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Page:DiGraſsi his true Arte of Defence (Giacomo di Grassi) 1594.pdf/172
resolut then falsed, and as farr forwardes as both armes will stretch. In doing of the which, he shal force the enimie to retire so much, that he may easely therevpon deliuer his edgeblowe with the encrease of a pace, nothing douting that the enimy wil strike home first with a thrust. Therefore when one standeth at the high warde, on either side he must false a thrust, & encrease a pace deliuering there withal such an edgeblowe, as shal be most commodius to serue his turne, either right or reuersed. And further may practise the like in the broad and lowe wardes, in either of the which, it is more easye to false the said thrust, then in the other.
And it is to be considered, when the edgeblow after the falced thrust, is by a slope voided, that he suffer not his arms and sword by reason of the waight or swinge thereof, to be so farr transported beyonde his strength, that the sword light ether on the groūd or that he be forced thereby to discouer all that parte of his bodie which is before. Therefore the best remedie is, as soone as he shal perceiue that he hath deliuered his blowe in vaine, that he suffer his sword to go (not with a full thwarte circle, and so about his head) vntill the poynt be backwardes beneath in such sort, that the circle or compasse direct him to the high warde, in the which he may presently resolue himself and returne either to strike againe, or else defend him selfe on either side, so handlinghis weapon, as shal in that case be most for his aduantage.