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Page:MS V.b.104 059r.png
For What reason the exercise of armes
is Vsed.
Ca. 6.
As before I have saide Particular
battle is permitted by licence of superiors for honnor
or triumphe in the memorie of somme Prince or other disports
or for pleasure or exercise of armes amonge gentlemen, for
the better seruice of our contrie and triall of virtue or othr
particular enmitie, by licence of the Superiors. In the
Cittie of Naples there was in olde time a certeine feilde
wherin men vsed to fighte. In Rome and Perugia we
finde sondrie aucthorities that there were places for
exercise of armes wthout other Lycence.
In howe manie cases punish:
ment is to be don, Vppon those
that kill anie man in particular combat or turmament [sic]:
Ca. 7.
One other doubt is yet moued yf in Combat
or turneyment before a Prince for open triumphe one
happen to be slaine, whether he that did this slaughter
sholde be punished or not? wherto it is answered, that he
ought not, yf the same be donne wth lycence of the prince
The decretall willeth, that the aucthoritie of the Su:
perior excuseth the murder for that it was not pretended
that any such murder sholde happen. But yf wthout
the Princes lycence or of firme deliberation the same