Complete Translation (2015) by Tim Rivera
Transcription (1528) [edit] by Miguel González Ancín, Otis Towns
[1] In the name of the lord Saint George, the first rule of the sword in two hands is:
Mutante entering the right leg, fas mutante entering the left leg, as many times as you like and forward and turn back.
[95r.1] En nombre de Dios y del señor San
Gorge la primera regla del espada de
dos manos es
Al mutante entrando la pierna drecha
fas mutante entrando la pierna yzquierda
quantas vezes quiseredes y lenta delante
y tornar entatras
[2] The second is mandrete entering the right leg, reves entering with the left leg, as many times as you like forward and back.
[95r.2] La segunda es mandrete entrando la pier
na drecha rebés entrando con la pierna
yzquierda quantas vezes quiseredes anzia
delante y anzia atrás.
[3] The third, thrust entering the right leg and thrust entering the left leg, as many times as you like.
[95r.3] La tercer estocada dentrando la pierna
drecha y estocada dentrando la pierna
yzquierda quantas vezes quiseredes
[4] The fourth is mutante standing still and entering with a mandrete, fas mutante standing still, entering with a reves, as many times as you like, forward and back.
[95r.4] La quarta es mutante a pie quedo y entran
do con hun mandrete fas mutante a pie
quedo entrando con hun rebés quantas
vezes quisieres anzia delante y anzia trás
[5] The fifth, thrust standing still, entering a mandrete and thrust standing still, entering with a reves, as many times as you like.
[95r.5] La quinta estocada a pie quedo entrando[1]
hun mandrete y estocada a pie quedo en[1]
trando con hun rebés quantas vezes qui[2]
[6] The sixth, mutante standing still, reves standing still, thrust standing still, entering with a mandrete, fas mutante standing still, mandrete standing still, thrust standing still, entering with a reves, as many times as you like.
[95r.6] La sexta mutante a pie quedo rebés a pie[3]
do estocada a pie quedo dentrando con hun[1]
mandrete fas mutante a pie quedo mandr[4]
a pie quedo estocada a pie quedo dentrando[1]
con hun rebés quantas bezes quisieres[1]
[7] The seventh, mutante with represa and another mutante with represa, entering with a mandrete, fas mutante with represa and another fas mutante with represa, entering with a reves, as many times as you like.
[95v.1] La séptima mutante con represa y otro mutan
te con represa dentrando con hun mandrete fas mu
tante con represa y otro fas mutante con represa den
trando con hun rebés quantas vezes quisieres.
[8] The eighth, mutante with represa and another mutante with represa, reves standing still, thrust standing still, entering with a mandrete, fas mutante with represa, fas mutante with another represa, mandrete standing still, thrust standing still, entering with a reves, as many times.
[95v.2] La octaua mutante con represa y otro mutante con re
presa rebés a pie quedo estocada a pie quedo den
trando con hun mandrete fas mutante con repre
sa fas mutante otro con represa mandrete a pie que
do estocada a pie quedo dentrando con hun rebés
quantas bezes.
[9] The ninth, the reverences, is a mutante to one side, another to the other side, and another mutante entering the left leg, reves standing still, thrust standing still, entering with a mandrete, making reverence, mutante to one side, another to the other side, entering with right leg with a fas mutante ahead, mandrete standing still, thrust standing still, entering with a reves, leaving with a mutante to one side and fas mutante to the other... as many times as you like.
[95v.3] La nobena las reberencias es hun mutante al hun
costado otro al otro costado y otro mutante dentrando
la pierna yzquierda rebés a pie quedo estocada a
pie quedo dentrando con hun mandrete hazien
do reberencia mutante al hun costado otro al otro cos
tado dentrando la pierna drecha con hun fas mutan
te adelante mandrete a pie quedo estocada a
pie quedo dentrando con hun rebés saliendoser con
al mutante al hun costado y fas mutante al otro
[5] ga quantas vezes quisieres