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User:Kendra Brown/Florius/English MS Latin 11269 07r

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Latin 07r

Page:MS Latin 11269 7r.jpg

Sit brevior licet hasta michi, traiectus abibis
Tu tamen. et iacias modo si libet ante. nec inde
Effugito. lacrimosa manent te praemia mestum.[1]

Hasta tuum telum mea nunc penetrando refellet.
Inque tuum pectus prorumpam vulnere grandi.[2]


Your lance is extended/long and mine is shortened/short:
Attack (lit: throw) and do not flee, so I may do you villainy.

I will beat your [lance] with my lance as I step
And then I will quickly encase it in your chest.

English 07r

It is probable that if my spear is shortened, YOU transfixed
will still die. you throw first, if it pleases you, and you must not
flee. tearful prizes await you, the Ill-Omened One.

Having been penetrated by my spear, your javelin repels.
And I would burst into your chest with a great wound.

  1. Enjambment bracket
  2. Enjambment bracket