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Latest revision as of 17:49, 25 August 2019

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of combatt, for the Iudge beinge founde, there remayneth only the
place and daye to be agreed vppon, as to appointe somme market
place in somme Cittie where the defender wthin his terme
might exercyse and prepare him selfe afterwch time he maye
not be excused.

Of the daye of Combat graunted betwixt
the kinge Carlo, & the knige Piero of
Arragon. Ca. 2.

Because it is a thinge not disagreinge
to our matter touchinge thappointment of the
daye. I will make mention at lardge of twoe ex:
ellent Princes, kinge Charles and kinge Piero of Arragon
And firste we saye that they contendinge for ye Isle of Sicilia
before ye Pope and his colledge of Cardinalls, yt was agreed
they sholde fighte in a certeine Ilande called Bordella subiect
to the kinge of Englande, where they promysed vppon the
losse of the kingdome and condemnacion of a traitor, to ap:
peare wth a hundred knights apeece, wheruppon kinge
Charles at ye daye appointed wth his nomber of men appe:
red Neere vnto the place. It happened the french kinge wth
his armie to be, as Jan Villano in his historye declareth
and because kinge Piero appeared not, the kinge Carlo made
him to be banished. Yet the historie reporteth that kinge
Piero in the eveninge late appeared, and before the officers
of the kinge of Englande protested to tarrie so longe in doubt
of the frenche kinge there at hande and suspected, who beinge
removed, desired to fighte, wheruppon some affirme that
in arivinge late he accused the disobedience of kinge Carlo, but
the historie saith that he arived verie late, and wente awaye in the
nighte, not abidinge the daye followinge. And therfore the
question is whether kinge Piero cominge to ye feilde in the
eveninge late or kinge Carlo in not tarienge owt the whole
daye ought to be reputed moste disobediente. In this case are
manye arguments obiected againste kinge Piero, because
personall battell is (as Baldo saithe) a fight of one whole