honnor of their virtue, in signe of his vnspotted life & worthines of
his wisdome. The Philosopher saith he ought to be preferred be:
fore all subiects. The Romaines gave a Crowne to manie soldiers
and worthie gent, that were no kings, and gave a crowne of golde
especiallie to them that were victorious & fought man to man
& in that fight became victorious. In the olde testament the
crowne of golde was geven to Qweenes, a crowne of olife
was geuen to such as procured triumphe and were not in battle,
a Crowne of golde was geven to him that entred firste vpon
the face of his ennemie, other badges were allotted to a generall yt
rescued a Campe beinge besett. Allso the shipp was
geven to him that first borded the ship of his ennemie
The Crowne lawrell was allotted to Poetts, and to
Consulls triumphinge as saith Valerio. wheruppon it
is concluded that a kinge vncrowned maye challenge a kinge
crowned, because the Crowne alone maketh not a kinge
but is his signe honnor and token of virtue, wch ought to
be ioyned wth his powre. But yf te Challinger be a
Tiraunte, and claimeth the kingdome against iustice &
righte he may be refuzed by a kinge in whome rightfull
title is. And shall saye thowe prouokest me tyrauni:
callie and against Iustice. I meane not to hazard my
right wth thee.
Whether an Earle that is an
absolute Prince, maie be challen:
ged by an Earle that is a Subiect
Ca. 6.
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