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Luis Barbarán/Rivera 2015

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In the name of the lord Saint George the first rule of the sword in two hands is:

Mutante entering the right leg, fas mutante entering the left leg, as many times as you like and forward and turn back.

The second is mandrete entering the right leg, reves entering with the left leg, as many times as you like forward and back.

The third, thrust entering the right leg and thrust entering the left leg, as many times as you like.

The fourth is mutante standing still and entering with a mandrete, fas mutante standing still, entering with a reves, as many times as you like, forward and back.

The fifth, thrust standing still, entering a mandrete and thrust standing still, entering with a reves, as many times as you like.

The sixth, mutante standing still, reves standing still, thrust standing still, entering with a mandrete, fas mutante standing still, mandrete standing still, thrust standing still, entering with a reves, as many times as you like.

The seventh, mutante with represa and another mutante with represa, entering with a mandrete, fas mutante with represa and another fas mutante with represa, entering with a reves, as many times as you like.

The eighth, mutante with represa and another mutante with represa, reves standing still, thrust standing still, entering with a mandrete, fas mutante with represa, fas mutante with another represa, mandrete standing still, thrust standing still, entering with a reves, as many times.

The ninth, the reverences, is a mutante to one side, another to the other side, and another mutante entering the left leg, reves standing still, thrust standing still, entering with a mandrete, making reverence, mutante to one side, another to the other side, entering with right leg with a fas mutante ahead, mandrete standing still, thrust standing still, entering with a reves, leaving with a mutante to one side and fas mutante to the other... as many times as you like.