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Latest revision as of 04:30, 6 December 2024
Text from Talhoffer
Images |
Transcription | |
[1] He writes on a knotted string. |
[011r] der schribt an ain knuo faden | |
He writes [the words] from his mouth and becomes black. |
der schribt uß dem mund und wirt schwartz | |
[2] |
[011v] [No text] | |
[3] |
[012r] [No text] | |
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[012v] [No text] | |
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[013r] [No text] | |
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[013v] [No text] | |
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[014r] [No text] | |
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[014v] [No text] | |
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[015r] [No text] | |
[10] This battle wagon should be fortified according to this shape using metal work, and with a shield, as is drawn here, and those who fight on this, they should have weapons as is painted here. |
[015v] Dyser strittwagen sol nauch diser form mit geschmid gevestnet sin und mit ainem schirm alß hie gezaichnet statt und die dar uff strittent die süllent waffen haben alß hie gemalet statt. | |
[11] This is a human image made from metal work, internally hollow, and should be filled with amber and with chervil blossoms.[1] One should set it in the places of the palace, wherever it turns its face, there will be pleasant aromas at all times. |
[016r] Diß ist ain mentschlich bild gemachet von geschmid in wendig hol und sol gefült werden mit ambra und mit nägelin bluost dz sol man setzen in die örter der palaste war es sin antlüt kert da git es guoten rouch ze allin zeitten ~ | |
[12] This is a large stone thrower,[2] with which one throws stones and breaks cities and strongholds. |
[016v] Diß ist ain grosse plid mit dem man stain würffet und stett und vestin brichet | |
[13] This is “cat” and also a runner with a fast shield with which one lifts armored people into the battlements. |
[017r] Diß ist ain katz und ouch ain löffel mit einem schnellen schirm mit dem man gewapnet volk in zinnen hebt. ~ | |
[14] This is called the “large hunting dog”. It moves to castles on the wheels and should the walls have equal heights, the square bridge which hangs thereon should lower down using the rope until the front iron grips the wall. Afterward, the Saxons go out of the hollow [interior]. They battle and fight until they capture what they desire. |
[017v] Diß haisset der groß rud Es gaut zu schlossen uff dem redern und sol der muren eben höhin han die gefierten bruck die dar an hanget solt mit dem sail nider lauffen bis dz das vorder ÿsen die mur begriffet dar nauch gand die sächs uß der hüh die stritten und vechtet umz dz sy behebent dz sy begeret ~ | |
[15] Take note of this runner which is noble and good. The upper part should be fastened with boards up to the fourth [ladder] rung that you move to the walls. Armed people go through that up onto the walls. You can lift the rear part up like the front [part]. |
[018r] Mörck disen löffel der ist edel und guot dz obertail sol geuestnet sin mit bretter bis uff den vierden sprossen das du tribest an Die muren durch das gand gewaupnet lüt uff an die muren dz hinder tail machstu uff heben als dz vorder ~ | |
[16] With this “cat”, one quickly gains walls with the height, which is built at the top. Hang the bridge with the cable until the front iron grip the wall. Afterward, the armed [men] run into the walls. |
[018v] Mit diser katzen gewinet man geschwind muren mit der höhi die obnan uf gezimert ist henge der bruck mit dem sail biß dz die vorderen ysen die mur begriffent dar nach louffent die gewapnetebn in die muren ~ | |
[17] This is a high bridge, which moves over water and across all ditches. It should be built from a tall chamber,[3] and the bridge should hang thereon, so that one lifts it up externally until the wheels grip the location, then one lets the bridge drop, and with the dropping, the pointed iron grips the ground and makes of the height even with the height. |
[019r] Diß ist ein hohi bruck die gaut uber wasser und uber aller graben die sol gezimert sin von hohem gezimer und sol die bruck dar an hangen dz man sy uss wendig uff hebt bis dz die reder die reder die statt begriffent so laut man die bruck vallen und mit dem val begrift dz spitzig ysen das ertrich und macht der höhi ebenhöhi machen | |
[18] This is called a “rocker”[4]and is a pretty thing. It moves on six wheels and stands on two columns. At the beginning, it inclines the head to the ground and lifts the tail up until it comes to the wall. Then it raises the head up to the wall and touches the ground with the tail, and those who are under it, they injure those on the wall. The upper part of the “rocker” should be fortified with decoys,[5] with manure and with green hides, so that hot water for emergency protection cannot injure them. When one pulls it behind them, then the head pulls back onto the ground and the tail is above until you come to a safe place. |
[019v] Diß haisset ain gnaper und ist ain hüpscher züg / Es gaut uff sechs redern und staut uff zwain sülen an dem zuo gan so naiget es dz houpt zuo der erde und richt den schwanz uff bis daß eß zuo der mure kompt so richt es dz houpt uff die mur und rürt die erden mit dem schwantz und die dar under sint die schedigent die uf den muren dz ober tail von dem gnapper sol gevestnet sin mit kuder mit mist und mit grünen hüten das Inen haiß wasser für noth geschütz nit schaden müge wen mann den hinder sich züchet so züchet sich das houpt wider uff die erde und der schwanz über sich umz dz dar an die sicher statt komest ~ | |
[19] This present elevation shields the people inside from the rear and the front and also from above. |
[020r] Dise gegenwürtige höhe beschirmet daß volk in wendig hindenan und vornan und ouch obnan ~ | |
[20] That is a “monk’s hood”, which lies behind on his back. One guides it on the three wheels, one in front under the point and two following. It should be covered above with decoys[5] and covered with hides and other things that belong with that; it should be joined using strong woodwork, supplied with iron. That is necessary so that heavy stones or hard shots do damage to it. When you arrive at the walls, then direct the point up with the one wheel. All who are inside it then climb it afterward. |
[020v] Das ist ains münches kappe die im hindenan uf dem ruggen lit die furt man uf den drin redern ains vornan under dem spuz und zwain nauch gende obnan sol sy verschoppet sin mit küder und verdecket mit hüten und andren dingen die dar zuo gehörend / es sol mit starckem holtzwerck zesamen gefügt sin versorget mit ysen daß es notdürftig ist das im schwer stain oder starck geschoss icht schade wan du an muren kumst so richt im den spitz uf mit der ainen schiben dem kliment hinach alle die dar inn sind ~ | |
[21] This is a bread that one calls “zwieback” and is twice baked bread. It is useful in fortresses and in tents. It remains good for a long time without mold or mildew. |
[021r] Diß ist ain brot das man haisset bis cott und ist zwürend gebachen brot. Es ist nutz uff festinen und in gezelten eß belibt gar lang zitt guot one schimel ~ | |
[22] This wooden ladder, made with disks on the inside, should connect itself to the wall using a cable fastened to it. Afterward, lash the pieces of the ladder when you want to remove it, then separate the left part from the ladder using the outer cable, then it is free. |
[021v] Diß hultzin laiter inwendig gemachet mit schiben sol sich zuo der mur fügen mit ainem angeschlagnen sail / dar nach sich an bindet die stucke von der laiter wen du die ablegen wilt So ledige dz lincketeil von der laitern mit dem usren sail so ist sy ledig ~ | |
[23] This whip is a knife when you want, and this drill[6] bores through twofold metal sheets. |
[022r] Dise gaisel ist ain messer wen du wilt und diser näpper boret durch ain zwifaltig blecht ~ | |
[24] You should consider an access using ditches. You should dig crookedly around, back and forth; set a shield over it, which is guided using long poles. The ditches protect the people from [stone] throwers and [they] approach safely, and when they want to exit then they should draw the shield behind them, so that they move safely. |
[022v] Du solt mercken ain zuo gan mit graben du solt graben krumbs umb wider und fur dar über ainen schirm setzen der sich für mit langen stangen die graben behüttent dz volk vor werffen und gand sicher zuo und wenne sÿ wellent abtrëtten so söllent sÿ den schirm nauch inen ziehen so gand sÿ sicher ~ | |
[25] This is a deadly defense, little jabbing small carts filled with stones [fitted] on the front with sharp iron. Run down the mountain. Armed people can run after the same because the wagons lay waste with the sharp iron whatever is in front of them. |
[023r] Diß ist ain tötlich wer kleine stoß kerrlin gefüllet mit stainen vorannan mit scharpffen ysen die berg abgelouffen den selben mügent gewapnet lüte nauch lauffen wen die wegen wüstent mit den scharpfen ysen wz vor in ist | |
[26] See the access to the fortresses using baskets or buckets. The posts underneath should go into the point of the basket or bucket. |
[023v] Sihe den zuo gang zuo den vestinen mit körben die stotzen dar under söllend in die spüz der körb gan. | |
[27] Wherever people are gathered in cliffs and in caves, whom you otherwise cannot overcome, then you should take mattresses or pillows with feathers; add to that urine[7] and pisul,[8] and ignite it so that the smoke arises from there. Then those [who] are in the caves suffocate, thus you get to them. |
[024r] wa in velsen und in hülinen volk versumet si die du sust nit über winden mügest da soltu bett oder küssi mit fedran nemen Tuo dar zuo irem und pisul und zünd es an so der rouch da von gant so ersticket die in den hülinen sint also kumpst du inen zuo | |
[28] You can make a light on top of a tower, and over that a lantern made from red glass with a long neck. Set that on a corner and set a large light therein. That illuminates many miles from you. |
[024v] du macht machen ain liecht uff ainen turn und dar über ain laternen von rotem glaß mit ainem langen hals setz dz uff ain egk und tuo ain gros liecht dar in dz lüchtet vil milen von dir ~ | |
[29] You can fortify erected tents in this way, with wooden [stakes] pointed on top with metal work and set into the ground. The Turks overcame the King of Hungary with this wisdom.[9] |
[025r] Ufgerichte gezelt im machst du vestnen in disen weg mit höltzern obnan mit geschmid gespüzet und in die erde gesetzt mit der kluoghait über wonden die türgen den küng von ungern. | |
[30] This arrow should be made from the best steel, with doubled ends and internally hollow and filled with lead. The same arrow flies so secretly and so quietly that no one can hear it. |
[025v] Dise vihele sol von dem besten stahel gemachet sin mit ainem zwifalt ruggen und in wendig hol und mit blÿ gefüllet die selbe vÿle vilet so haimlich und so linse dz es nieman gehören mag ~ | |
[31] Ingenius and pleasing for horses to be swum[10] |
[32] |
[026v] [No text] | |
[33] This is an article with which you can swim. Bind it in front of the stomach. The head of the tail should hang. The legs should be linen and the rings iron. |
[027r] Diß ist ain zuog mit dem du schwimen machst bind es für den buch des schwantzes houpt sol hangen die baine süllent lini sin und die ringgen ysinÿn ~ | |
You go or swim over any [body of] water with this article. You should pay attention that the head is forward on the hand, and the back is covered. And this item is made from ram skin leather and the edges should be silk. |
Du ganst oder schwimest mit disem züg über ain yeglich wasser Du solt war nemen dz hopt vornan die hend und den ruggen sint verdeckt und diser züg gemachet von bukinem leder und die kand süllent sidin sin ~ | |
[34] This is [a] stairway[13] with the ladder with single and double footsteps.[14] Go up and set it up, and the long double tines below support the ladder from below. |
[027v] Diß ist stigen mit der laiter mit ainmaligen und zwifaltigen foußstapffnn uf gan und tribt sich uf und die lang zwifaltig gabel ufenthalt die laitter undennan. | |
[35] These climbing ladders are made from rope.[15] You should fasten them using the long fork tines.[16] |
[028r] Diß stiglaiteren sind von sailen gemacht die soltu mit diser langen gabel anschlachen | |
[36] You gild a wreath with white roses in this way. Take yellow flowers[17] and grind them, and take beaten egg white and brandy wine, and mix the ground flowers with that and coat the roses, so that they become gold colored. |
[028v] Du vergüldest ain krantz mit wissen rosen In disen weg nim goldpluomen und zerstoz die und nim zerschlagen aÿer klär und gebrenten win und mische die zestossen bloumen da mit und besch bestrich die rosen so werdent sy goldvar ~ | |
[37] This “serpent” is a probe[18] against major failures, because it climbs on battlements and on towers. When one stretches it outwardly, then it moves upward using the disks. Afterward, one should reverse it until the hooks grip the fortress and the pointed iron at the bottom goes into the ground. |
[029r] Diser schlang ist sunden wider grossen gebresten wonn er klinet uff zinnen und uf türn wenn man in uß wendig streket so gant er mit den schiben uff dar nauch sol man in und keren biß die hoken die vestnung begriffent und die spizigen ysen undennan in die erde gand ~ | |
[38] |
[029v] [No text] | |
[39] This dagger should have a short shank[19] four hands long or more. Fight with the dagger in the right hand, with the round shield in the left hand. |
[030r] Diser tegen sol ain bomöl haben vier hende lang oder mer viht mit dem tegen in der rechten hand mit dem sinwelen schilt in der lingk hand. | |
[40] This large club belongs with the shield. You should guide the shield with the left hand and the club in the right hand and fight, stand, and strike with them both. |
[030v] Diser groz kolb hört zü dem schilt du solt den schilt in der lingken hand füren und den kolben in der rechten hand und mit inen baiden vehten stechen und schlachen | |
[41] This is a sling with which one throws stones, and is a sneaky weapon. With this weapon, David overcame Goliath, and [it] is useful on fortifications and in the fields. |
[031r] Diß ist ain schling da mit man stain würfft und ist ain küntlich gewer mit diser wer über wand dauid golÿam und ist nutz uff vestinen und uff dem velde ~ | |
[42] This bath is described by Galieno the premier doctor and is good for many types of breakdowns, particularly for trembling of the limbs and for breakdowns in the flow of the bright artery, you should take these herbs: artemisia, wormwood,[20] valerian,[21] chrysanthemum or tanacetum,[22] thorny restharrow,[23] St. Benedict’s herb,[24] kraut,[25] heather or broom, agrimony, and European water lily.[26] Obtain them in nice weather, wash them well and cut them into pieces and lay them in the crock under the bath so that the steam goes in through the tube. When one has sweated in there, then one should take the herbs out of the crock and rub and wash him or herself with them, the hottest that one can endure. This is useful all months except during the dog days. |
[031v] Diß bad ist beschriben von Galieno den obrostern arzat und ist guot für manger hand gebresten besunder für dz zittren der gelider und für den gebresten das flusseß der guldin ader du solt nemen dise krütter-bugg weremuot. baldrion bertram Eindorn benedict // heid agrimonien harwe und gewinne die bÿ schönem wetter wesche es wol und schnid sÿ ze stucken und leg die in dem hafen under dem bad dz der tampff durch dz ror in gange wenn man denn dar inne geschwitzet so sol man die krütter uß dem hafen nemen und sich da mit riben und weschen so mann iemer haissest mag Es ist all monat nütze on in den hundtagen | |
[43] This is another sling and is useful in the fields, on fortifications, and on mountains. |
[032r] Diß ist ain anders schling und ist nütz zeweld uff vestinen und uf bergen ~ | |
[44] This is a kitchen with a chimney so that the smoke flows away quickly in all winds. Take the white from eggs and separate if from the yolk, and pour the white through a funnel into a large flat bowl. Afterward, beat the yolks well through and over one another. If the white is in the closed flat bowl, afterward pour the yolks into that. Simmer until it becomes hard. That is then a large egg from which many can eat. |
[032v] Diß ist ain kuchi mit ainem kemi da der rouch in allen winden schnellerlich enweg flühet nim claur von eÿern und tuo es von den tottern und güß dz clär durch ain trachter in ain blater dar nauch klopff die tüttern wol durch ain andern über sind dz clar in der beschlosse blatter dar nauch güß die tuttern dar in und süd es hert werde dz ist denn ain groß eÿn dar ab vil essen mügent ~ | |
[45] If you want to secretly carry letters, pearls, gold, silver, or precious stones, take linen and make a hollow item from that, and place it in there. Afterward, take lime and salt and temper that with egg white, [and] coat it with that. When it is dry, then it becomes harder than a stone. Or separate a bread [loaf] into two parts and hollow it out, and place it there in and put it back together. Or drill a wooden block and force a peg into that and cut off the peg (and the block is a wooden [block]). |
[033r] wiltu verborgen tragen brieff berlin gold silber oder edel gestain nim leÿn und mach ain holding dar uß und leg ez dar in dar nauch nim kalch und saltz und tempern dz mit aÿerclar überzüch es da mit wenn das erdrucknet so wirt es herter der ain stain ouch machtu ain brot en zwai tailen und hülen und dar in legen und wider zesemen machen oder ain hülzin holtz klotz boren und ain zapffen dar in drengen und absegen dz der zapff und der klotz ain holtzen sie | |
An herb is called darnel[27] (some call it ninilol). It grows well at the locations where one has burned charcoal. Whoever simmers the roots in wine until the wine is one-fourth of the simmering, and then mixes that with other wine, that brings the strongest sleep that one can ever have, and whoever then puts moss in a well simmering wine, and combines and mixes it with that, then it becomes a surpassingly strong sleep draught. Whoever drinks that, that one loses all strength and defenses because of sleep. And one can lay a large population low with that, and know that this is a secret thing. |
Ain krutt haisset lolin ettlich nenient ez ninilol dz wachset gern an den stetten da mann kol brenett gebrent hantt wer der wurtzen fuindet südet in win bis der win das vierdtail in gesüdet und denn dz mit anderm win müschet dz bringt den aller sterckisten schlauff den man yemer gemachen mag und wer dz also ain [maus] moss bereit in ain ganz süder wins tut und es sich da mit verainet und vermist so wirt es als ain über treffenlicher starck schloff getranck wer dez trincket der kumet von schlauffen wegen von aller kraft und wer. und man möcht da mit nider legen ain groß volk und wiß dz diß ain haimlich sach ist | |
[46] This is a winch made from doubled wheels and arranged such that one part connects the rope to the other, so that if you pull on the one side, then it goes above itself, to the other side [and] back under itself. |
[033v] Diß ist ain haspel gemachet von zwifaltigen redern und also geordnet dz ain tail sich dem sich sail zu dem andern schlüsset so du zuo der ainen sitan zügest so gant ez über sich zuo der andren siten wider under sich ~ | |
[47] This is moving bridge, that is pushed forward using the outer ropes, and it goes back behind again using the middle rope, and it is a clever article, and [one] should thus attach the ropes underneath and inside. |
[034r] Diß ist ain louffende brugge die sich fur schübet mit den vsern sailen und mit dem mitel sail gant sÿ wider hinder sich und ist ain klügen züg und sail die sail undenan und innan also angebund[en] | |
[48] This box shield is made from woodworking and moves up and down. One shoots stones out of it when it moves up, and when it moves down, then no shot can injure the one who is behind the shield. |
[034v] Diser büchsen schirm machet sich von holtz werck und gant uff und nider man schüsset den stain her us so ez uf gant und wenn es nider gant so mag den dehain geschoss schaden der hinder dem schirm ist ~ | |
[49] This ship runs[28] fast against water, as quickly as a horse with a fast gait. It should have two wheels as are pictured here. |
[035r] Diß schiff loufet schnelle-klich wider wasser also geschwind als ain pfärt mit schl schnellem louff Es sol zwaÿ reder haben alz hie geformirt statt ~ | |
[50] Pay attention: wherever the sun follows the gold or brightly shining armor, the shield should move in front of that. Thus, a manly fighter overcomes his enemy with the sun’s help. He sends the beams of the sun (in the gold or in the brightly beautiful armor) in a measured way from there into the enemy’s eyes. |
[035v] Merck wo die sunn dem gold oder liechten glantzen harnasch nach gant so sol der schilt vor gan Also über windet ain manlicher vechter sinen veÿent mit der sunnen hilff der sunnen glantz in dem gold oder in dem liechten schöne | harnasch sender gemist dar us in der veÿent ougen ~ | |
[51] This head, equipped with weapons, cuts with the ears to either side. It moves on two wheels and it thrusts and kills with the tongue and the horn, and is a fighter in battles. It should be internally wooden and externally strongly reinforced[29] with iron, so that no one can hack it into little pieces with hammers or with axes. King Porrus guided this shield and laid many of his enemies low with it. |
[036r] Diß gewapnet houpt schnidet mit den oren zuo ÿetwedrer siten es gant uff zwain redern und mit der zungen und dem horn sticht es und töttet und ist vechther in stritten Es sol in wendig hültzin sin und uswendig starck mit ysen beschlagen dz es nieman mit hamern noch mit axen zerhowen müge der künig porrus fürte disen schirm und leite vil siner veuÿent damit nider ~ | |
[52] A wise fighter should organize his wagons like this when moving quickly. Firstly: one wagon after the other, afterward two next to one another, afterward three, afterward four, increasing according to the lines until you fill them all out. Divide the army’s force therein, that is, the warhorses, people, and also the people on foot. Divide all the points thusly. Use this organization when you move into foreign lands.. |
[036v] Ain wiser stritter sol sin wegen in starcken stritt also ordnen deß ersten ain wagen nauch dem anderen der nauch zwen nebent ain ander dar nauch dreÿ dar nauch vier ye meye me naüch der linien untz dz du sÿ alle erfollest mach dez heres craft dar in tail dz roß volk und ouch dz füßfolk also tailest du allen spitz diß ordnung bruch so du ziehest in die frömde | |
[53] This spur subdues[30] six horses and the shapes on it are half iron and half steel. It is to be used in foreign lands and it is taken as a means of security, because it forces the men strongly to the sides. |
[037r] Diser sporn zwingt sechs pfert und sind die formen daran halb ysin und halb stechlin ez ist zebruchen in der frömde und nement man ez ain sicherhait won ez zwinget den man vest ze siuden ~ | |
[54] One should make two wagons. On top of this frame there in the center, armed people fight; the wagons, they battle; the guns, they injure, and they beat drums. If you have arrived at water, then set the two wagons following one another in series, thus you are in a safe place due to the water. Each wagon should have six wheels according to its size and should be one-and-a-half wagon lengths. The horses should follow two ells behind the two first wheels so that they are safe, and they lay everything low. The rods, which are inside underneath, protect them from falling and the boards which are hung at the sides shield the unarmored horses. One horse should follow the other, and at each side one second [horse] is enough, [they] and are held together with twofold chains. |
[037v] man sol machen zwen wägen | |
[55] This item is called a “crab” and is smithed from iron, and moves backward and forward. One guides it on four fast wheels. It cuts in front and behind. There should be doubled sickles made of long iron at each side on the axles of the disks. It has four eyes: when one ignites them, then it shoots stones in front, crushed steel pieces like a hail, so that one lays the enemy low. One can make the item as large or small as one wants. |
[038r] Diser züg haisset ain krebs und ist geschmidet von ysen und gant hinder sich für sich man fürt ez uf vier schnellen redern Es schnidet vornan und hindan Es sind zwifalt sicheln von langen ysen zuo yetwedrer siten an den achsen der schiben sin Es hant vier ougen wenn man die anzündet so schüsset ez stain da vor geschrottene stahelstuck als ev ain hagel da mit man die veÿent niderleit den züg mag man machen groß oder clain als mann denne will. | |
[56] This battle wagon, which hacks up armored people’s legs, it fells unarmored people with contact. It has iron [parts], broad in the rear, and narrow in the front, filed sharp as a sickle, and one guides it on two wheels. |
[038v] Diser strittkarr der schrott gewäpnet lüt schenkel ungewaupnet volk vellet es mit rüren Es hant hindenan braite und vornan schmale ysen scharpff gefilet als ain sichel und man fürt es uff zwain redern ~ | |
[57] This shield belongs to the guns, and is built from woodwork, and should have two small wheels in front and two large behind. And so that it can more easily go over mountain paths, it should have two short iron [pieces] one ell long behind and in front. This is measured to mountains and for climbing, and also to pull it back again. One should always pull the iron with long ropes behind it. |
[039r] Diser schirm gehört zuo bichsen und ist gezimert von holtzwerck und sol vornan zwaÿ claine reder haben und hinden zwaÿ grossen und dz ez dester lichlicher über berg gang es sol haben zwaÿ kurze ÿsen ainer eln lang da hindan und vornan diß ist maz an bergen und ze stigen und ouch wider ab ze ziechen dz ÿsen sol man alwegen mit langen sailen hinder sich ziechen ~ | |
[58] This is a frightful, long “viper” with strong hooks in front, which one should place at a face on [exterior] walls. The people attacking [the walls] can use it and knights, who can pull into the interior in the walls, whatever they grip, when they strongly pull on the rope. |
[039v] Diß ist ain grine lange nater vornan mit starcken hangken die sol man legen zuo ainr wand an muren Es mugent bruchen die lüte Sturmen und ritter die in den muren mugent in inhin zichen wz sy begriffent wenn d si die sail kreffteclich ziehent ~ | |
[59] This bridge serves in two ways. It travels over land on four wheels and floats in the water. Do this as I said before, this bridge is a good wagon and watertight and comfortable on the water. |
[040r] Dise bruggk dienet in zwen weg Si füret sich über land uff vier redern und schwimet in dem wasser tuo als ich vor geseit hab dise brugg ist ain gütter wagenn und vest und gelücklich uff dem wasser | |
[60] This is another climbing hook. It moves on four wheels until the upper hook grips the wall and one safely climbs towers and walls with it. |
[040v] Diß ist ain ander stighangk der fürt sich uff vier redern biß dz der oberhangk die mur begrift und stiget man sicher da mit türn und muren ~ | |
[61] Thus, water guides itself from above on one side and up again to the other side. [There] should be a chamber inside in the middle which detains the water. |
[041r] Also fürt wasser von ainer sitten obnan ab und zuo der andern sitten wider uff Enmitten inne sol sin ain stube die dz wasser ufenthaltett ~ | |
[62] One should load wild horses with dry wood, including sulphur and pitch and resin.[31] If the saddle is daubed or smeared with egg white, then ignite that. Drive the horse among the enemies, thus [they] bite and strike and burn the enemies. |
[041v] Wilde pfärd sol man laden mit dürrem holtz dar in schwebel und bech und hartz si der sattel so geschmiere sin mit ayne claur zünd dz an trib die pfärt under die vÿent so bissent und schlachent und brennent die vigent | |
[63] A correct fire arrow should be round in front and hollow therein, which one should fill with powder, and pull a small sack over that, which is also filled with powder. Ignite it behind and shoot it quickly so that the fire burns and damages the shaft only a little. And where the shaft sticks in, it damages a great deal. Another fire arrow: take powder, sulphur, and work the correct mixture with oil. Bind it on top like a spindle, ignite it, and shoot with it. |
[042r] Ein recht fürpfil sol fornan sinwel sin und dar in hol dz sol man füllen mit pulver und ain secklin dar über ziehent dz ouch mit pulver gefüllet sy zin dz hindan an und schüß in bald so brint dz für und letzt den schaft wenig und wo der schaft beheftet da schadet er gröslich / ain ander für pfil nim pulver schwebel und werch temperen mit öl binds obnan alz ain spinel zünd ez an und schüß da mit | |
Using a large drill,[6] bore a hole into a tree and a small hole on the other side using a small drill,[6] and fill the large hole with powder and close it completely with a chunk of wood. Ignite it at the small hole and flee quickly from there. It bursts apart and makes a large tumult. |
Mit ainem grossen näper bor ain loch in ainem bom und mit ainem clainen näpper ain klain loch uf die ander siten und fülle dz groz loch mit pulver und verschlah ez vast wol mit ainem clotz zünd es zuo dem clainen loch an und flüh bald da von dz zerspringt von ain ander und machet ain groz tumultus | |
[64] This item is made for three guns and shoots one after the other. |
[042v] Diser züg ist gemacht zuo drin buchsen und schüsset ÿe aine nauch der andern ~ | |
[65] Take the very best powder and place it in these spheres. Ignite them and throw them. Great damage arises from this because the fire explodes them and burns very strongly. |
[043r] nim des aller besten pulvers und leg es an diß kugeln zünd sÿ an und wirff die da von kumet grosser schad wann dz für zerbrächt sÿ und brenet gar hart ~ | |
[66] This item belongs under the water. The head and the body are covered with leather and sewn well, and the eyes are made with glass therein and secured well with resin and with pitch. A sponge[32] or two should be above in front of the mouth, from which you can catch your breath and you can let [your breath] back into it, thus you can move and see under the water. |
[043v] Diser züg höret under dz wasser dz huopt und der lip sond verdecket sin mit leder und wol verneit, und die ougen von glesern dar in gemachet, und mit hartz und mit bech wol versichert obnan vor dem mund sol sin ain badschwam dar under zwen, dar us du den autem vahest und wider us laussest also machtu gan und sehen under dem wasser. | |
[67] This article is [made] the same way, with the exception that the head is covered by a heavy helmet, and the eyes under that are made as before. If the water flows strongly, then you should weight yourself with weight or tie a rope to a tree or to a pole,[33] so that you can come out using it. |
[044r] Zeglicher wiß ist diser züg, uß genomen dz dz hopt verdecket ist mit ainem schweren helm und ouch die ougen dar under vermachet als vor. Ist dz das wasser starck rinnet So soltu dich beschweren mit gewicht oder ain sail binden an ainem bom oder an ainen stok, das du dar an herus mugest komen. | |
[68] Darnel[27] is called libol [when] cooked together in wine, and the wine is mixed into another. Whomever you give this to drink, he falls asleep and does not wake for eight days. Take the fig-leaf-shaped part from the backbone of the crab,[34] mix it with whatever you want. That makes for great sleeping. Take valerian, soak it in wine overnight. Whomever you give it to drink, he sleeps until someone wakes him. Take the seeds from muratiten.[8] Whomever you give this to in a drink, he grabs the other by the hair. The remedy for the previously described articles is to pour strong vinegar into the nostrils. Whoever wants to ride across the country or to be taken as a watchman, and wants to make sleep difficult, he should take seeds of strepiton[8] and places them in the mouth, then the sleep quickly ends. |
[044v] Loliol ist genant libol samen in win gesotten und der win in andern gemischet wem du den ze trincken gist der entschlaffet und entwachet in achtagen nit. nim us den rugen grautt der kreps die fige, mische es wa mit du wilt dz machet gröslich schlaffen. nim baldrion leg den übernacht in win, wem du den zetrinken gist der entschlauffet bis man in wecket. nim den somen von muratitru, wem du dz in trank gibest der begriffet den andern bi dem har. Remedia für die vogeschribne stuck ist starcker essich in die naslöcher gegossen. welher über land ritten wil oder zuo ainem wachter genomen wirt und in der schlauff beschwärt, der neme körner von strepicon und lüwe es in den mund so hört der schloff uff ~ | |
[69] |
[045r] [No text] | |
[70] Take copper, beat [it], and make a sphere from it (internally hollow). Afterward, take unslaked lime, one part, [and] galbanum,[35] one half part. Mix the galbanum and the lime. Afterward, take turtle[36] gallbladder in the same weight and place the galbanum therein. Afterward, take soldier beetles[37] (as [many] as you want), cut the heads and wings off, and push with the same weight of mercury. Put it on a club, bury it in manure for forty days, and change it in the manure every 5th day. Then it becomes like gold. Take the ball and coat it with the first part and let it dry and when it is dry, then coat it with the other thing. Ignite it, and it does not extinguish. If you want to extinguish it, however, then take a piece of a flint, soften it in vinegar for three days, and immerse the ball within it. |
[045v] nim kupffer schlag und mach dar us ain kugel in wendig hol darnach nim ungelöschten kalch ain tail galbani ain halb tail müsch dz galbanum mit dem kalch dar nauch nim schnegken gallen in glichem gewicht und leg dz galbanum dar in dar nach nim Cantarides als du wild schnid in die höpter und die flügel ab und stoß die mit glichem gewicht kecksilbers tuo es in ain kolben vergrab es in ainem mist vierzig tag und ender dz in dem mist ye an dem .v. tag so wirt es als gold der nim die kugel und bestrich si mit dem ersten stuck und las es trucknen und wenn es trucken wirt so bestrich si mit dem anderen ding zünd si an so erlöschet si nit wilt du si aber löschen so nim ain stuck von ainem küsling waich das in essich dreÿ tag und versenck und versenck die kugel mit Im | |
[71] I am called Philomenus and am made from ore or from copper. I do not give [off] any heat if I am empty. However, if I am filled with turpentine[38] or with brandy wine, and someone places my body toward the fire so that I become hot, then I throw fire in sparks in front and one can light any candles thereby. |
[046r] Ich haiß philomenus und bin gemachet von er oder von kupffer Ich gib kain hitz so ich ler bin wenn ich aber gefüllet wird mit Terebinte oder mit gebrantem win und man min lip zuo dem für tuot dz ich haiß wird so wirf ich für in gneist vor da mit man ainer ieglich kerzen an zünden mag ~ | |
[72] These are snowshoes, one should make them in this shape and cover them with straw and tie them together above the foot. In the same way that you do that, tie them together under the feet with long straw. |
[046v] Dis sint schne raiff die sol man in dise form machen und stro dar uff decken und ob den füssen zesamen stricken zeglicher wis machstu dz machen mit langem stro under den füssen zesamen gebunden ~ | |
[73] You can make a prince’s palace warm with this well-flavored piece. Take many crucibles that contain fire, make a fire under them from dry wood and coals, [and] place therein ambrosia, partially-fermented wine, saffron, camphor, myrrh, old frankincense, mastic, incense, and two kinds of sandalwood. Add select incense to that, or other well-flavored things. |
[047r] Ains fürsten palast machtu wermen mit disen wol schmöckenden stucken nim vil tigel die für enhaltidt mache von dürrem holtz und kolen ain für dar under tuo dar in ambram mustg Saffran gamphor mirren alteß olibanum mastick wirouch und zwaÿerlaÿ sandel Tuo userlesen wirouch dar zuo oder andre wolschmeckende ding | |
Item: soak cloves[39] overnight in wine, and in the morning, cut them up finely. Place the cloves thickly in one crucible and pour a little of the wine on that. When this piece becomes hot, then it will smell good. |
Item leg negelÿ uber nacht in win und mornens so zerklub sÿ alle Tuo die nägeli dick in ainen tigel und güß des wines ein wenig dar an. wenne denn dise stuck haiß werdent so wirt es wol riechen. | |
[74] These assembled items are good in riding[40] for the army: a saw with a handle, crowbar, drill,[6] hook spanner,[41] pointed instrument for drilling mounted on a handle, a threading[42] die, [and] a cutting[43] blade. |
[047v] Diser gesamneten gezüg ist guot in raisen für die herren ain heftseg geisfüss ain näber ain dietrich ain pfriem ainen schnit ysen ain scharschach die stuck sind notdürftig. | |
[75] |
[048r] [No text] | |
[76] |
[048v] [No text] |
Additional Resources
The following is a list of publications containing scans, transcriptions, and translations relevant to this article, as well as published peer-reviewed research.
- Alte Armature und Ringkunst: The Royal Danish Library Ms. Thott 290 2º (2020). Trans. by Rebecca L. R. Garber. Ed. by Michael Chidester; Dieter Bachmann. Somerville, MA: HEMA Bookshelf. ISBN 978-1-953683-04-5.
- Cermann, Regina (2013). "Der ,Bellifortis' des Konrad Kyeser." Codices manuscripti & impressi S8: 117-158.
- Cermann, Regina (2014). "'Astantes stolidos sic immutabo stultos' – Von nachlässigen Schreibern und verständigen Buchmalern. Zum Zusammenspiel von Text und Bild in Konrad Kyesers ‚Bellifortis'." Wege zum illuminierten Buch: 245–270. Ed. by Christine Beier; Evelyn Kubina. Böhlau Publishing House.
- Chidester, Michael (2020). "The Bellifortis of Konrad Kyeser of Eichstätt." Alte Armature und Ringkunst: The Royal Danish Library Ms. Thott 290 2º: 113-150. Somerville, MA: HEMA Bookshelf. ISBN 978-1-953683-04-5.
- Leng, Rainer (2002). Ars belli. Deutsche taktische und kriegstechnische Bilderhandschriften und Traktate im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert. Weisbaden: Reichert Verlag.
- ↑ Chaerophyllum. Note: these are both aromatics.
- ↑ Blide = Steinschleuder, which is any weapon capable of casting stones.
- ↑ Or “space/interior”.
- ↑ Gnapper = a rocker/totterer/nodding movement.
- ↑ Jump up to: 5.0 5.1 Or “bait”.
- ↑ Jump up to: 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Näbiger is a broad term including both a drill and an auger.
- ↑ Irem => urin
- ↑ Jump up to: 8.0 8.1 8.2 Unknown word.
- ↑ Reference to the Battle of Nicopolis (1396), which Kyeser may have participated in.
- ↑ Or “floated”.
- ↑ Or “inserted”.
- ↑ The wrong text is included here. The original (Latin) 7-chapter version had this text on the page facing this illustration, and they were swapped by a careless scribe. The creators of Talhoffer’s manuscript only included one of the two illustrations with its wrong caption, leading to much confusion. This is also the only Latin text in this version, though the Cod. 3086 (from which it was copied) has several more that weren’t translated.
- ↑ Or “steep incline”.
- ↑ Sets of rungs?
- ↑ Or “cable”.
- ↑ Gabel doesn’t exactly mean hook, but sort of any type of forked/pointed agricultural tool.
- ↑ Goldblumen can be flowers made from gold (which appears unlikely here) or any number of yellow/gold flowers, including chrysanthemum, calendula officinalis (marigold), heliotropium, solsequium, areola, dandelion, Catha palustris (marsh marigold), centhauria, aurifolium, asphodelus, heliochrysum, anthemis tinctoria, ranunculus, lilium martagon (turban lily), etc.
- ↑ At the time, a sonde was a medical instrument for examining a wound or another point that could not be reached with one’s hand.
- ↑ Bomöl => baumel = small baum. In the context of fighting/dueling, a baum is a staff, so a short staff.
- ↑ Absinthium.
- ↑ Baldrian = valeriana.
- ↑ Bërhtram = pyrethrum.
- ↑ Eindorn = ononis spinosa.
- ↑ Benedict = herba benedicta.
- ↑ Heide = erica.
- ↑ Harwe/harwurz = nenuphar.
- ↑ Jump up to: 27.0 27.1 Loliol = lolium: darnel, poison darnel, darnel ryegrass, cockle, or false wheat.
- ↑ Or “moves”.
- ↑ Or “covered”.
- ↑ Or “overpowers”.
- ↑ Or “gum”.
- ↑ Presumably some type of natural sponge.
- ↑ Or “stump”, “pole”, “column”.
- ↑ Likely crayfish.
- ↑ Galbanum is an aromatic gum resin, the product of ferual gummosa.
- ↑ Schneggen could an older version of turtle, or specifically garter snakes in the north; it also means snail, but snails don’t have gallbladders.
- ↑ Cantharidae.
- ↑ Literally terebinth, the turpentine tree.
- ↑ Nelken can be cloves, carnations (dianthus), or the pistils of flowers like lilies.
- ↑ Or “traveling”.
- ↑ Or “wrench”.
- ↑ Or “screwing”.
- ↑ Or “shearing”.