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User:Kendra Brown/Florius/English MS Latin 11269 07r
Latin 07r
¶ Sit brevior licet hasta michi, traiectus abibis
Tu tamen. et iacias modo si libet ante. nec inde
Effugito. lacrimosa manent te praemia mestum.[1]
¶ Hasta tuum telum mea nunc penetrando refellet.
Inque tuum pectus prorumpam vulnere grandi.[2]
[15b-b] La tua lança e longa e curta la mia
Tra e non fuzir che te faro vilania
Your lance is extended/long and mine is shortened/short:
Attack (lit: throw) and do not flee, so I may do you villainy.
[15b-c] Cum mia lança rebatero la tua in lo mio passar
E in lo tuo peto te vegnero subito incassar
I will beat your [lance] with my lance as I step
And then I will quickly encase it in your chest.
English 07r
¶ It is probable that if my spear is shortened, YOU transfixed
will still die. you throw first, if it pleases you, and you must not
flee. tearful prizes await you, the Ill-Omened One.
¶ Having been penetrated by my spear, your javelin repels.
And I would burst into your chest with a great wound.