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Reit und Turnierbuch (MS 23.279)

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Reit und Turnierbuch
MS 23.279, Metropolitan Museum of Art
New York City, New York
Date 1838
Place of origin Innsbruck, Austria
Language(s) Early New High German
Compiler Jeremias Schemel von Augsburg
Scribe(s) Friedrich Otto von Leber
Illustrator(s) Friedrich Otto von Leber
Material Paper
Size 342 mm × 476 mm
Exemplar(s) MS KK5247
External data Museum catalog entry

Reit und Turnierbuch ("Riding and Tournament Book"; MS 23.279) is an 1838 copy of a German fencing manual created in the 16th century by Jeremias Schemel von Augsburg. The original currently rests in the holdings of Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, NY. This manuscript consists of various treatises on riding and dressage, including a German translation of the treatise of Federico Grisone, as well as an extensive tournament book and Jörg Wilhalm's teachings on mounted and dismounted dueling. It was copied from the MS KK5247 in 1838 by Friedrich Otto von Leber.



The Met indicates that this manuscript is a partial copy of the KK5247, the contents of which are placed below. It is unclear at this time how much of the manuscript was included in this copy.

1r - 57r Treatises on dressage by Federico Grisone
57v - 83r Tournament figures based on the work of Hans Burgkmair der Jüngere
83v - 110v Armored fencing by Jörg Wilhalm
111r - 133r, 148v - 192r Mounted fencing by Jörg Wilhalm
134v - 147r, 193v - 222r Mounted fencing by Antonius Rast
223r - 340r Treatise on tournaments


Additional Resources

The following is a list of publications containing scans, transcriptions, and translations relevant to this article, as well as published peer-reviewed research.



Copyright and License Summary

For further information, including transcription and translation notes, see the discussion page.

Work Author(s) Source License
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Transcription Index:Reit und Turnierbuch (MS 23.279)