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Page:MS V.b.104 112v.png
to the Romaines dissembling to feare the force of his enne:
mies sent owt certeine light horse to offer skirmish & he
in the meane time bestowed him self wth his whole powre
in such places as vnwares thennemies in pursute of skirmish
were paste him, who seinge his time assailed them behinde
and either slewe or tooke prisonners the whole armie. By
wch historie it may be considered that in all fights for life
aswell vniuersall as particular pollecie & skillfull industrie
is to be vsed, for by such meanes victorie is obteined.
When two gentlemen doe fighte for
quarrel of treason. after longe fighting
& neither of them Vanquished, whether
by the iudge they maye be parted or not.
Ca. 21.
A certein gent was accused of vntruth
and treason towardes his Prince obteined licence to wage
his battle against his accusor, and that first on horsback &
after one foote, they shold make triall of their quarrell, after
sondrie wondes both geven & received, it happened that some
while the one & some whiles the other had the aduauntage
holdinge his ennemie to the grounde. And the lookers on
seinge the bloude in great aboundaunce to ronne downe
from the hurtes wch either of them had receaved, & that the
victorie remained vncerteiene, & either of the parties thor:
oghe longe fighte well weried. yt semed that by iustice of
God either of them were like to be partakers of moste
cruell death. wheruppon the Iudge beinge instauntlie de:
sired not to permitt longer contencion answered yt forasmuch
as the quarrell concerned an offence of great importaunce
towching thestate & royall maiestie, they ought not to be