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Page:MS V.b.104 009v.png
Libri Octaui Capita
Off Channces that happen in Particular Combatt & of Agremente taken betwext the fighters. ca. 1
Of two fighters that were in one Combat slaine wch of them ought be victorious. ca. 2
Of two knights agreed to fighte on horsback the one dismounteth and sleath his enemie whether he ought to be victorious. ca. 3
Of two gent havinge agreed that wch of them weare vnhorsed sholde be reputed vanquished, at the firste encounter they fell both, wch of them ought be victorious. ca. 4
Of two knights beinge wthin the liste to fight for life the one is overthrowne, he beinge on the grounde hurtheth the horse of his enemie wch the Iudge seinge departeth the Combatt. ca. 5
Of two gent beinge wthin the liste to fight for life, the one overthrowth the other, he that was ouerthrowen sayth, I am vanquished, & wth those wordes geueth him yt ouerthrowe him a greate wounde wherof he died, wch of them ought to have victorie. ca. 6
Of the honnor wch is gotten in thexercise of armes when one disarmeth an other of certeine peces & whether of them doth beste performe his parte. ca. 7
When in Combat for life or other, therbe corporall hurtes geven wch be of more or losse honnor or more or losse praiseworthy. ca. 8
Of the orders of Iustes and publique firmamente. ca. 9
Of two knights agreed to fighte for life wth mases of Iron, one of them bringeth a mase full of pestiferous pouldr wherby he became victorious. ca. 10
Of two gent entred into the feilde to fighte for life wth swordes, the one dismounteth & taketh holde of his ennemies foote beinge on horsback, who notwthstandinge alighteth also overthrowe him. ca. 11
Of two fighters, the one woundeth his ennemie & seinge his bloode soundeth, the man wounded duringe his sounde doth binde him & after him self dieth. ca. 12
Two gent at defiannce doe come to Combat for life, the Challinger dooth pmise [promise] to pve [prove] his quarrell, at the first incountr they booth die whether ye Challinger be vanquished or the case doubtfull. ca. 13