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Notes Cluny Fechtbook (Cl. 23842) Paulus Kal Peter Falkner Glasgow Fechtbuch Goliath Jörg Wilhalm Hutter
Folio 12r

15 Listen to what is wrong,
do not fight above on the left if you are righthanded;
16 and if you are lefthanded,
on the right you limp as well.

MS CL23842 012r.jpg
MS KK5012 2r.jpg
Cgm 3711 02r.jpg
Folio 12v

27 Who strikes at you above,
the Wrath stroke threatens him with the point.

MS CL23842 012v.jpg
Cgm 1507 59r.jpg
MS Germ.Quart.2020 011v.jpg
Cod.I.6.2º.2 06r.jpg
28 If he becomes aware of it,
take it away above without fear.
Cgm 1507 59v.jpg
Folio 13r

29 Be strong against it;
wind, thrust. If he sees that, take it down.
30 Note this:
strike, thrust, posture, soft or hard,

MS CL23842 013r.jpg
Cgm 1507 60r.jpg
Cgm 1507 60v.jpg
MS KK5012 3r.jpg
MS Germ.Quart.2020 013r.jpg
Cod.I.6.2º.2 03r.jpg
Folio 13v

31 Instantly, and Before and After.
Your War should not be in haste.

MS CL23842 013v.jpg
MS KK5012 3v.jpg
Folio 14r

32 Who to the War tends above,
gets ashamed below.
33 In all winding
learn to find stroke, thrust, and slice.

MS CL23842 014r.jpg
Cod.I.6.2º.2 02r.jpg
Folio 14v
MS CL23842 014v.jpg
Cod.I.6.2º.2 05r.jpg
36 Four openings know,
aim: so you hit certainly,
37 without any danger
without regard for how he acts;
Cgm 1507 62r.jpg
Cgm 1507 62v.jpg
Folio 15r

38 If you want to avenge yourself,
break the four openings with skill:
39 double above,
transmute below correctly.

MS CL23842 015r.jpg
Cgm 1507 61r.jpg
Cgm 1507 61v.jpg
MS KK5012 4r.jpg
MS Germ.Quart.2020 016r.jpg
MS Germ.Quart.2020 016v.jpg
MS Germ.Quart.2020 017v.jpg
Cod.I.6.2º.2 05v.jpg
Folio 15v
MS CL23842 015v.jpg
Folio 16r

42 Crooked on him with nimbleness,
throw the point on the hands.

MS CL23842 016r.jpg
Cgm 1507 66v.jpg
MS KK5012 4v.jpg
Cod.I.6.2º.2 40r.jpg
Folio 16v
MS CL23842 016v.jpg
MS Germ.Quart.2020 018v.jpg
Cod.I.6.2º.2 39v.jpg
Folio 17r

43 Who performs the crooked well,
with stepping he hinders many a stroke.

MS CL23842 017r.jpg
MS Germ.Quart.2020 019v.jpg
Folio 17v
MS CL23842 017v.jpg
46 Crooked not, Short-hew.
Changing-through therewith show.
MS Germ.Quart.2020 021r.jpg
Folio 18r

49 The Thwart Stroke takes
whatever comes from the roof.

MS CL23842 018r.jpg
MS KK5012 5r.jpg
MS Germ.Quart.2020 022r.jpg
Cod.I.6.2º.2 07r.jpg
Folio 18v

Counter to the Zwerch

MS CL23842 018v.jpg
MS E.1939.65.341 001r.jpg
MS Germ.Quart.2020 023r.jpg
MS Germ.Quart.2020 024r.jpg
MS Germ.Quart.2020 025r.jpg
Cod.I.6.2º.2 09r.jpg
50 Thwart with the strong,
note your work with this.
MS Germ.Quart.2020 026r.jpg
Folio 19r

51 Thwart to the Plow;
to the Ox hard together.

MS CL23842 019r.jpg
MS E.1939.65.341 002r.jpg
MS Germ.Quart.2020 028r.jpg
Folio 19v


MS CL23842 019v.jpg
Cod.I.6.2º.2 38v.jpg
Folio 20r

52 He who thwarts well
with springing he endangers the head.

MS CL23842 020r.jpg
MS E.1939.65.341 002v.jpg
Cod.I.6.2º.2 09v.jpg
MS E.1939.65.341 001v.jpg
MS Germ.Quart.2020 029r.jpg
Folio 20v

53 Whoever conducts the Failer
from below he hits at his will.

MS CL23842 020v.jpg
MS E.1939.65.341 003v.jpg
Folio 21r


MS CL23842 021r.jpg
Folio 21v

54 The Reverser enforces the
running through and also brings wrestling.
55 The elbow take certainly,
spring into his balance.

MS CL23842 021v.jpg
Cgm 1507 67r.jpg
MS KK5012 6v.jpg
MS E.1939.65.341 004r.jpg
MS Germ.Quart.2020 030v.jpg
Cod.I.6.2º.2 10r.jpg
Folio 22r


MS CL23842 022r.jpg
Cod.I.6.2º.2 10v.jpg
Folio 22v

56 Double the Failer,
if you hit, also make the slice.

MS CL23842 022v.jpg
MS E.1939.65.341 004v.jpg
MS Germ.Quart.2020 031v.jpg
Cod.I.6.2º.2 31r.jpg
Folio 23r


MS CL23842 023r.jpg
Folio 23v

57 Twice further on,
step to the left and do not be slow.

MS CL23842 023v.jpg
MS E.1939.65.341 005r.jpg
Cod.I.6.2º.2 31v.jpg
Folio 24r


MS CL23842 024r.jpg
Folio 24v

58 The Squinter breaks into
whatever a buffalo strikes or thrusts.
59 Who threatens to change through,
the Squinter robs him of it.

MS CL23842 024v.jpg
MS KK5012 7r.jpg
MS E.1939.65.341 005v.jpg
MS Germ.Quart.2020 033v.jpg
Folio 25r
MS CL23842 025r.jpg
Cod.I.6.2º.2 19r.jpg
Folio 25v

60 Squint when he is short against you,
changing through defeats him.

MS CL23842 025v.jpg
MS E.1939.65.341 006r.jpg
MS Germ.Quart.2020 035r.jpg
Folio 26r

61 Squint to the point,
and take the throat without fear.

MS CL23842 026r.jpg
MS E.1939.65.341 006v.jpg
MS Germ.Quart.2020 036r.jpg
Cod.I.6.2º.2 24v.jpg
Folio 26v

62 Squint to the head above
if you want to damage the hands.

MS CL23842 026v.jpg
MS E.1939.65.341 007r.jpg
MS Germ.Quart.2020 037r.jpg
Folio 27r

63 The Scalper
is a danger to the face,
64 with its turn,
very dangerous to the breast.

MS CL23842 027r.jpg
MS KK5012 7v.jpg
MS E.1939.65.341 007v.jpg
MS Germ.Quart.2020 038v.jpg
Cod.I.6.2º.2 14v.jpg
Folio 27v

65 Whatever comes from him,
the Crown will take it.

MS CL23842 027v.jpg
MS KK5012 11v.jpg
Cod.I.6.2º.2 15r.jpg
Folio 28r

66 Slice through the Crown,
thus you will break it hard through.

MS CL23842 028r.jpg
MS E.1939.65.341 009r.jpg
Cod.I.6.2º.2 15v.jpg
Folio 28v

67 Press the strokes,
with slices pull them away.

MS CL23842 028v.jpg
Cod.I.6.2º.2 41r.jpg
Folio 29r

68 Four guards alone hold;
and disdain the common.
69 Ox, Plow, Fool,
From the Roof should not be unknown to you.

MS CL23842 029r.jpg
Cgm 1507 58r.jpg
MS E.1939.65.341 009v.jpg
Cod.44.A.8 001v.jpg
Cod.I.6.2º.2 12v.jpg
Folio 29v
MS CL23842 029v.jpg
Cgm 1507 58v.jpg
MS E.1939.65.341 010r.jpg
Cod.44.A.8 002r.jpg
Cod.I.6.2º.2 14r.jpg
Folio 30r

72 If you are parried
and when that has happened,
73 hear what I advise to you:
Tear away and strike quickly with surprise.

MS CL23842 030r.jpg
Cgm 1507 68v.jpg
MS KK5012 9r.jpg
MS E.1939.65.341 011r.jpg
MS Germ.Quart.2020 041v.jpg
Cod.I.6.2º.2 33r.jpg
Folio 30v
MS CL23842 030v.jpg
Cod.I.6.2º.2 32r.jpg
Folio 31r

Another counter against the parrying

MS CL23842 031r.jpg
Cgm 1507 68r.jpg
MS E.1939.65.341 011v.jpg
Cod.I.6.2º.2 32v.jpg
Folio 31v

74 Set upon the four ends.
Stay upon them, learn if you want to bring it to an end.

MS CL23842 031v.jpg
MS KK5012 9v.jpg
Folio 32r
MS CL23842 032r.jpg
MS E.1939.65.341 012r.jpg
MS Germ.Quart.2020 073v.jpg
Folio 32v
MS CL23842 032v.jpg
Folio 33r
MS CL23842 033r.jpg
MS E.1939.65.341 012v.jpg
Folio 33v
MS CL23842 033v.jpg
Folio 34r

75 Learn the chasing
twice, or slice into the weapon.

MS CL23842 034r.jpg
Cgm 1507 65v.jpg
MS E.1939.65.341 013v.jpg
MS Germ.Quart.2020 043r.jpg
76 Two outer intentions.
The work after that begins.
Cgm 1507 69r.jpg
MS Germ.Quart.2020 044r.jpg
79 Travel-after twofold.
One hits, make with the Ancient Slice.
MS Germ.Quart.2020 047r.jpg
Folio 34v

80 Who wants to strike below,
overrun him, and he will be shamed.
81 When it clashes above,
then strengthen: this I truly do praise.
82 Do your work,
or press hard twice.

MS CL23842 034v.jpg
MS E.1939.65.341 014r.jpg
Cod.I.6.2º.2 22r.jpg
Folio 35r

83 Learn to set aside,
To skillfully hinder stroke and thrust.
84 Who thrusts at you,
your point hits and counters his.

MS CL23842 035r.jpg
MS E.1939.65.341 014v.jpg
MS Germ.Quart.2020 048v.jpg
Cod.I.6.2º.2 22v.jpg
85 From both sides
hit every time if you want to step.
MS E.1939.65.341 015r.jpg
MS Germ.Quart.2020 050r.jpg
Folio 35v

86 Learn the changing through
from both sides, thrust with intent.
87 Whoever binds to you,
changing through will find him indeed.

MS CL23842 035v.jpg
Cgm 1507 66r.jpg
MS E.1939.65.341 015v.jpg
MS Germ.Quart.2020 051r.jpg
Folio 36r

88 Step close in binding.
The pulling provides good finds.

MS CL23842 036r.jpg
MS E.1939.65.341 016r.jpg
Cod.I.6.2º.2 23v.jpg
Folio 36v

89 Pull - if he meets, pull more.
Find the work that will hurt him.
90 Pull in all encounters
against the Masters, if you want to fool them.

MS CL23842 036v.jpg
MS KK5012 12r.jpg
Folio 37r

91 Run through, let hang
with the pommel. Grasp if you want to wrestle.
92 Who comes strongly at you,
the running through then remember.

MS CL23842 037r.jpg
MS E.1939.65.341 016v.jpg
MS Germ.Quart.2020 054r.jpg
Folio 37v
MS CL23842 037v.jpg
Folio 38r
MS CL23842 038r.jpg
Folio 38v
MS CL23842 038v.jpg
Folio 39r
MS CL23842 039r.jpg
Folio 39v
MS CL23842 039v.jpg
Folio 40r
MS CL23842 040r.jpg
Folio 40v
MS CL23842 040v.jpg
Folio 41r
MS CL23842 041r.jpg
Cgm 1507 67v.jpg
Folio 41v
MS CL23842 041v.jpg
Folio 42r
MS CL23842 042r.jpg
MS E.1939.65.341 019r.jpg
Folio 42v
MS CL23842 042v.jpg
Folio 43r

93 Slice off the hard ones,
from below in both attacks.

MS CL23842 043r.jpg
Cgm 1507 69v.jpg
MS E.1939.65.341 019v.jpg
Folio 43v
MS CL23842 043v.jpg
Folio 44r

94 Four are the slices:
two below and two above.

MS CL23842 044r.jpg
Cgm 1507 70r.jpg
Cod.I.6.2º.2 27r.jpg
Folio 44v

95 Turn your edge,
press the hands to the flats.

MS CL23842 044v.jpg
Cod.I.6.2º.2 27v.jpg
Folio 45r

98 Do the Speaking Window,
stand blithely and look at his actions.

MS CL23842 045r.jpg
Cgm 1507 70v.jpg
MS KK5012 12v.jpg
Cod.I.6.2º.2 20r.jpg
Folio 45v

99 Strike him until he is defeated.
When he withdraws from you,

MS CL23842 045v.jpg
MS KK5012 10v.jpg
Folio 46r

96 There are two hangings
from one side from the ground.

MS CL23842 046r.jpg
Folio 46v

97 In all attacks
strike, thrust, posture - soft or hard.

MS CL23842 046v.jpg
Notes Cluny Fechtbook (Cl. 23842) Paulus Kal Peter Falkner Glasgow Fechtbuch Goliath Jörg Wilhalm Hutter
Folio 47r

"Here begin Peter's devices: the sword-taking with counters and grappling. This is painted according to the Recital, or according to the Running Through [found in?] the Recital."

MS CL23842 047r.jpg
Folio 47v
MS CL23842 047v.jpg
Folio 48r
MS CL23842 048r.jpg
Folio 48v
MS CL23842 048v.jpg
Folio 49r
MS CL23842 049r.jpg
Folio 49v
MS CL23842 049v.jpg
Folio 50r
MS CL23842 050r.jpg
Folio 50v
MS CL23842 050v.jpg
Folio 51r
MS CL23842 051r.jpg
Folio 51v
MS CL23842 051v.jpg
Folio 52r
MS CL23842 052r.jpg
Folio 52v
MS CL23842 052v.jpg
Folio 53r
MS CL23842 053r.jpg
Folio 53v
MS CL23842 053v.jpg
Folio 54r
MS CL23842 054r.jpg
Folio 54v
MS CL23842 054v.jpg
Folio 55r
MS CL23842 055r.jpg
Folio 55v
MS CL23842 055v.jpg
Folio 56r
MS CL23842 056r.jpg
Folio 56v
MS CL23842 056v.jpg
Folio 57r
MS CL23842 057r.jpg
Folio 57v
MS CL23842 057v.jpg