two, & whether two of the maye<br/> ioyntlie offend one enemie.<br/> <br/> Ca. 35.<br/> <br/> Itt hapened that fowre ge..." current
- 21:29, 15 December 2019 diff hist +1,746 N Page:MS V.b.104 149r.png →Not proofread: Created page with "come to combatt for cause of honnor. ffor infamie is of such na:<br/> ture as maketh the infamous to die daylie, but those that die<br/> gloriouslie do still liue emonge gent..." current
- 21:20, 15 December 2019 diff hist +2,735 N Page:MS V.b.104 148v.png →Not proofread: Created page with "before he had iustefied his doings. ffor whosoeuer standeth first in<br/> iustification and after excuseth him selfe, doth make a plaine de:<br/> niall. So as in conclusion I..." current
- 21:06, 15 December 2019 diff hist +2,869 N Page:MS V.b.104 148r.png →Not proofread: Created page with "it is not true that he hath done the facte wherwth I have chardged<br/> him &c. & this is called expresse deniall. ffor there is also an<br/> other kinde of deniall more cover..." current
- 20:50, 15 December 2019 diff hist +2,293 N Page:MS V.b.104 147v.png →Not proofread: Created page with "Then sodeinlye sounded the trumpetts and his horse started into<br/> Carier, makinge speede towardes the gent who as bravelie<br/> incountered him. But at that incounter the g..." current
- 20:32, 15 December 2019 diff hist +2,204 N Page:MS V.b.104 147r.png →Not proofread: Created page with "Whether A gentleman bearinge an Em:<br/> prease, & is Uanquished maye after be<br/> repulsed. <br/> <br/> Ca. 32.<br/> <br/> To this question we answere yt notwthstandinge a<b..." current
- 19:53, 15 December 2019 diff hist +1,960 N Page:MS V.b.104 146v.png →Not proofread: Created page with "If two ennemies doe take a truice, & the one<br/> of them doe weare an Emprease, whether<br/> the other towching it maie be refuzed to fighte<br/> <br/> Ca. 31.<br/> <br/> Thi..." current
- 19:41, 15 December 2019 diff hist +1,511 N Page:MS V.b.104 146r.png →Not proofread: Created page with "Earle firste, or performe his [?] promise, either els put him<br/> selfe to the discretion of the Iudge.<br/> <br/> Of one that Uanquished his ennemie in<br/> combatt upon Emp..." current
- 19:31, 15 December 2019 diff hist +2,224 N Page:MS V.b.104 145v.png →Not proofread: Created page with "Yf A gentleman dooth beare an Emprease<br/> & the same is towched by thre sondrie per:<br/> sons, wch of them oughte firste come to<br/> combatt.<br/> <br/> Ca. 29.<br/> <br/>..." current
- 19:20, 15 December 2019 diff hist +2,543 N Page:MS V.b.104 145r.png →Not proofread: Created page with "when he had perfourmed the nomber of blowes agreed vppon, the<br/> advanntage was on his side, & for that reason ought not be a<br/> Prisonner. wherto by the other was answere..." current
- 18:47, 15 December 2019 diff hist +1,766 N Page:MS V.b.104 144v.png →Not proofread: Created page with "In this case whosoeuer shall by ffravde or subtletie contra:<br/> rye to the Capitulations set downe gaine victorie The<br/> partie that offendeth ought be condemned as a Trai..." current
- 18:32, 15 December 2019 diff hist +1,542 N Page:MS V.b.104 144r.png →Not proofread: Created page with "If A gentleman doe Weare an Emprease<br/> & one other dooth touche it Whether<br/> anie of them after maie refuze to fighte<br/> <br/> Ca. 26.<br/> <br/> In the beginninge of..." current
- 01:46, 13 December 2019 diff hist +2,288 N Page:MS V.b.104 143v.png →Not proofread: Created page with "If two doe fighte for life whether<br/> the Iudge maye departe them.<br/> <br/> Ca. 25.<br/> <br/> Whersoeuer two gent or other soldiers doe fighte<br/> onlye for triumphe or..." current