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Category:Public Domain
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Pages in category "Public Domain"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 606 total.
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- Talk:Abu-I-Hassan Ali ibn Abd-ar-Rahman al-Farazi al-Andalus
- Academie de l'Espée (Gérard Thibault d'Anvers)
- Talk:Academie de l'Espée (Gérard Thibault d'Anvers)
- Talk:Achille Marozzo
- Adam van Breen
- Talk:Adam van Breen
- Albrecht Dürers Fechtbuch (Sloane MS No.5229)
- Talk:Albrecht Dürers Fechtbuch (Sloane MS No.5229)
- Index talk:Albrecht Dürers Fechtbuch (Sloane MS No.5229)
- Francesco Fernando Alfieri
- Ambraser Codex (MS KK5342)
- Talk:Ambraser Codex (MS KK5342)
- Index talk:Ambraser Codex (MS KK5342)
- Talk:Andre Lignitzer
- Talk:Andre Paurenfeyndt
- Talk:André des Bordes
- Anfangsgründe der Fechtkunst (MS B.215)
- Angelo Paternostraro
- Talk:Angelo Viggiani dal Montone
- Anonymous 15th Century Poem
- Talk:Anonymous 15th Century Poem
- Anonymous sword and buckler images
- Talk:Anonymous sword and buckler images
- Talk:Antonio Manciolino
- Anweisung zur Fechtkunst (4º MS Math.2)
- Talk:Anweisung zur Fechtkunst (4º MS Math.2)
- Arte de Esgrima (MS PBA 58)
- Talk:Arte de Esgrima (MS PBA 58)
- Arzneibuch, kunsttechnische und Hausrezepte (Cgm 824)
- Fabian von Auerswald
- Augsburg Group
- Talk:Augsburg Group
- Pieter Bailly
- Bauman Fechtbuch (Cod.I.6.4º.2)
- Talk:Bauman Fechtbuch (Cod.I.6.4º.2)
- Index talk:Bauman Fechtbuch (Cod.I.6.4º.2)
- Bem cavalgar (MS Portugais 5)
- Talk:Bem cavalgar (MS Portugais 5)
- Berlin Picture Book (Libr.Pict.A.83)
- Talk:Berlin Picture Book (Libr.Pict.A.83)
- Index talk:Berlin Picture Book (Libr.Pict.A.83)
- André des Bordes
- Bref instructions upon my Paradoxes of defence (MS 1086)
- Talk:Bref instructions upon my Paradoxes of defence (MS 1086)
- Bref Instructions vpõ My Pradoxes of Defence (Sloane MS No.376)
- Talk:Bref Instructions vpõ My Pradoxes of Defence (Sloane MS No.376)
- Johannes Georgius Bruchius
- Burgkmair Turnierbuch (Cod.icon. 403)
- Talk:Burgkmair Turnierbuch (Hohenzollern Sigmaringen MS)
- Burgkmair Turnierbuch (Hohenzollern Sigmaringen MS)
- Burgkmair Turnierbuch (Wittelsbach MS)
- Talk:Burgkmair Turnierbuch (Wittelsbach MS)
- Bũech von fechter Vnnd Ringstückhen zũ Ross vnnd Fuoß (Cod.10799)
- Index talk:Bũech von fechter Vnnd Ringstückhen zũ Ross vnnd Fuoß (Cod.10799)
- Talk:Bũech von fechter Vnnd Ringstückhen zũ Ross vnnd Fuoß (Cod.10799)
- Cabinet d'escrime de l'espee et poingnardt (MS KB.73.J.39)
- Talk:Cabinet d'escrime de l'espee et poingnardt (MS KB.73.J.39)
- Capitolo di M. Mercvrio Spetioli da Fermo (Mercurio Spezioli)
- Talk:Capitolo di M. Mercvrio Spetioli da Fermo (Mercurio Spezioli)
- Index talk:Capitolo di M. Mercvrio Spetioli da Fermo (Mercurio Spezioli) 1577.pdf
- Ridolfo Capo Ferro da Cagli
- Talk:Carlo Giuseppe Colombani
- Cartilla y luz en la verdadera destreza
- Girolamo Cavalcabo
- Talk:Christoff Rösener
- Index talk:Cod.11093
- Index talk:Codex Amberger
- Codex Lew (Cod.I.6.4º.3)
- Talk:Codex Lew (Cod.I.6.4º.3)
- Index talk:Codex Lew (Cod.I.6.4º.3)
- Carlo Giuseppe Colombani
- Compendio di Scherma (Cod.256)
- Talk:Compendio di Scherma (Cod.256)
- Index talk:Compendio di Scherma (Cod.256)
- Compendio e discorso di tutto quello (Cod.10784)
- Index talk:Compendio e discorso di tutto quello (Cod.10784)
- Talk:Compendio e discorso di tutto quello (Cod.10784)
- Compendio y Philosophia y Dztreza de las Armas (MS R4-B274)
- Talk:Compendio y Philosophia y Dztreza de las Armas (MS R4-B274)
- Index talk:Compendio y Philosophia y Dztreza de las Armas (MS R4-B274)
- Cort Bevvijs' Van t'Rapier alleen (MS KB.72.F.37)
- Talk:Cort Bevvijs' Van t'Rapier alleen (MS KB.72.F.37)
- Index talk:Cort Bevvijs' Van t'Rapier alleen (MS KB.72.F.37)
- Hans Czynner
- Giovanni dall'Agocchie
- Pseudo-Peter von Danzig
- Das Buch von Füßringen
- Talk:Das Buch von Füßringen
- Das Landshuter Ringerbuch (Hans Wurm)
- Talk:Das Landshuter Ringerbuch (Hans Wurm)
- De Dignoscendis Hominibus (Pedro Monte)
- Talk:De Dignoscendis Hominibus (Pedro Monte)
- De la Filosofia de las Armas y de su Destreza y la Aggression y Defensa Cristiana (Jerónimo Sánchez de Carranza)
- Talk:De la Filosofia de las Armas y de su Destreza y la Aggression y Defensa Cristiana (Jerónimo Sánchez de Carranza)
- De Nassavsche Wapen-Handelinge (Adam van Breen)
- Talk:De Nassavsche Wapen-Handelinge (Adam van Breen)
- De Veris Principiis Artis Dimicatoriae (Heinrich von Gunterrodt)
- Talk:De Veris Principiis Artis Dimicatoriae (Heinrich von Gunterrodt)
- Index talk:De Veris Principiis Artis Dimicatoriae (Heinrich von Gunterrodt) 1579.pdf
- Debrecener Ringbuch (MS R.605)
- Talk:Debrecener Ringbuch (MS R.605)
- Defensa de la berdadera destreça de las armas (M 1-3-3)
- Talk:Defensa de la berdadera destreça de las armas (M 1-3-3)
- Dell'Arte di Scrima Libri Tre (Giovanni dall'Agocchie)
- Talk:Dell'Arte di Scrima Libri Tre (Giovanni dall'Agocchie)
- Index talk:Dell'Arte di Scrima Libri Tre (Giovanni dall'Agocchie) 1572.pdf
- Den Ridderlige og Adelige Fecht-Konstis (G.A)
- Talk:Den Ridderlige og Adelige Fecht-Konstis (G.A)
- Index talk:Der Altenn Fechter anfengliche kunst (Christian Egenolff) 1531-1537.pdf
- Deutliche Beschreibung Unterschiedener Fahnen-Lectionen (Johann Georg Pascha)
- Talk:Deutliche Beschreibung Unterschiedener Fahnen-Lectionen (Johann Georg Pascha)
- Index talk:Deutliche Erklårung der Fechtkunst (Jean Daniel L'Ange) 1664.pdf
- Deutliche Erklårung der Fechtkunst (Johann Daniel Lange)
- Talk:Deutliche Erklårung der Fechtkunst (Johann Daniel Lange)
- Dialogo del Modo di Mettere in battaglia presto & con facilità (Camillo Agrippa)
- Talk:Dialogo del Modo di Mettere in battaglia presto & con facilità (Camillo Agrippa)
- Dialogo del uso della spada (Girolamo Lucino)
- Talk:Dialogo del uso della spada (Girolamo Lucino)
- Index talk:Dialogo del uso della spada (Girolamo Lucino) 1589.pdf
- Index talk:Die Adeliche und Ritterliche Fechtkunst (MS Best.7010 W*289)
- Die Adeliche und Ritterliche Fechtkunst (MS Germ. Oct. 227)
- Talk:Die Adeliche und Ritterliche Fechtkunst (MS Germ. Oct. 227)
- Die Blume des Kampfes
- Talk:Die Blume des Kampfes
- Die Blume des Kampfes (Cod.5278)
- Index talk:Die Blume des Kampfes (Cod.5278)
- Talk:Die Blume des Kampfes (Cod.5278)
- Index talk:DiGraſsi his true Arte of Defence (Giacomo di Grassi) 1594.pdf
- Discours de la théorie de la pratique et de l’excellence des armes (André des Bordes)
- Talk:Discours de la théorie de la pratique et de l’excellence des armes (André des Bordes)
- Index talk:Discours de la théorie de la pratique et de l’excellence des armes (André des Bordes) 1610.pdf
- Discours de la théorie de la pratique et de l’excellence des armes (MS E.1939.65.435)
- Talk:Discours de la théorie de la pratique et de l’excellence des armes (MS E.1939.65.435)
- Talk:Domingo Luis Godinho
- Eigentliche beschreibung des fechtens ihm Einfachen Rappir (MS E.ö.V.36)
- Eigentliche Beschreibung des Fechtens ihm einfachen Rappir (MS Var.7)
- Talk:Eigentliche Beschreibung des Fechtens ihm einfachen Rappir (MS Var.7)
- Eigentliche Beschreibung des Stoßfechtens (MS Dresd.C.13)
- Talk:Eigentliche Beschreibung des Stoßfechtens (MS Dresd.C.13)
- Ein Hausbuch des mittelalterlichen Wissens (BJ Rkp. Przyb. 35/64)
- Einige Figuren von Fus-Thurnieren (2º MS Math.7)
- Talk:Einige Figuren von Fus-Thurnieren (2º MS Math.7)
- Index talk:Ergrundung Ritterlicher Kunst der Fechterey (Andre Paurenfeyndt) 1516.pdf
- Index talk:Escrime Novvelle ou Theatre (Nicoletto Giganti) Book 1 1619.pdf
- Index talk:Escrime Novvelle ou Theatre (Salvator Fabris) Book 2 1619.pdf
- Talk:Etliche General Regeln undt Observationes (MS Mil. IV 30)
- Etliche General Regeln undt Observationes (MS Mil. IV 30)
- Exercitiorum Atque Artis Militaris Collectanea (Pedro Monte)
- Talk:Exercitiorum Atque Artis Militaris Collectanea (Pedro Monte)
- Eyb Kriegsbuch (MS B.26)
- Talk:Eyb Kriegsbuch (MS B.26)
- Index talk:Eyb Kriegsbuch (MS B.26)
- Eyb Turnierbuch (Cgm 961)
- Index talk:Eyb Turnierbuch (Cgm 961)
- Talk:Fabian von Auerswald
- Salvator Fabris
- Falkner Turnierbuch
- Alfonso Falloppia
- Talk:Fechtbuch (MS 62)
- Fechtbuch (MS 62)
- Fechtbuch des einfachen Rapiers (MS germ.qu.1190/1191)
- Fechtbuch zu Ross und zu Fuss (MS Var.82)
- Talk:Fechtbuch zu Ross und zu Fuss (MS Var.82)
- Index talk:Fechtbuch zu Ross und zu Fuss (MS Var.82)
- Fechtbuchleinn (Cod.Guelf.1074.Novi)
- Fechter & Ringer (Maarten van Heemskerck)
- Talk:Fechter & Ringer (Maarten van Heemskerck)
- Fechtkunst aus dem Italienischen (MS Dresd.C.94a)
- Talk:Fechtkunst aus dem Italienischen (MS Dresd.C.94a)
- Talk:Federico Ghisliero
- Octavio Ferrara
- Figures nues, positions d'escrime à l'épée (MS 17)
- Talk:Figures nues, positions d'escrime à l'épée (MS 17)
- Fior di Battaglia (MS Ludwig XV 13)
- Index talk:Fior di Battaglia (MS Ludwig XV 13)
- Talk:Fior di Battaglia (MS Ludwig XV 13)
- Fior di Battaglia (MS XXIV)
- Index talk:Fior di Battaglia (MS XXIV)
- Talk:Fior di Battaglia (MS XXIV)
- Fiore de'i Liberi
- Talk:Fiore de'i Liberi
- Florius de Arte Luctandi (MS Latin 11269)
- Index talk:Florius de Arte Luctandi (MS Latin 11269)
- Talk:Florius de Arte Luctandi (MS Latin 11269)
- Flos Duellatorum (Pisani Dossi MS)
- Index talk:Flos Duellatorum (Pisani Dossi MS)
- Talk:Flos Duellatorum (Pisani Dossi MS)
- Talk:Francesco Fernando Alfieri
- Talk:George Silver
- Geschlechterbuch der Stadt Augsburg (Cod.icon. 312b)
- Federico Ghisliero
- Talk:Giacomo di Grassi
- Nicoletto Giganti
- Talk:Giovanni dall'Agocchie
- Talk:Girolamo Cavalcabo
- Gladiatoria (MS Germ.Quart.16)
- Talk:Gladiatoria (MS Germ.Quart.16)
- Index talk:Gladiatoria (MS Germ.Quart.16)
- Gladiatoria (MS U860.F46 1450)
- Talk:Gladiatoria (MS U860.F46 1450)
Media in category "Public Domain"
The following 82 files are in this category, out of 82 total.
- Bruchius Grondige Beschryvinge scherm ofte wapenkonste 1676 KK134 KK135.jpg 2,021 × 849; 227 KB
- Bruchius Grondige Beschryvinge scherm ofte wapenkonste 1676 L44 L45.jpg 2,042 × 898; 176 KB
- Bruchius Grondige Beschryvinge scherm ofte wapenkonste 1676 L46 L47.jpg 2,042 × 876; 212 KB
- Bruchius Grondige Beschryvinge scherm ofte wapenkonste 1676 LL136 LL137.jpg 2,020 × 881; 190 KB
- Bruchius Grondige Beschryvinge scherm ofte wapenkonste 1676 LL138 LL139.jpg 2,015 × 854; 241 KB
- Bruchius Grondige Beschryvinge scherm ofte wapenkonste 1676 M48 M49.jpg 2,041 × 902; 190 KB
- Bruchius Grondige Beschryvinge scherm ofte wapenkonste 1676 M50 M51.jpg 2,042 × 854; 216 KB
- Bruchius Grondige Beschryvinge scherm ofte wapenkonste 1676 MM140 MM141.jpg 2,021 × 820; 166 KB
- Bruchius Grondige Beschryvinge scherm ofte wapenkonste 1676 MM142 MM143.jpg 2,020 × 921; 228 KB
- Bruchius Grondige Beschryvinge scherm ofte wapenkonste 1676 N52 N53.jpg 2,042 × 914; 225 KB
- Bruchius Grondige Beschryvinge scherm ofte wapenkonste 1676 N54 N55.jpg 2,041 × 856; 198 KB
- Bruchius Grondige Beschryvinge scherm ofte wapenkonste 1676 O56 O57.jpg 2,042 × 881; 221 KB
- Bruchius Grondige Beschryvinge scherm ofte wapenkonste 1676 O58 O59.jpg 2,036 × 859; 220 KB
- Bruchius Grondige Beschryvinge scherm ofte wapenkonste 1676 P60 P61.jpg 2,042 × 860; 225 KB
- Bruchius Grondige Beschryvinge scherm ofte wapenkonste 1676 P62 P63.jpg 2,036 × 891; 259 KB
- Bruchius Grondige Beschryvinge scherm ofte wapenkonste 1676 Q64 Q65.jpg 2,042 × 879; 219 KB
- Bruchius Grondige Beschryvinge scherm ofte wapenkonste 1676 Q66 Q67.jpg 2,035 × 868; 218 KB
- Bruchius Grondige Beschryvinge scherm ofte wapenkonste 1676 R68 R69.jpg 2,042 × 935; 202 KB
- Bruchius Grondige Beschryvinge scherm ofte wapenkonste 1676 R70 R71.jpg 2,035 × 823; 217 KB
- Bruchius Grondige Beschryvinge scherm ofte wapenkonste 1676 S72 S73.jpg 2,042 × 877; 205 KB
- Bruchius Grondige Beschryvinge scherm ofte wapenkonste 1676 S74 S75.jpg 2,041 × 864; 225 KB
- Bruchius Grondige Beschryvinge scherm ofte wapenkonste 1676 T76 T77.jpg 2,041 × 927; 221 KB
- Bruchius Grondige Beschryvinge scherm ofte wapenkonste 1676 T78 T79.jpg 2,042 × 824; 203 KB
- Bruchius Grondige Beschryvinge scherm ofte wapenkonste 1676 V80 V81.jpg 2,042 × 866; 210 KB
- Bruchius Grondige Beschryvinge scherm ofte wapenkonste 1676 V82 V83.jpg 2,042 × 878; 203 KB
- Bruchius Grondige Beschryvinge scherm ofte wapenkonste 1676 W84 W85.jpg 2,042 × 881; 178 KB
- Bruchius Grondige Beschryvinge scherm ofte wapenkonste 1676 W86 W87.jpg 2,036 × 845; 201 KB
- Bruchius Grondige Beschryvinge scherm ofte wapenkonste 1676 Y88 Y89.jpg 2,042 × 866; 184 KB
- Bruchius Grondige Beschryvinge scherm ofte wapenkonste 1676 Y90 Y91.jpg 2,042 × 862; 187 KB
- Bruchius Grondige Beschryvinge scherm ofte wapenkonste 1676 Z92 Z93.jpg 2,042 × 885; 198 KB
- Bruchius Grondige Beschryvinge scherm ofte wapenkonste 1676 Z94 Z95.jpg 2,042 × 844; 220 KB
- Giganti 01.png 3,112 × 1,873; 6.82 MB
- Giganti 02.png 3,155 × 1,870; 6.87 MB
- Giganti 03.png 3,216 × 1,937; 7.17 MB
- Giganti 04.png 3,367 × 1,871; 7.35 MB
- Giganti 05.png 3,388 × 1,887; 7.32 MB
- Giganti 06.png 3,251 × 1,949; 7.65 MB
- Giganti 07.png 3,239 × 1,959; 7.47 MB
- Giganti 08.png 3,240 × 1,921; 7.38 MB
- Giganti 09.png 2,765 × 1,658; 5.47 MB
- Giganti 10.png 2,791 × 1,645; 6.01 MB
- Giganti 11.png 2,801 × 1,703; 5.81 MB
- Giganti 12.png 3,210 × 1,911; 7.13 MB
- Giganti 13.png 3,178 × 1,895; 6.59 MB
- Giganti 14.png 3,148 × 1,851; 6.72 MB
- Giganti 15.png 3,117 × 1,891; 7.1 MB
- Giganti 16.png 3,212 × 1,922; 7.12 MB
- Giganti 17.png 3,186 × 1,911; 7.16 MB
- Giganti 18.png 3,164 × 1,861; 7.03 MB
- Giganti 19.png 3,244 × 1,938; 7.8 MB
- Giganti 20.png 3,156 × 1,863; 7.18 MB
- Giganti 21.png 3,103 × 1,908; 7.19 MB
- Giganti 22.png 2,744 × 1,645; 5.95 MB
- Giganti 23.png 2,633 × 1,583; 5.11 MB
- Giganti 24.png 2,787 × 1,688; 6.34 MB
- Giganti 25.png 2,726 × 1,629; 5.51 MB
- Giganti 26.png 3,114 × 1,895; 6.89 MB
- Giganti 27.png 3,083 × 1,898; 6.36 MB
- Giganti 28.png 2,714 × 1,638; 5.72 MB
- Giganti 29.png 3,151 × 1,849; 6.81 MB
- Giganti 30.png 3,106 × 1,864; 6.4 MB
- Giganti 31.png 3,107 × 1,868; 6.66 MB
- Giganti 32.png 3,165 × 1,864; 7.32 MB
- Giganti 33.png 3,126 × 1,893; 6.95 MB
- Giganti 34.png 3,100 × 1,880; 7.21 MB
- Giganti 35.png 3,138 × 1,888; 6.85 MB
- Giganti 36.png 3,378 × 1,875; 7.56 MB
- Giganti 37.png 3,151 × 1,885; 7.23 MB
- Giganti 38.png 2,756 × 1,654; 5.89 MB
- Giganti 39.png 2,771 × 1,642; 5.59 MB
- Giganti 40.png 3,184 × 1,882; 6.97 MB
- Giganti 41.png 2,718 × 1,606; 5.58 MB
- Giganti 42.png 3,178 × 1,892; 7.18 MB
- Giganti Medici Heraldry.png 2,918 × 1,716; 9.1 MB
- Giganti Title 1606.png 1,073 × 773; 1.37 MB
- JohannAndreasSchmidt.jpg 250 × 210; 62 KB
- Le tre Giornate Pagano.jpg 1,451 × 2,227; 2 MB
- Nicoletto Giganti portrait 1606.png 3,398 × 2,203; 11.25 MB
- Pagano 1553.pdf 1,631 × 1,275, 97 pages; 10.9 MB
- Quadriangle.png 157 × 43; 12 KB
- Thibault L1 Intro 02.jpg 800 × 1,094; 68 KB
- Thibault L1 Intro 03.jpg 800 × 1,084; 66 KB