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Revision as of 21:07, 4 February 2025 by Kendra Brown (talk | contribs)
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Protego[1] cesura me nunc / ac cuspide forti.
Et capulo[2] faciem ferio / ne prensus hic ensis[3]
Sit mihi / sim terram nec adhuc proiectus ad imam.

Teque tuum iaciam nullo prohibente caballum[4]
Cuius clune / mei pectus fremitando sedebit.
Quadrupedis nec linquo tui resonantia frena[5] /
Donec humum praeceps limosam vertice tangas.
Ista quidem armato valet optima captio / possuntque[6]
Ledere[7] non armis ullum sibi posse pavescit[8]

  1. Added later: "te juc g???et".
  2. Added later: "de la poignee".
  3. There is no enjambment bracket, but the punctuation and text indicate it.
  4. Added later: "eqquus".
  5. Added later: "cert mords de bride".
  6. According to Cappelli, p. 257
  7. Probably laedere
  8. Possible scribal flourish