and to crosse the armes. And it is to be noted, that in this high warde, be it on what side it wil, the sword is to be borne with the poynt turned downewardes.
The second is the broad warde, & must be framed with the armes widened from the body, not high but straight. And from this springeth and is framed an other broad warde, turned towards the other side by crossing of the armes.
The third is the lowe warde, and in this the sword would be borne with the poynt some what vppwardes. And this warde hath his opposite or contrarie, by turning the sword on the other side, and crossing the armes. There may be framed manie other wardes: As for example, to beare the sword on high, with the poynt backewardes, to the entent to driue a downe right, or cleauing edge-blowe: or else to beare it lowe with the poynt backwardes, to the entēt to driue it from beneath vpwards. But in theese wardes falses are to small purpose: And if there be any one of them worth the vsing, it should be the false of an edgeblowe, the which at the two hand sworde is not to be vsed at all, because there is much time lost considering that immediatlie after the false, he must strike home with an edgeblow. For it is not commodius at the two hand sword, to false an edgeblowe, & deliuer home a thrust, because the waight or swing of the sword in deliuering an edge-blowe, transporteth the arms beyond their strength, so that they may verie difficultlie withhold the blow to such purpose, that they may be able as it were in that instant to deliuer a thrust. Therefore the false that should be vsed at the two hand sword, ought alwaies to be framed